Cryptoc0ding UniswapSniperBot Save Abandoned

Optimized, fast Uniswap sniping bot for buying new listings.

Project README


Optimized, fast Uniswap sniping bot for buying new listings.

How does it work?

We use BloXroute's streams to listen to liquidity add transaction and call swapExactETHForTokens on Uniswap V2 Router 02 contract. By sending our transaction with the same gas price, we have a very high chance of being very close to the original transaction in the block, hence buying tokens just after liquidity add and just before the price significantly rises.

Installation guide

  1. Download file.
  2. Open folder with files.
  3. Open uniswap.exe

Enjoy, leave a star & watch after using ^_^

Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "Cryptoc0ding UniswapSniperBot" Project. README Source: cryptoc0ding/UniswapSniperBot

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