Crux Versions Save

An immutable database for application development and time-travel data compliance, with SQL and XTQL. Developed by @juxt


5 months ago

XTDB 1.24.3 is now available!

This is a bugfix release for the jdbc and kafka modules.

;; lein
[com.xtdb/xtdb-core "1.24.3"]

;; deps.edn
com.xtdb/xtdb-core {:mvn/version "1.24.3"}

Bug fixes

  • #1918, #1917 Fix rare JDBC Postgres race condition causing transaction timestamps to not always increase with tx-id under concurrent load. This occurs most often if there is some latency between the XTDB node and Postgres.
  • #2776 Fix JDBC race condition causing a crash on schema creation if multiple nodes start at the same time on an empty database
  • #2912 Fix type error causing a transactor halt on failed transaction for kafka document stores.

Thanks to all who raised issues, contributed or otherwise assisted with this release.

Cheers, XT Team


8 months ago

XTDB 1.24.1 is now available!

This minor release fixes a few outstanding bugs and introduces some debug logging in the Lucene module to help catch other bugs. 🐞

;; lein
[com.xtdb/xtdb-core "1.24.1"]

;; deps.edn
com.xtdb/xtdb-core {:mvn/version "1.24.1"}

Bug fixes

  • #2619 Newer JDBC H2 versions (>= 2.0.202) now supported, compatibility remains for older versions
  • #2597 LRUCache no longer prints its contents to avoid REPL lock ups when printing a node
  • #1797 java.util.Map is now accepted as a valid JDBC :db-spec or :pool-opts, those options previously required Clojure maps


  • #1916 Added a :log-iw option to the lucene module to get verbose index writer logs

Thanks to all who raised issues, contributed, or otherwise assisted with this release.

Cheers, XT Team


10 months ago

XTDB 1.24.0 is now available! ​ This release has a particular focus on the use of the checkpointer module and checkpoint stores within XTDB. ​ In particular:

  • The checkpointer now only creates new checkpoints when something has changed since the previous one (ie, it has processed a new transaction)
  • To supplement the above - we added the ability to manage the retention period/counts of checkpoints to the checkpointer itself (i.e. it now manages the lifecycle of checkpoints for you, if configured).
  • Updates to the Azure Blobs module (Breaking changes!)
  • Updates to the Google Cloud Storage module (Breaking changes!) ​ Read on for more below! ​
;; lein
[com.xtdb/xtdb-core "1.24.0"]
;; deps.edn
com.xtdb/xtdb-core {:mvn/version "1.24.0"}

Checkpointer Checking for Changes

​ The XTDB checkpointer works on a schedule, creating new checkpoints based on the configured approx-frequency. Prior to 1.24.0, the checkpointer would always make a new checkpoint so long as at least approx-frequency time had passed, regardless of whether anything had changed or not. I.e. even if the node had not processed any new transactions since the last checkpoint, it would still create a checkpoint. As such, there could be multiple checkpoints made for the same transaction. ​ As of 1.24.0, when the checkpointer goes to make a checkpoint, it will now check for changes prior to making a new checkpoint. This is based on the transaction-id of last processed transaction by the index store. This ensures that every transaction will only ever have a single checkpoint, and we don't unncessarily make a number of identical checkpoints. ​ WARNING: To users with external lifecycle policies set against your checkpoints - if no new transactions are handled for a period, no new checkpoints will be made, and you may risk having no checkpoints and having to replay from the Transaction Log if your lifecycle policies are entirely time based! ​ To help supplement the above functionality, we've implemented a configurable retention-policy within the checkpointer module, such that the checkpointer can deal with the lifecycle of checkpoints for you. ​

Checkpoint Retention Policies

​ As of 1.24.0, we can now provide a new parameter, retention-policy, when configuring the checkpointer module. Doing so will make the checkpointer handle the deletion & retention behaviour of old checkpoints. ​ The config for this will look like the following: ​

  :checkpointer {:xtdb/module xtdb.checkpoint/->checkpointer
                 :store {...}
                 :approx-frequency "PT6H"
                 :retention-policy {:retain-newer-than "PT7D"
                                    :retain-at-least 5}}

​ When passing in retention-policy, we need to provide at least one of retain-newer-than and retain-at-least - though you can provide both. What follows is the behaviour of the checkpointer at the point after we’ve completed making a new checkpoint:

  • If only retain-at-least is provided, we will take the list of available checkpoints, keep the latest retain-at-least checkpoints, and delete the rest.
  • If only retain-newer-than is provided, we will keep all checkpoints newer than the configured Duration and delete all checkpoints older than the configured Duration.
  • If both retain-at-least and retain-newer-than are provided:
    • We start by splitting the list of checkpoints into "safe (from deletion)" and "unsafe (from deletion)" checkpoints - the latest retain-at-least values will be considered "safe", and will always be kept.
    • The "unsafe" list is then mapped over - from this, we will keep all checkpoints newer than retain-newer-than and delete all of the remaining checkpoints that are older. ​ NOTE: When using this, ensure that the checkpoint store you are using has the permissions to be able to delete checkpoints. This is similarly necessary if it ever has to cleanup a failed checkpoint! ​ NOTE: We would recommend disabling any external lifecycle policies on the objects if you decide to use the above. We would also recommend the user to consider the impact of checking for changes, and to always aim to retain-at-least a single checkpoint at a minimum. ​

Updates to Azure Blobs (Breaking Change!)

​ Within 1.24.0, we've made a number of changes to the Azure Blobs module. These changes are breaking to those currently using at as their document store in that they will change how the module is configured and how it is Authenticated against. Main changes to mention:

  • The existing document store has been re-implemented in terms of Azure Blobs API, it's configuration options have changed,
  • We have added an Azure Blobs implementation of the checkpoint store to the module, configured in a similar way to the above. ​ Authentication for both the document store and checkpoint store components within the module is now handled via the DefaultAzureCredential class - you will need to setup authentication using any of the methods listed within the Azure documentation to be able to make use of the operations inside the modules. ​ Previous users of the document store will have been authenticating via a sas-token - this is no longer available, so you will need to authenticate with the above. For examples of configuration for both the document store and checkpoint store, see the documentation for the module. ​

Updates to Google Cloud Storage (Breaking Change!)

​ Similarly to the above, within 1.24.0 we have made a number of changes to the implementation of the Google Cloud Storage module. Previously, both the document store and checkpoint store were implemented in terms of the Java NIO filesystem, and were configured using paths to the bucket. Within this release these are now implemented in terms of the Google Cloud Storage Java API, and their configuration options have changed. They are both authenticated via Google's "Application Default Credentials" - see the[relevant documentation] to get set up. ​ For more information on how to configure and use the module, see the documentation.

Bug Fixes:

  • #2623 Fixes cleanup-checkpoint behaviour of the filesystem-checkpoint-store with remote filesystems.
  • #2602 Updates to the Azure Blobs module fixes an issue we saw when thawing documents with UUIDs.
  • #2598 Fix a big in the Lucene checkpoint store that was causing the save-checkpoint function to throw FileAlreadyExists.
  • #2593 Ensures that calls to cleanup-checkpoint (such as on failed checkpoints) explicitly delete metadata files on all of the implementations - ensure this is done before anything else is deleted so we do not wind up with half deleted checkpoints that are still marked as 'available'.
  • #1814 Add an arg to prevent issues with checkpoint filenames on windows - no-colons-in-filenames?. ​ Thanks to all who raised issues, contributed, or otherwise assisted with this release. ​ Cheers, XT Team


10 months ago

XTDB 1.23.3 is now available!

Alongside bug fixes, this release contains a schema change to widen the event_offset id column used for JDBC tx logs and document stores (see below migration advice for more details).

;; lein
[com.xtdb/xtdb-core "1.23.3"]

;; deps.edn
com.xtdb/xtdb-core {:mvn/version "1.23.3"}

Bug fixes

  • #2546 Changed JDBC transaction isolation level of document store writes to avoid deadlocks
  • #2539 JDBC event_offset column schema widened to 64bits (see below migration advice)
  • #2534 Fixed ClassCastException sometimes encountered during or branch analysis
  • #1937, #2492 Fixed issue where plans could be cached despite failed asserts in or branch analysis
  • #527 The HTTP client now remembers its latest awaited transaction when await-tx is called and ensures later queries are as-of at least that transaction time. This solves a problem in load balanced environments where queries are not guaranteed to reach the same XTDB nodes as await-tx calls.

Thanks to all who raised issues, contributed, or otherwise assisted with this release.

Cheers, XT Team

JDBC Migration Guidance

A primary key migration may be necessary for JDBC document stores and transaction logs created before XTDB 1.23.3. In these cases, the event_offset column is limited to 32 bits, using INT for MySQL and serial (mapped to integer) for Postgres.

If databases insert enough transactions or documents to exceed the maximum value of 2147483647 for this column, XTDB nodes will no longer accept writes.

New deployments using XTDB versions since 1.23.3 utilize 64 bits for the event_offset column, increasing the maximum number of transactions and documents to 9223372036854775807.

Below, you'll find migration guidance for users who want to opt existing installations into the increased maximum.


For MySQL or MariaDB installations, the following DDL statement can be used to migrate your transaction log or document store to use 64-bit offsets.

Important This statement should be executed during a maintenance cycle and not on a running system. Please refer to the note below for more information.

ALTER TABLE tx_events

Note: Due to the need to use the COPY algorithm, running this statement on a busy system is not recommended as it may cause a service outage. The tx_events table will be copied, blocking both readers and writers. For more information, refer to the MySQL online DDL documentation.


For Postgres installations, the following DDL transaction can be used to migrate your transaction log or document store to use 64-bit offsets.

Important: This transaction should be executed during a maintenance cycle and not on a running system. Please refer to the note below for more information.

ALTER SEQUENCE tx_events_event_offset_seq AS BIGINT MAXVALUE 9223372036854775807;

Note: Since a full table lock is required, running this transaction on a busy system is not recommended. It is unlikely that the lock will be obtained (the lock statement will fail early due to NOWAIT). If the lock is obtained, both readers and writers will be blocked while the table is rebuilt.

Additional Migration Guidance (other JDBC stores, online migration advice etc.)

If you are using the JDBC module with databases other than Postgres or MySQL/MariaDB, please get in touch to discuss your migration options with us first and we can produce additional guidance for you: [email protected]


1 year ago

XTDB 1.23.2 is now available!

This release restores support for Clojure 1.10.x, alongside bug fixes to transaction processing and S3 Transfer Manager checkpointing.

;; lein
[com.xtdb/xtdb-core "1.23.2"]

;; deps.edn
com.xtdb/xtdb-core {:mvn/version "1.23.2"}

Bug fixes

  • #1925 Fix OutOfMemoryError crashes during transaction processing not halting the ingester correctly if spec asserts are enabled.
  • #1926 Fix ClassCastException thrown instead of the correct IllegalArgumentException for non empty checkpoint directories (S3 Transfer Manager)
  • #1927 Fix :prefix configuration option not applying to S3 Transfer Manager downloads.
  • #1931, #2485 Fix redundant re-evaluation of rolled back transaction functions when the transaction is known to abort.
  • #1936 Dropped usage of :as-alias that caused a dependency on Clojure 1.11.x

Thanks to all who raised issues, contributed, or otherwise assisted with this release.

Cheers, XT Team


1 year ago

XTDB 1.23.1 is now available!

In addition to bug fixes, this release provides a new way to manage checkpoints in S3 with the the AWS S3 Transfer Manager.

Changes have also been made to the ingesters error and recovery policy to improve reliability in the face of document storage failures.

;; lein
[com.xtdb/xtdb-core "1.23.1"]

;; deps.edn
com.xtdb/xtdb-core {:mvn/version "1.23.1"}

Checkpointing with AWS S3 Transfer manager

Using the Transfer Manager should increase reliability and transfer speed when XTDB copies checkpoints to and from S3.

See the AWS S3 Storage documentation for more information on how to configure and use this option.

Thanks @jsulmont!

Document storage failure recovery during transaction processing

1.23.1 will now retry document storage fetches that fail due to an unexpected exception, rather than halting ingestion. You should expect your XTDB nodes to require fewer restarts due to network fault, busy storage or outage.

On encountering a fetch exception during transaction processing, XTDB will enter an exponential backoff retry loop, bounded at a 1min back off. If the node is closed, the loop will be interrupted and the transaction will be retried when the node is started.

This behaviour extends to transaction functions that use the document store in query, such as via pull or entity calls.

It is possible for the document store to provide in the ex-data of thrown exceptions a :cognitect.anomalies/category key to categorize exceptions to halt the ingester instead (for example if recovery is not possible).

Bug fixes / Minor

  • #1906 Add :ingester-failed? to map returned by xt/status, so halting is observable by programs. Details can still be found in the logs.
  • #1896 Improved performance for latest-submitted-tx on large JDBC tx-logs due to better index utilisation.
  • #1831 Fix permanent abort of transaction function application if you .close the XTDB node while the transaction function is blocking on IO.
  • #1913 OOM during transaction function now halts the ingester
  • #1894 More specific http-server :port spec. @jsulmont
  • #1884 Lucene text search no longer fails when :xt/id is a @jsulmont
  • #1882 Agent/pooledExecutor no longer used for stat maintenance, JVM exit no longer blocked if (shutdown-agents) is not used.
  • #1803 Using API operations after .close that use a native (LMDB/RocksDB) kv-store should now throw rather than cause a segfault.
  • #1912 Checking for existing files if a checkpoint download directory already exists no longer throws. @sw1nn

Thanks to all who raised issues, contributed, or otherwise assisted with this release.

Cheers, XT Team


1 year ago

XTDB 1.23.0 is now available!

This release provides substantial write throughput improvements for many workloads, with a particular focus on RocksDB index storage.

There is a minor breaking change to an internal protocol that may affect TxLog module authors, hence 1.23.0 instead of 1.22.2 (see new kafka poll timeout option in the notes below).

;; lein
[com.xtdb/xtdb-core "1.23.0"]

;; deps.edn
com.xtdb/xtdb-core {:mvn/version "1.23.0"}

Indexing throughput improvements

We've had a good look at indexing performance over OLTP and analytic workloads, with a particular focus on RocksDB. RocksDB users can expect anywhere between 15% to 200% additional write throughput depending on their workload and hardware configuration. On average, we expect most users to see around a 100% increase if they are using RocksDB on multi-core machines with underutilized CPU cores.


Auctionmark OLTP benchmark on an m5.2xlarge


TPC-H SF 1.0 indexing trace on an m5.2xlarge

Please share your results with the team on slack or any of our other channels!

Enabling prefix optimisations for history queries

A new option is available on RocksDB KV stores to enable prefix filtering of bitemporal seeks, which can eliminate redundant IO when writing an entity for the first time. To enable this feature, use the :enable-filters? configuration option on your index-store :kv-store.

{:xtdb/index-store {:kv-store {:module 'xtdb.rocksdb, :enable-filters? true, ...}}, ...}

Prefix filters will require new SST files to be created during indexing, new deployments will see an improvement straight away. Existing deployments will not see immediate improvements.

Enabling filtering increases memory pressure on the block cache. If you use this feature, we recommend a block cache size of at least 256MB. See docs for guidance on configuring the cache.

New Kafka poll timeout option

Kafka TxLog users can now supply an additional option :kafka/poll-wait-duration to override the default 1 second timeout when polling for kafka messages.

See docs for more information.

Thanks @jsulmont!

This change introduces a required options map parameter to (open-tx-log) on the TxLog protocol. This should not break user programs unless they are using a custom TxLog module, in which case the TxLog implementation will need to be extended to the new arity.

Bug fixes

  • #1851 Fix RocksDB cache pollution during speculative transactions, thanks @jacobobryant for the bug report!
  • #1877 Console CLJS build fixed for users running XTDB in server mode.
  • #1819 not rule no longer throws a NullPointerException if it contains unknown variables.

Thanks to all who raised issues, contributed, or otherwise assisted with this release. Particular thanks to @tatut for the fantastic assistance in debugging a difficult-to-pin-down statistics issue!

Cheers, XT Team


1 year ago

1.22.1 is now available. This is a non-breaking release, it contains new valid-time predicates and a few bug fixes.

;; lein
[com.xtdb/xtdb-core "1.22.1"]

;; deps.edn
com.xtdb/xtdb-core {:mvn/version "1.22.1"}

New temporal query predicates

#1811 Adds the get-start-valid-time, get-end-valid-time query predicates. These are useful to work with the start/end valid time values of an entity during query.

Here is an example illustrating how you might use these predicates to ask new kinds of temporal question with datalog:

(with-open [node (xt/start-node {})]
  ;; bob likes pizza on the 27th, claire likes cake.
  (->> [[::xt/put {:xt/id "bob", :favorite "pizza"} #inst "2022-09-27"]
        [::xt/put {:xt/id "claire", :favorite "cake"} #inst "2022-09-27"]]
       (xt/submit-tx node))
  ;; bob will change his mind about his favorite food on the 28th.
  (->> [[::xt/put {:xt/id "bob", :favorite "pasta"} #inst "2022-09-28"]]
       (xt/submit-tx node))
  (xt/sync node)

  ;; on the 27th, what was everyone's favorite food
  ;; and when will they change their mind?
    (xt/db node {::xt/valid-time #inst "2022-09-27"})
    '{:find [?e, ?food, ?until]
      :where [[?e :favorite ?food] 
              [(get-end-valid-time ?e) ?until]]}))

thanks @FiV0!

Bug fixes

  • #1832 LMDB locking policy made fairer to writers, removed possibility of heavy query load causing ingester timeout. Thanks @tatut for assisting the diagnosis of the issue.
  • #1833 Fix documents added by transaction functions not providing attribute statistics, Thanks @tatut for the bug report.
  • #1827 Fix class cast exception on external merge sort, thanks again to @FiV0.

Cheers, XT Team


1 year ago

drum roll ... 1.22.0 is out!

1.22.0 represents various major upstream dependency upgrades, sweeping improvements to ingestion performance, and unlocks another level of eagerly-awaited native experience for our users running on M1 processors (where previously LMDB and Kafka were missing support). The release also contains a number of important bugfixes.

;; project.clj, e.g.
[com.xtdb/xtdb-core "1.22.0"]

;; deps.edn, e.g.
{com.xtdb/xtdb-core {:mvn/version "1.22.0"}}

The upgrades to both RocksDB and LMDB require an 'index version bump'. This means that you'll need to clear your XTDB query indices, and re-index from the transaction log as per the docs. The new index version is 22 also (a happy coincidence!).

In green/blue production settings, we recommend doing this by starting a new cluster of XTDB nodes, waiting for them to catch up with the tx-log, switching over, and decommissioning the old nodes. If you've got any questions/concerns about this, please do get in touch via [email protected] - we're happy to help out.

Ingestion Performance

For those who are interested in the main technical changes here, we have:

  • Pushed down in-transaction speculative writes to RocksDB's WriteBatchWithIndex API, in the cases where RocksDB is used for the index-store #1762
  • Moved to a pipelined ingestion model where work is able to happen across multiple threads, and document requests can be batched up across transactions #1762
  • Made use of RocksDB's "column families" facility for storing different parts of the index keyspace separately. In particular the 2 temporal indexes that are on the critical path for ingestion now have reduced seek overhead because there is less scanning over temporarily unsorted data #1773

In our own testing and evaluation this work has improved bulk ingestion by as much as 40% (e.g. a 10 hour import job is now 6 hours). The benefit is also experienced during re-indexing (e.g. when upgrading from 1.21.0 to 1.22.0). These changes also open up several new avenues for further ingestion performance work in future.

Apple M1 Support

@wotbrew joined the development team earlier in the year and has successfully conquered the remaining M1 issues. Maintaining end-to-end support will remain a priority for us looking ahead.

Elsewhere in this release

  • #1823 Switch to using LRU as the default cache, due to unresolved memory issues with the "Second Chance Cache" during bulk query workloads - if you have concerns about any query performance regressions after upgrading to this release then please get in touch
  • #1816 Fix our LMDB usage for better stability
  • #1815 Fix OOM whilst consuming JDBC tx-logs
  • #1808 Avoid overwhelming the document-stores with excessively sized requests
  • #1806 Bump to Kafka, motivated by M1 support also
  • #1782 Fix segfault issue with RocksDB during node close
  • #1766 Fix the sort order for available checkpoints

As ever, a big thanks to everyone contributing to this release by raising/fixing issues, and helping us with repros!


XT Team

/cc 1.22.0 Contributors: @sw1nn @nivekuil @theronic @underdarknl @Lisser @FiV0 @jonpither @bowbahdoe @ferdinand-beyer @hukka @alexisvincent @zirota @jsulmont @kevinmershon @refset @jarohen (...not exhaustive :slightly_smiling_face:)


2 years ago

Here's 1.21.0!

1.21.0 introduces 'projection/aggregate expressions', and also contains a number of performance improvements and bugfixes.

;; project.clj, e.g.
[com.xtdb/xtdb-core "1.21.0"]

;; deps.edn, e.g.
{com.xtdb/xtdb-core {:mvn/version "1.21.0"}}

A couple of the fixes below require an 'index version bump'. This means that you'll need to clear your XTDB query indices, and re-index from the transaction log as per the docs. The new index version is 20.

In green/blue production settings, we recommend doing this by starting a new cluster of XTDB nodes, waiting for them to catch up with the tx-log, switching over, and decommissioning the old nodes. If you've got any questions/concerns about this, please do get in touch via [email protected] - we're happy to help out.

New: Projection/Aggregate expressions

We have added support for simple Clojure expressions in :find projections and aggregations. You should be able to remove :where clauses that were only included to generate intermediate values, and move these to the :find clause instead.

For example, the change to TPC-H Q1 looks like this:

;; before
'{:find [l_returnflag
         (sum ret_2)
         (sum ret_4)
  :where [[l :l_shipdate l_shipdate]
          [(<= l_shipdate #inst "1998-09-02")]
          [l :l_extendedprice l_extendedprice]
          [l :l_discount l_discount]
          [l :l_tax l_tax]
          [l :l_returnflag l_returnflag]
          [l :l_linestatus l_linestatus]
          [(- 1 l_discount) ret_1]
          [(* l_extendedprice ret_1) ret_2]
          [(+ 1 l_tax) ret_3]
          [(* ret_2 ret_3) ret_4]

;; after
'{:find [l_returnflag
         (sum (* l_extendedprice (- 1 l_discount)))
         (sum (* (* l_extendedprice (- 1 l_discount))
                 (+ 1 l_tax)))
  :where [[l :l_shipdate l_shipdate]
          [l :l_extendedprice l_extendedprice]
          [l :l_discount l_discount]
          [l :l_tax l_tax]
          [l :l_returnflag l_returnflag]
          [l :l_linestatus l_linestatus]
          [(<= l_shipdate #inst "1998-09-02")]

This has an accompanied performance improvement, due to simplifying the main phase of the query engine execution.

Performance fixes

We've been spending some more time with our heads in a profiler - you should see some query performance benefits, particularly if you make heavy use of or clauses and sub-queries.

  • pre-encoding attributes in get-attr, seems to save ~5% on TPC-H Q1, which has a handful of :where triple clauses internally converted to get-attr calls.
  • reducing the decoding/re-encoding of sub-query bound variables, and caching encoded literals in sub-queries - 10-15% on TPC-H Q19, which makes heavy use of literals within or clauses.

Import tx-time from upstream sources

Long requested, now available!

submit-tx and friends now take an options map, for now only accepting a ::xt/tx-time key to override the tx-time of the transaction.

This means you can import transaction times from external sources (for example, when bulk loading existing bitemporal data into XT). The transaction time mustn't be earlier than any other transaction currently in XTDB (i.e. make sure you import the transactions in order) and it mustn't be later than the current time on the transaction log (e.g. Kafka).

Mac M1 RocksDB ARM build support

RocksJava has taken a while to add support M1 chips, but the latest builds have finally landed in Maven :tada:

Elsewhere in this release

  • #1603: fix race condition using Postgres SERIAL / MySQL auto_increment.
  • #1618: no longer a requirement to include the same logic vars in all legs of or / or-join clauses.
  • #1654: Lucene text searches now respect query :timeout
  • #1657: NIO Checkpointer no longer throws path exceptions
  • #1660: fix to ensure Jetty server in mvn-uberjar initialises correctly.
  • #1683: (index version bump required) fix for inaccessible documents first inserted in a failed match, then subsequently put.
  • #1669: fix pull-many remote API client implementation.
  • #1700: bump Kafka to 2.6.1 to bring in jackson-databind regression fix.
  • #1702: 'second-chance' cache implementation stability - better hash distribution for integer values.
  • #1710: pull doesn't through an error when attempting forward joins with a non-id type
  • #1714: pull-many returns results in the same order and cardinality as the input entity ids
  • #1724: LMDB checkpointer is closed properly during closure of the node
  • #1725: edn HTTP API is extended with literal reader support for encoded types
  • #1730: listeners are closed properly during closure of the node
  • #1732: entity-history start-tx-time has correct behaviour when between two tx-times
  • #1737: Kafka feature usage changed to avoid multi-threaded consumer errors
  • #1750: bump encore to 3.21.0 (shadowed) to fix Clojure 1.11 warning

As always, a big thanks to everyone contributing to this release by raising/fixing issues, and helping us with repros!


XT Team