Credo Language Server Save

LSP implementation for Credo.

Project README

Next LS now has support for Credo, so Credo Language Server will not receive further significant updates.


Discord GitHub Discussions

credo-language-server is an LSP implementation for Credo.


  • Project wide diagnostics
  • Code Actions

Editor Support

  • Neovim: elixir-tools.nvim
  • VSCode: elixir-tools.vscode
  • Emacs

    Using lsp-mode:

    credo-language-server is included with lsp-mode and can be installed by running M-x lsp-install-server credo-language-server.

    You might want to set the lsp-credo-version to the latest release:

    (custom-set-variables '(lsp-credo-version "0.1.3"))

    or by running M-x customize-group lsp-credo and updating the version.

    Visit lsp-mode for detailed installation instructions.

    Using eglot:

    (require 'eglot)
    (add-to-list 'exec-path "path/to/credo-language-server/bin")
    (with-eval-after-load 'eglot
      (add-to-list 'eglot-server-programs
                   `((elixir-ts-mode heex-ts-mode elixir-mode) .
                     ("credo-language-server" "--stdio=true"))))
    (add-hook 'elixir-mode-hook 'eglot-ensure)
    (add-hook 'elixir-ts-mode-hook 'eglot-ensure)
    (add-hook 'heex-ts-mode-hook 'eglot-ensure)

    Eglot only allows one server per mode, but it is possible to configure eglot alternatives to prompt for a specific language server.

    (require 'eglot)
    (setq exec-path
          (append exec-path
     `((elixir-mode elixir-ts-mode heex-ts-mode) .
         `(,(if (and (fboundp 'w32-shell-dos-semantics)
           ("credo-language-server" "--stdio=true")))))
  • Helix

    Here is an example configuration for languages.toml

    name = "elixir"
    scope = "source.elixir"
    injection-regex = "elixir"
    file-types = ["ex", "exs"]
    roots = ["mix.exs"]
    auto-format = false
    diagnostic-severity = "Hint"
    comment-token = "#"
    indent = {tab-width = 2, unit = " "}
    language-servers = ["elixir-ls", "credo"]
    command = "elixir-ls"
    config = { elixirLS.dialyzerEnabled = true }
    command = "/path/to/executable/credo-language-server"
    args = ["--stdio=true", "--port=999"]


The preferred way to use credo-language-server is through one of the supported editor extensions.

If you need to install credo-language-server on it's own, you can download the executable hosted by the GitHub release. The executable is an Elixir script that utilizes Mix.install/2.


Credo Language Server creates an .elixir-tools hidden directory in your project.

This should be added to your project's .gitignore.

Code Actions


Check: all

If there is a check that you'd wish to disable, you can trigger the code action on that line to insert a magic comment to disable that check.


Check: Credo.Check.Readability.ModuleDoc

Inject a @moduledoc false snippet into the module.


Running tests

# setup the test project
$ (cd test/support/project && mix deps.get)

# run the tests
$ mix test

Built with gen_lsp

Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "Credo Language Server" Project. README Source: elixir-tools/credo-language-server
Open Issues
Last Commit
7 months ago

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