Create React App Material Typescript Redux Save

A ready to use boilerplate for starting big react projects

Project README

create-react-app-material-typescript-redux derived from Create React App example with Material-UI, TypeScript, Redux and Routing

Made with our new CLI Tool react-factory for choosing the optional features and configure our individual setup.


Inspired by:



  • Cypress-Tests-Environment
  • Firebase-Integration
  • Github Actions (cypress-test, build-and-deploy to firebase)
  • Snackbars
  • Subfolder Library
  • Service Worker
  • PolyFills (IE11)

How to use

We made a CLI Tool react-factory to include more options.


First install Yeoman and the CLI Tool:

npm install -g yo
npm install -g generator-react-factory

Then generate your new project:

yo react-factory

Enable Prettier [OPTIONAL]

  1. Step: Install the Prettier plugin (e.g. the one of Esben Petersen)
  2. Add the following snippet to your settings in VSCode:
    "editor.formatOnSave": true,
    "editor.codeActionsOnSave": {
       "source.organizeImports": true // optional

Enable project snippets [OPTIONAL]

Just install following extension:

Project Snippet

After that you can start to type fcomp (for function component) and you get a template for a new component.

Project Snippet Project Snippet

The idea behind the example

This example demonstrate how you can use Create React App with TypeScript.


Powered by innFactory

Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "Create React App Material Typescript Redux" Project. README Source: innFactory/create-react-app-material-typescript-redux

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