Container Rhel Examples Save

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Getting started


build rhel7 images

# build many
$ make

# or build one
$ make -C starter

build centos7 images

# build many
$ make TARGET=centos7

# or build one
$ make -C starter TARGET=centos7


run a built rhel7 image

$ make run -C starter

run a built centos7 image

$ make run -C starter TARGET=centos7



lint your Dockerfiles

$ yum -y install nodejs
$ npm install -g dockerfile_lint
$ make lint



# test many images
$ make test

# or test one image
$ make test -C starter


# test many images
$ make test TARGET=centos7

# or test one image
$ make test -C starter TARGET=centos7

OpenShift Test

env setup

# login as an admin user to retrieve the registry address
$ oc login -u system:admin
$ REGISTRY=`oc get svc/docker-registry -n default --template '{{.spec.clusterIP}}:{{index .spec.ports 0 "port"}}'`
# login as a regular user before executing any tests
$ oc login -u developer -p developer

test an image in openshift

$ make openshift-test -C starter OC_USER=`oc whoami` OC_PASS=`oc whoami -t` REGISTRY=${REGISTRY}

# or test a centos7 image
$ make openshift-test -C starter TARGET=centos7 OC_USER=`oc whoami` OC_PASS=`oc whoami -t` REGISTRY=${REGISTRY}
Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "Container Rhel Examples" Project. README Source: RHsyseng/container-rhel-examples

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