Conscript Versions Save

Scala at your command


8 years ago

conscript (cs) is moved to foundweekends, an organization for people who like coding in the weekend.

conscript is a tool for installing and updating Scala apps. All you need is a Github account, a Bintray account, and some time in the weekend to start publishing your apps that can be used by others:

cs foundweekends/giter8


Starting conscript 0.5.0, scripts are created under $CONSCRIPT_HOME/bin instead of $HOME/bin. Please adjust your PATH accordingly.

You can now use the environment variable CONSCRIPT_HOME to control where conscript downloads things (default: $HOME/.conscript). The directory where the scripts will be created can also be controlled via CONSCRIPT_BIN envonment variable. As noted above, the default value is $CONSCRIPT_HOME/bin.

export CONSCRIPT_HOME="$HOME/.conscript"
export CONSCRIPT_OPTS="-XX:MaxPermSize=512M -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8"

#86 by @eed3si9n

other improvements


  • Uses sbt standalone launcher 1.0.0, instead of the sbt specific ones. #76 by @MrOutis


10 years ago

Fix for issue #54 doesn't require new jars on the repo, just a new runnable jar.


10 years ago