Combine Promises Save

Like Promise.all(array) but with an object instead of an array.

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Like Promise.all([]) but for objects.

import combinePromises from 'combine-promises';

const { user, company } = await combinePromises({
  user: fetchUser(),
  company: fetchCompany(),


  • Insensitive to destructuring order
  • Simpler async functional code


  • TypeScript support
  • Lightweight
  • Feature complete
  • Well-tested
  • ESM / CJS

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npm install combine-promises
// OR
yarn add combine-promises

TypeScript support

Good, native and strict TypeScript support:

  • Return type correctly inferred from the input object
  • All object values should be async
  • Only accept objects (reject arrays, null, undefined...)
const result: { user: User; company: Company } = await combinePromises({
  user: fetchUser(),
  company: fetchCompany(),

Insensitive to destructuring order

A common error with Promise.all is to have a typo in the destructuring order.

// Bad: destructuring order reversed
const [company, user] = await Promise.all([fetchUser(), fetchCompany()]);

This becomes more dangerous as size of the promises array grows.

With combinePromises, you are using explicit names instead of array indices, which makes the code more robust and not sensitive to destructuring order:

// Good: we don't care about the order anymore
const { company, user } = await combinePromises({
  user: fetchUser(),
  company: fetchCompany(),

Simpler async functional code

Suppose you have an object representing a friendship like {user1: "userId-1", user2: "userId-2"}, and you want to transform it to {user1: User, user2: User}.

You can easily do that:

import combinePromises from 'combine-promises';
import { mapValues } from 'lodash'; // can be replaced by vanilla ES if you prefer

const friendsIds = { user1: 'userId-1', user2: 'userId-2' };

const friends = await combinePromises(mapValues(friendsIds, fetchUserById));

Without this library: good luck to keep your code simple.


Name inspired by combineReducers from Redux.

Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "Combine Promises" Project. README Source: slorber/combine-promises
Open Issues
Last Commit
9 months ago

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