Cognito S3 Cloudformation Example Save

This example shows how to use S3 with Cognito. The whole stack is created by CloudFormation.

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Cognito S3 Cloudformation example

(For Amplify version, please refer to the amplify branch)

This example shows how to use S3 with cognito. It includes sign up, email verification, login, file upload, download and list S3 folder. Each cognito user can only access their own folder.

The whole stack can be created by CloudFormation. The stack includes Cognito user pool, user pool client, identity pool, IAM role and S3 bucket.


  1. Create Stack
aws cloudformation create-stack \
  --template-body file://stack.yaml \
  --stack-name MyStack \
  --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM \
  --parameters \
    ParameterKey=UserPoolName,ParameterValue=MyUserPool \
    ParameterKey=IdentityPoolName,ParameterValue=MyIdentityPool \
    ParameterKey=UserRoleName,ParameterValue=MyUserRole \
    ParameterKey=UserPolicyName,ParameterValue=MyUserRolePolicy \
  1. Create webpack configuration
cp webpack/sample.js webpack/dev.js
export WEBPACK_CONFIG=./webpack/dev
  1. Modify webpack/dev.js (You can get the values by aws cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name MyStack)


npm run build:dev


Open dist/index.html

Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "Cognito S3 Cloudformation Example" Project. README Source: franzwong/cognito-s3-cloudformation-example

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