Code Quality Game Versions Save

A simple, gamified way to improve code quality using SonarQube.


5 years ago

v.1.0.3 Changes


#17 There was a bug in the previous version that caused badges to be duplicated. This release fixes that problem. Thanks to @systemtrap for the contribution.

Getting this version

You should get automatically this version if you're using Docker (it overrides the 1 tag). Just make sure you pull the images using the docker-compose.yml file. See for more details.


5 years ago

v1.0.1 Changes

Improvement / Bugfix

Now the URL for the Quboo backend service is not implicit so you can visualize the dashboard from other hosts.


5 years ago

v1.0.1 Changes

This version includes some minor changes to improve the user experience while playing Quboo. Check the Quboo Website for the updated documentation and the docker-compose file.


  • Player's tab now displays the count of resolved issues per severity level.
  • Score is now adjusted to the severity of the issue.
  • Data gets now refreshed automatically (user and team rankings).
  • Some minor style improvements (like the quboo logo for the first position).

And a bugfix:

  • You can now un-assign players by selecting the option -NO-TEAM- in the Organizer.