CleanMyWechat Versions Save

自动删除 PC 端微信缓存数据,包括从所有聊天中自动下载的大量文件、视频、图片等数据内容,解放你的空间。


10 months ago

CleanMyWechat 2.1 版本更新:

  1. 优化勾选逻辑,以免误解
  2. 支持从注册表直接读取存储文件路径
  3. 首次使用自动弹出配置窗口
  4. 修复空文件导致的闪退 bug


3 years ago


  1. 自动识别微信账号,支持用户选择自定义路径;
  2. 同时管理多个账号,保留配置参数,打开即用;
  3. 自由设置想要删除的文件类型,包括图片类缓存、文件、图片、视频;
  4. 自由设置需要删除的文件的距离时间,默认 365 天;
  5. 删除后的文件放置在回收站中,检查后自行清空,防止删错需要的文件;
  6. 支持删除进度的显示;


4 years ago
  1. 自动识别各个微信版本的默认存储路径,无需用户输入,且支持用户自定义的路径;
  2. 支持删除进度的显示;
  3. 合并之前发布的针对不同微信版本的工具; 修复了 1.1 的若干问题;


4 years ago

This is the version for Wechat for Windows downloaded from Microsoft Store.

Automatically delete a large number of files, videos, pictures and other data downloaded by wechat on PC

  1. Set the file types you want to delete freely, including picture cache, file, picture and video;
  2. Set the distance time of the files to be deleted freely, 24 months by default;
  3. The deleted files shall be placed in the recycle bin, and shall be emptied after inspection to prevent the necessary files from being deleted wrongly;


4 years ago

Automatically delete a large number of files, videos, pictures and other data downloaded by wechat on PC

  1. Set the file types you want to delete freely, including picture cache, file, picture and video;
  2. Set the distance time of the files to be deleted freely, 24 months by default;
  3. The deleted files shall be placed in the recycle bin, and shall be emptied after inspection to prevent the necessary files from being deleted wrongly;