Chronos Utils Save

Command line utilities for interacting with Airbnb Chronos

Project README


Command line utilities for interacting with Airbnb Chronos. Check out the full reference below for all available commands.

First, a demonstration

This demonstrates creating jobs, deleting a single job, deleting all the jobs, and listing jobs from the command line.

$ ./ jobs --create 3
Created 3 job(s) on local Chronos

$ ./ jobs --list
|       Name       |    Owner     |              Schedule              |
| JOB1386714810695 | [email protected] | R/2013-12-10T22:33:30.695273/PT24H |
| JOB1386714810719 | [email protected] | R/2013-12-10T22:33:30.719465/PT24H |
| JOB1386714810737 | [email protected] | R/2013-12-10T22:33:30.737307/PT24H |

Showing all 3 job(s)

$ ./ jobs --delete JOB1386714810719
Deleted job named 'JOB1386714810719'.

$ ./ jobs --list
|       Name       |    Owner     |              Schedule              |
| JOB1386714810695 | [email protected] | R/2013-12-10T22:33:30.695273/PT24H |
| JOB1386714810737 | [email protected] | R/2013-12-10T22:33:30.737307/PT24H |

Showing all 2 job(s)

$ ./ jobs --deleteall
Are you sure you want to delete ALL jobs? [yes/No] yes
Deleted ALL jobs. The slate is all clean.

$ ./ jobs --list
| Name | Owner | Schedule |

No jobs

Full Reference


Forward commands to other files in the directory. New commands should be added to the command description in this file.

./ -h
usage: chronos [-h] <command>

Supported chronos commands are:
  jobs      Create, destroy, and list jobs
  version   Print the chronos utils version

positional arguments:
  <command>   this is it, the command to execute

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit


Create, destroy, and list jobs

./ jobs -h
usage: chronos-jobs [-h] [--hostname <host:port>] [-v]
                    (--create [<n>] | --createforest [<n>] | --delete <jobname> | --deleteall | --list | --run <jobname> | --runall)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --hostname <host:port>
                        hostname and port of the Chronos instance (default:
  -v                    print verbose output
  --create [<n>]        create <n> sleep jobs (default: 1)
  --createforest [<n>]  create <n> sleep jobs, with random dependencies
                        (default: 1)
  --delete <jobname>    delete job with name <jobname>
  --deleteall           delete all jobs (this is serious business)
  --list                list all jobs
  --run <jobname>       run job with name <jobname>
  --runall              run all jobs (could be a lot of work)
Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "Chronos Utils" Project. README Source: mesosphere/chronos-utils
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10 years ago

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