Chkr1011 CoAPnet Versions Save

CoAPnet is a high performance .NET library for CoAP based communication. It provides a CoAP client and a CoAP server. It also has DTLS support out of the box.


2 years ago

[Core] Improved support for .NET 6.0+ (Passing cancellation tokens etc.). [Client] Both clients are now thread safe. [Client] Fixed an issue in internal buffer management which may lead to payload corruption.


2 years ago

[Core] Fixed null ref exception in TCP transport layer. [Core] Added support for .NET 6.0. [Core] Assemblies are now signed (strong name). [Core] Updated nuget packages.


3 years ago

[Client] Fixed high CPU load issues when closing the client. [DTLS] Improved error handling and exposed received DTLS alerts. [DTLS] Improved support for cancellation token.


3 years ago

[Core] Performance improvements. [Core] Fixed typos in enums etc. [Core] Added support for cancellation tokens.


3 years ago

[Core] Performance improvements. [Client] Improved connection error detection.