Chemprop Versions Save

Message Passing Neural Networks for Molecule Property Prediction


2 weeks ago

This is the final release of chemprop v1. All future development will be done on chemprop v2. The development team is still happy to answer questions about v1, but no new feature requests or PRs for v1 will be accepted. Users who identify bugs in v1 are still encouraged to open issues to report them - they will be tagged as v1-wontfix to signify that we won't be publishing fixes for them in official chemprop releases, but the bugs can still be open to community discussion.

We encourage all users to try migrating their workflows over to chemprop v2 (available now as a release candidate, stable version planned to be released within the next week) and let us know of any issues you encounter. All v1 releases will remain available on PyPI, and the v1 source code will remain available in this GitHub organization.

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog:


1 month ago

This is a release candidate for Chemprop v2.0.0, to be released in April 2024.

The primary objectives of v2.0.0 are making Chemprop more usable from within Python scripts, more modular, easier to maintain and develop, more compute/memory efficient, and usable with PyTorch Lightning. Some features will not be migrated from v1 to v2 (e.g. web, sklearn). Some v1 features will be added in later versions of v2 (v2.1+) (e.g. uncertainty, interpret, atom- and bond-targets); see milestones here. The new version also has substantially faster featurization speeds and much higher unit test coverage, enables training on multiple GPUs, and works on Windows (in addition to Linux and Mac). Finally, the incorporation of a batch normalization layer is expected to result in smoother training and improved predictions. The label as a “release candidate” reflects its availability to be downloaded via PyPI and that only minor changes are expected for the Python API before the final release. We expect most remaining changes before the release of v2.0.0 in April to be focused on additional improvements to the command line interface (CLI), which does not yet have feature parity with v1. We encourage all Chemprop users to try using v2.0.0-rc.1 to see how it can improve their workflows.

The v2 documentation can be found here.

There are tutorial notebooks for v2 in the examples/ directory.

A helpful transition guide from v1 to v2 can be found here. This includes a side-by-side comparison of CLI argument options, a list of which arguments will be implemented in later versions of v2, and a list of changes to default hyperparameters.

You can subscribe to our development status and notes for this version:

Ongoing work for this version is available on the v2/dev branch.

Please let us know of any bugs you find by opening an issue.


1 month ago

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog:


9 months ago

Bug fix

PR #383 unexpectedly broke the atom mapping for reaction mode. The issue is described in Issue #426 and fixed by PR #427.

What's Changed

Full Changelog:


9 months ago

Major New Features

What's Changed

Full Changelog:


1 year ago


Flexible hyperparameter search space

The parameters to be included in hyperparameter optimization can now be selected using the argument --search_parameter_kewords {list-of-keywords}. The parameters supported are: activation, aggregation, aggregation_norm, batch_size, depth, dropout, ffn_hidden_size, ffn_num_layers, final_lr, hidden_size, init_lr, max_lr, warmup_epochs. Some special kewords are also included for groups of keywords or different search behavior: basic, learning_rate, all, linked_hidden_size. PR #299

Missing targets in uncertainty calibration datasets

Added capabilities to the uncertainty calibration and evaluation methods to allow them to handle missing target values in multitask jobs. This capability was already included in the normal training of models, now implemented in uncertainty calibration and evaluation. PR #295 Issue #292

Multitask evaluation for tasks of different magnitudes

When evaluation metrics tend to scale with the magnitude of a task (e.g., rmse), averaging metrics between tasks has been replaced with a geometric mean function. This makes the average metric in multitask regression jobs be less dominated by large magnitude targets. This was previously an issue for hyperparameter optimization and the evaluation of optimal epoch during model training, though the calculation of loss for gradient descent is on scaled targets and was already not scale dependent. PR #290

Empty test set allowed

An empty test split can now be used during training. This was previously possible only using the cv-no-test split method, but now it is available more widely when specifying split sizes, for example with --split_sizes 0.8 0.2 0. PR #284, #260 related Issue #279

Updates to conda environment and docker file

Conda environment building will now prefer to use the pytorch channel over the conda-forge channel. The Dockerfile has been updated to use micromamba, allowing for faster environment solves than conda and removing a potential licensing issue. PR #276

Bug Fixes

Fix MCC loss for multiclass jobs

Corrected a calculation problem in the loss function that was returning infinite loss inappropriately. Also adopted the convention of returning loss of zero when infinite loss is returned, as often happens in very unbalanced datasets. Added appropriate unit testing. PR #309 Issue #306

Correct code error in ence uncertainty evaluation

Corrects an error in the ence uncertainty evaluation method that made that method unusable. Bug was introduced during PR #305. PR #302 Issue #301

Corrected the link to the MoleculeNet benchmark dataset website in the readme, following MoleculeNet migrating to a new site location. PR #296

Multitarget uncertainty calibration mve weighting method

Previously, this method only worked for single task jobs, now has been extended to work for multitask models as well. PR #291

Remove unused file

Version tracking in Chemprop no longer uses the file and it was removed. PR #283

Multiclass argument typo in readme

Corrected a typo where the number of classes used in multiclass regression should have been indicated as --multiclass_num_classes. PR #281

Repair individual ensemble predictions

Refactoring of prediction file during the addition of uncertainty functions disabled the option to return the individual predictions of each member of an ensemble of models. Option is now available again. PR #274


2 years ago


Inconsistent Path For Uncertainty Evaluation

Fixed a bug in uncertainty evaluation where the uncertainty evaluator was using the path name originally used to train a checkpoint. This made the uncertainty evaluator only work in the case that the test data and training data used in initial model training had the same path.


2 years ago


Uncertainty Tools

Tools added for uncertainty quantification, calibration, and evaluation as part of the chemprop predict function. Uncertainty predictions are saved as part of the predictions file. Uncertainty functions and outputs are triggered using the arguments --uncertainty_method {method}.

Uncertainty outputs can be calibrated using an outside dataset (evaluation set from training is often suitable) in order to have better uncertainty estimates on new predictions. Can be activated using --calibration_method {method} and --calibration_path {path-to-csv}. For the regression dataset type, a calibrated output can provide either a standard deviation or one-sided interval bound, as set with the options --regression_calibrator_metric {stdev-or-interval} and --calibration_interval_percentile {int}.

If the data file containing smiles for the test path also contains target values, the uncertainty performance can be evaluated using various metrics, activated with the option --evaluation_methods {list-of-methods}.

Internally, this PR creates several classes for carrying out prediction tasks: UncertaintyEstimator, UncertaintyPredictor, UncertaintyCalibrator, UncertaintyEvaluator. Loss functions have been added that have auxiliary uncertainty outputs, mve and evidential for regression. PR #267 PR #269

Reaction-Solvent Option

Gives the option to train a chemprop model using one reaction and one molecule for each datapoint. Active when used with the option --reaction_solvent. Options for making the solvent mpnn use different parameters than that for the reaction are possible using --bias_solvent, --hidden_size_solvent {int}, and --depth_solvent {int}. PR #246

Multimolecule Fingerprinting

Added some new changes for fingerprint functions with multiple molecules. Models trained with a "shared-mpn" between two molecules can return a MPN fingerprint with only one molecule provided. Also, when multiple molecule models are used for MPN fingerprint generation, the output will indicate which molecule each element belongs to. PR #242 Issue #236

Colab Notebook Examples

Created a Jupyter notebook that runs examples of Chemprop jobs, specifically as the functions can be used in python. Good resource for new users, demonstrations, or tutorials. Linked to Google Colab so that it can be run remotely, not requiring any local install of Chemprop. PR #239 PR #273

Loss Function Options

Previously, loss functions were selected automatically based on the dataset type being used in model training. Now the loss function can be selected with --loss_function {function}. Some new specialty loss functions have been added with this capability.

  • Matthews Correlation Coefficient (mcc) is a loss function for classification and multiclass that considers True Positives, True Negatives, False Positives, False Negatives separately in the loss function, avoiding domination by one class and making it well suited to unbalanced training sets.
  • Bounded Mean Squared Error (bounded_mse) is a regression loss function that allows for training targets expressed as inequalities, e.g. ">5.0". Intended for use with experimental data with delimited ranges.
  • Mean Variance Estimation (mve) and evidential loss are regression loss functions that maximize the likelihood of the target on an estimated uncertainty distribution. When used as loss functions, the outputs of these functions can be used in uncertainty estimation. Appropriate metrics have been added along with these loss functions. PR #238 PR #267

Development Environment

GitHub Addons

Added a file with guidelines for how users can contribute to Chemprop. New templates are now available for issue submission that distinguish between different issue types: bug report, feature request, and questions. New templates also suggested for PRs. Templates stored in the .github directory. PR #241

Unit Testing

Part of an ongoing effort to include a more complete set of automated tests for Chemprop. Unit tests added for data utils, uncertainty-related loss functions, and the uncertainty evaluation metrics. PR #232 PR #267 PR #269

Flake8 Formatting

Ongoing effort to standardize the formatting of incoming code. New PRs now request/require the new code to be flake8 compliant in formatting. The utils module and files significantly associated with the new uncertainty function are flake8 compliant. PR #241 PR #258 PR #267

Update Versioning

Changed the way that version numbers are stored and updated throughout the code. PR #247

Remove Assertion Errors

Removed many of the assertion errors throughout Chemprop and replaced them with more easily interpretable error types and messages. PR #257

Bug Fixes

Hyperopt Version Fix

Changed the way that random seeds are passed into hyperopt during hyperparameter optimization to avoid an error where hyperopt stopped supporting a previously supported way of passing numpy seeds. PR #245 Issue #243 Issue #254 Issue #264


2 years ago


Allow the inclusion of H atoms in message passing

Default model behavior is to treat H atoms implicity with their neighbors. With the previously existing argument --explicit_h, explicit H atoms included in the SMILES string would be considered during message passing. This PR adds a new argument --adding_h, which would make all H atoms treated explicitly during message-passing. PR #225 and #227

Allow splitting by different key molecules in multi-molecule models

The data-splitting methods scaffold_balanced and random_with_repeated_smiles can only consider one molecule per datapoint in adhering to the constraints of which data must share splits with each other. This PR creates an argument --split_key_molecule {int}, which is used to select which molecule in multi-molecule datasets will be used for the splitting determination. PR #230

Select split fractions when separate test data is provided

Previously, the split fractions for training/validation were hardcoded as 80/20 when test data was provided via --separate_test_path. Split fractions can now be specified in this case using --split_sizes as normal. PR #230

Additional output options for make_predictions function

This change affects usage of make_predictions as a python function, rather than in the whole Chemprop workflow. When used as a python function, make_predictions would return the predictions for a set of SMILES, but would skip the invalid SMILES without indicating which ones were skipped. Now this function has two new option arguments: 1) return_invalid_smiles that includes invalid SMILES in the output but with "Invalid SMILES" as the prediction value and 2) return_index_dict that returns predictions of the model in a dictionary keyed to the original data indices. PR #235

New utility functions for identifying invalid SMILES

New functions have been added to chemprop/data/ to allow users to identify datapoints that have invalid SMILES. These functions are get_invalid_smiles_from_file and get_invalid_smiles_from_list. PR #235

Bug Fixes

Simultaneous use of extra atom features and extra bond features

Bug prevented using extra atom features and extra bond features at the same time and has been resolved. PR #215 Issue #213

Fixed install error with newer versions of pip

Newer versions of pip failed to install some some chemprop dependencies properly. These dependencies (flake8, pytest, parameterized) were moved to an installation as part of the conda environment rather than by pip. Also, environment build for testing was changed from conda to mamba for better install speed. PR #215 and #216

Correction in tutorial file

Tutorial file changed to show the proper list of lists format for SMILES. PR #218

Predicting for a multiclass model with an improper SMILES

When making a prediction for an improper SMILES in a multiclass model, an error would be triggered instead of returning a prediction of "Invalid SMILES". This has been corrected for this case and the parallel case of improper SMILES used with --individual_ensemble_predictions. PR #229

Molecule fingerprints generated with extra atom features

Molecule fingerprints could not be predicted when extra atom features were provided as part of the model. This and the parallel issue with extra bond features have been addressed. PR #234 Issue #233


2 years ago


Spectra training

Introduces spectra as a new dataset type available for training, in which each target in a multitarget regression refers to a positive intensity value in one position of a spectrum. Training methods are consistent with Default loss function is spectral information divergence (SID), but Wasserstein loss (earthmover distance) is also supported with --metric wasserstein --alternative_loss_function wasserstein. PR #197

Preloading model in predictions

Refactored the make_predictions into smaller functions for better capability to use chemprop functions as a python library. Refactoring specficially designed to allow for the loading of a model using the function chemprop.train.load_model a single time and then using it for multiple instances of predictions by feeding that model as an argument to chemprop.train.make_predictions. PR #200

Improved hyperparameter optimization

Added several new features to hyperparameter optimization, many related to hyperparameter checkpoints saved in the location specified by --hyperopt_checkpoint_dir <dir_path>. The new functionalities:

  • Restarting failed hyperparameter optimization jobs by selecting the same checkpoint directory.
  • Parallelizing multiple instances of hyperparameter optimization by setting a shared checkpoint directory among instances.
  • Seeding hyperparameter optimizations with previously run jobs by indicating an old checkpoint directory and/or by specifying the save directories of relevant jobs trained with using -manual_trial_dirs <list-of-directories>.
  • Manually set the number of hyperparameter trials that use randomized parameters before directed TPE search begins using --startup_random_iters <int, default=10>. PR #208

Return results from all ensemble models

When making predictions from an ensemble of models, returns the mean prediction but also the individual predictions from the individual models when --individual_ensemble_predictions is specified. PR #190

Latent representations for ensembles and from FFN layers

Allows for the calculation of latent fingerprints from an ensemble of models by concatenating them together. Also allows for the return of either a latent representation from the MPNN output or from the next-to-last FFN layer using the argument --fingerprint_type <MPN or last_FFN>. PR #193

Target imputation for sklearn multitask models

Sklearn multitask training cannot proceed with missing targets among the data, previously would have needed to be run as multiple singletask models. This PR introduces target imputation for missing data to allow multitask sklearn training even when some data is missing with the argument --impute_mode <model/linear/median/mean/frequent> indicating which method to use for imputation. PR #210 Issue #211

Reaction balancing

Adds options in reaction training for how to handle situations where reactants and products are not balanced. The argument --reaction_mode now also has the options reac_diff_balance, prod_diff_balance, and reac_prod_balance (in addition to the current options reac_diff, prod_diff, and reac_prod). Also fixes an error where atomic numbers are incorrect when an atom is present in the products but not in the reactants. PR #212 Issue #204

Bug Fixes

Interactions with git repos

Resolves a problem with TAP (typed-argument-parser) where running Chemprop from inside a different git repo would trigger an error related to the generation of a reproducibility hash. In this situation the reproducibility hash is not generated, but it logs the issue and does not stop Chemprop from running. PR #195

Global features structure

Changes the way that global variables related to model construction and feature vector size are handled. Resolves a problem in pytest where these variables wouldn't reset between runs. PR #206