Certificationy Versions Save

The core library to create tests and certifications


3 years ago


  • #94 : Support of Yaml files with .yaml extension by @mickaelandrieu
  • #95 : Improved the README by @Deeptiranjanpatra
  • #96 : Support of Symfony 5 and upgrade PHP version to 7.2.*

Thanks to all the contributors !


5 years ago


416b57e Symfony 4 support 796630d Updated Composer configuration


6 years ago


e18e9a5 Fixed error in YamlLoader by @20uf 64c363d Improved readme by @20uf

Thank you!


6 years ago


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Certificationy provides a complete system to build multiple choice question system. This is useful for any company that need to test an applicant, or to make a certification website/training tool.

How to use it?

Inside any PHP application

As usual, use composer to install the library:

composer require "certificationy/certificationy"

Then, you need to load questions using a loader: for now only PhpArray and Yaml loaders are provided, but thanks to the Loader interface you can create your owns.

For instance, let's say you have created a Yaml file with some few questions:

# question.yaml
category: basics
        question: '2 + 2 = ?'
            - {value: 4,           correct: true}
            - {value: 3,           correct: false}
            - {value: 2,           correct: false}

Then you can do:

use Certificationy\Loaders\YamlLoader;

$loader = new YamlLoader(['path/to/question.yaml']);
$questions = $loader->load(1, []); // (nbQuestions, fromCategories)
$loader->categories(); // ['basics']

$set = Set::create($questions);

Then, for each question you can set user answers (as answers can be multiple):

 $set->setUserAnswers(0, [4]); // (questionIndex, [values])

At every moment, you can get the correct and wrong answers (non answered questions are wrong).



6 years ago

Certificationy v.2 is here!

Certificationy provides a complete system to build multiple choice question system. This is useful for any company that need to test an applicant, or to make a certification website/training tool.

How to use it?

Inside any PHP application

As usual, use composer to install the library:

composer require "certificationy/certificationy"

Then, you need to load questions using a loader: for now only PhpArray and Yaml loaders are provided, but thanks to the Loader interface you can create your owns.

For instance, let's say you have created a Yaml file with some few questions:

# question.yaml
category: basics
        question: '2 + 2 = ?'
            - {value: 4,           correct: true}
            - {value: 3,           correct: false}
            - {value: 2,           correct: false}

Then you can do:

use Certificationy\Loaders\YamlLoader;

$loader = new YamlLoader(['path/to/question.yaml']);
$questions = $loader->load(1, []); // (nbQuestions, fromCategories)
$loader->categories(); // ['basics']

$set = Set::create($questions);

Then, for each question you can set user answers (as answers can be multiple):

 $set->setUserAnswers(0, [4]); // (questionIndex, [values])

At every moment, you can get the correct and wrong answers (non answered questions are wrong).


CLI tool

A CLI tool is available under the following repository: http://www.github.com/certificationy/certificationy-cli.

Please, help us complete our official packs of questions!

You can submit PR with your own questions into the packs located under the Certificationy organization.

We provide packs for both PHP5 and Symfony certifications.

As of today (03/04/2017), Certificationy CLI uses Certificationy library 1.x branch.

More we will have questions, the more powerful will be this tool!


7 years ago


0f81d5f8601e2f77c365c9f403126f85bdf82e71 Added Help question by @20uf e8bd8f68f148f3fb79ee4c6df30107779614491d Updated CONTRIBUTING.md by @mickaelandrieu b5723252801d78a264c4dda6d11ca391d7b43d87 Removed notion of web platform by @20uf 0e653bb4cf4367cee36b8a85cad432b1261943f2 Improved random selection by @Cronos87


7 years ago


  • Support of PHPUnit 5 for PHP7 (24d02c2bd24eec6b3c187adf1fbfc637c4fcfb7a), thank you @xabbuh
  • Fixed questions count in Loader class (51fec2de3bd3d7f5f5795a61f1dad8cccf6cb18f), thank you @mazhuravlev


8 years ago


8e7708e55a07a4b03c : Added support of Symfony3 and PHP 7.0


9 years ago