Cekta Di Versions Save

psr/container implementation for humans


7 months ago
  1. update psr/container ^2.0
  2. compile customization


11 months ago
composer require cekta/di
  1. support uncompiled container for develop usage (slow, but work without "compilation")
  2. support compiled container for production (fast, but required "compilation")
  3. one configuration for both (compiled and uncompiled) with ContainerBuilder
  4. support parameters like string, int, double, ...
  5. custom function to create dependency (Definition)
  6. autowiring argument support:
    1. class
    2. interface
    3. abstract class
    4. without types
    5. build in types like string, int, double, ...
    6. PHP 8.0: Union Types
    7. PHP 8.1: Intersection Types
    8. PHP 8.2: DNF Types
    9. PHP 5.6: Variadic
    10. overwrite argument


4 years ago

fixed AutowiringSimpleCache with long id


4 years ago
  • Removed loader Service
  • Removed KeyValue::closureToService
  • Service replaced Closure


4 years ago