Bun Versions Save

Bun is a simple to use C++ Object Database, Object Relational Mapper (ORM) and key-value library


5 years ago

Following new changes were added:

  1. Convert an object with Vectors into JSON and Messagepack.
  2. Convert a messagepack and JSON into an object. NOTE: This release do not persist vectors into DB yet.


5 years ago
  1. Objects can be converted to messagepack
  2. Objects can be converted into messagepack
  3. Added some examples


5 years ago

Apart from the features of the v1.3.0-alpha it has the examples changed and also few warnings removed from kv.hpp


5 years ago

This brings new features to Bun.

  • Adding iteration for the ORM. This supports lazy loading. So the data is loaded in pages to the ORM. Range-based for loop is supported and preferred.
  • Support for range-based for loop is added for the key-value store too.


5 years ago

Fixes were done for Mac and Linux platforms.


5 years ago

v1.2.0-alpha - Adding the key value store. The default key value store is Unqlite.


6 years ago
  • Adding unique constraint.
  • This is going to be a DSL


6 years ago
  • Embedded object support
struct Child {
	int cf1;
	Child(const int cf = -1) : cf1(cf) {}
	Child& operator=(const int i) {
		cf1 = i;
		return *this;

struct Parent {
	int f1;
	std::string f2;
	Child f3;
	Parent() :f1(-1), f2("-1"), f3(-1) {}

SPECIALIZE_BUN_HELPER((Parent, f1, f2, f3));
  • Many performance optimizations


6 years ago

Fixed bugs that prevented the library use with postgres. Added postgres example.


6 years ago

Following are some things that are implemented:

  1. SOCI Integration - This enables the use of many database backends
  2. Using Boost Fusion - Using Boost Fusion makes the code very clean, debuggable and more adaptive.
  3. Adding transactions