Britzl Platypus Versions Save

Defold platformer engine


3 months ago

FIX: Ignore high delta-times (for instance when moving the window and the engine doesn't get any updates). Thanks @paweljarosz!


2 years ago

NEW: Added instance.set_collisions(collisions). Thanks @jeangit !


3 years ago

FIX: Tweaked the ground collision check somewhat to work better with the diagonal raycasts


3 years ago

FIX: Improved jumps through one-way platforms. No more snapping to the ground when passing through! FIX: Avoid incorrect detection of ground contact when jumping next to a wall and passing above the edge of the wall.


3 years ago

FIX: Better handling of collisions with edges and moving platforms


3 years ago

FIX: Wall slide gravity was not cleared when wall slide was aborted (#22) FIX: Collision detection up and up-left/right was not always detected and handled properly (#23)


3 years ago

FIX: Clearing parent when jumping CHANGE: Improved slope handling. Movement is now set horizontally and vertically based on slope incline and if going up or down slope FIX: Reset vertical velocity when landing and no longer incrementing vertical velocity by gravity while having ground contact


3 years ago

NEW: Added config option reparent (defaults to true) which can be used to disable reparenting when having ground contact.


3 years ago

BREAKING CHANGE: Platypus now only supports raycast collision detection and resolution. You need to make sure to set up your collision table appropriately.


4 years ago

FIX: Don't stop a jump through a one way platform when coming out of the platform