Bredele Datastore Versions Save

:hamster: Bloat free and flexible interface for data store and database access.


10 years ago

Store allows now update on data:

  nickname: 'olivier',
  lastname: 'wietrich'

and provides path middleware.


10 years ago

Store now support local storage fallback

store.local('mystore'); //reset with localstorage
store.local('mystore', true); //save in localstorage

and can be extended through its middleware engine.

store.use(function(obj) { = function(){
    //save in server


10 years ago

This version of store allows to work on objects (model) or arrays (collection). It provides basic features such as get, set, del or reset. Store is an emitter and emit change or delete events for each of these features.

In the future, Store could be synchronized with localstore or remote database (may be through a middleware engine).