BRDFGenerator Versions Save

BRDF LUT generation for PBR Pipelines


6 years ago

Simple program that generates BRDF lookup tables for the split sum approximation of UE4-based PBR. Usage: BRDFGenerator -f [filename] -s [size] -n [samples] -b [bits]


  • -f [filename] The location and filename of the output image. Must have an extension of ktx or dds.
  • -s [size] The size of the image in pixels per side. i.e. 512 will generate a 512x512 image.
  • -n [samples] The number of BRDF samples per pixel.
  • -b [bits] The number of floating point bits used to store the data. Can be either 16 or 32.

More Reading:!PBR/IBL/Specular-IBL