Boring Registry Save

Terraform Provider and Module Registry

Project README


Boring-registry is an open source module and provider registry compatible with Terraform and OpenTofu.

Table of Contents


With boring-registry, you can upload and distribute your own modules and providers, as an alternative to publishing them on HashiCorp's public Terraform Registry.

Support for the Module Registry Protocol, Provider Registry Protocol, and Provider Network Mirror Protocol allows it to work natively with Terraform and OpenTofu.


  • Module Registry
  • Provider Registry
  • Network mirror for providers
  • Pull-through mirror for providers
  • Support for S3, GCS, Azure Blob Storage, and MinIO object storage



helm upgrade --install --wait --namespace default boring-registry oci://

Docker Image

Images are published to for every tagged release of the project.


Run make to build the project and install the boring-registry executable into $GOPATH/bin. Then start the server with $GOPATH/bin/boring-registry, or if $GOPATH/bin is already on your $PATH, you can simply run boring-registry.


The boring-registry does not rely on a configuration file. Instead, everything can be configured using flags or environment variables.

Important Note:

  • Flags have higher priority than environment variables
  • All environment variables are prefixed with BORING_REGISTRY_

Example: To enable debug logging you can either pass the flag: --debug or set the environment variable: BORING_REGISTRY_DEBUG=true.

Storage backend

To run the server you need to specify which storage backend to use:

Minimal configuration using the S3 storage backend:

$ boring-registry server \

Make sure the server has AWS credentials set (e.g. AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY).

Minimal example using the GCS storage backend:

$ boring-registry server \

Make sure the server has GCP credentials set (e.g. GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT).

Minimal example using the S3 storage backend with MinIO:

$ boring-registry server \
  --storage-s3-bucket=terraform-registry-test \
  --storage-s3-region=eu-east-1 \
  --storage-s3-pathstyle=true \

Minimal example using the Azure storage backend:

$ boring-registry server \
  --storage-azure-account=registry \

Make sure the server has Azure credentials set. The Azure backend supports the following authentication methods:

  • Environment Variables
    • Service principal with client secret (AZURE_TENANT_ID, AZURE_CLIENT_ID, AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET)
  • Managed Identity
  • Azure CLI

Make sure the used identity has the role Storage Blob Data Contributor on the Storage Account.

The storage backend has to be specified for the upload command as well. Check the module upload section below.


The boring-registry can be configured with a set of API keys to match for by using the --auth-static-token="very-secure-token" flag or by providing it as an environment variable BORING_REGISTRY_AUTH_STATIC_TOKEN="very-secure-token".

Multiple API keys can be configured by passing comma-separated tokens to the --auth-static-token="first-token,second-token" flag or environment variable BORING_REGISTRY_AUTH_STATIC_TOKEN="first-token,second-token".

The token can be passed to Terraform inside the ~/.terraformrc configuration file:

credentials "" {
  token = "very-secure-token"

Internal Storage Layout

The boring-registry is using the following storage layout inside the storage backend:

├── modules
│   └── <namespace>
│       └── <name>
│           └── <provider>
│               ├── <namespace>-<name>-<provider>-<version>.tar.gz
│               └── <namespace>-<name>-<provider>-<version>.tar.gz
├── providers
│   └── <namespace>
│       ├── signing-keys.json
│       └── <name>
│           ├── terraform-provider-<name>_<version>_SHA256SUMS
│           ├── terraform-provider-<name>_<version>_SHA256SUMS.sig
│           └── terraform-provider-<name>_<version>_<os>_<arch>.zip
└── mirror
    └── providers
        └── <hostname>
            └── <namespace>
                ├── signing-keys.json
                └── <name>
                    ├── terraform-provider-<name>_<version>_SHA256SUMS
                    ├── terraform-provider-<name>_<version>_SHA256SUMS.sig
                    └── terraform-provider-<name>_<version>_<os>_<arch>.zip

The <bucket_prefix> is an optional prefix under which the boring-registry storage is organized and can be set with the --storage-s3-prefix or --storage-gcs-prefix flags.

An example without any placeholders could be the following:

├── modules
│   └── acme
│       └── tls-private-key
│           └── aws
│               ├── acme-tls-private-key-aws-0.1.0.tar.gz
│               └── acme-tls-private-key-aws-0.2.0.tar.gz
├── providers
│   └── acme
│       ├── signing-keys.json
│       └── dummy
│           ├── terraform-provider-dummy_0.1.0_SHA256SUMS
│           ├── terraform-provider-dummy_0.1.0_SHA256SUMS.sig
│           ├──
│           └──
└── mirror
    └── providers
            └── acme
                ├── signing-keys.json
                └── random
                    ├── terraform-provider-random_0.1.0_SHA256SUMS
                    ├── terraform-provider-random_0.1.0_SHA256SUMS.sig

Publishing Modules

Example Terraform configuration using a module referenced from the registry:

module "tls-private-key" {
  source = ""
  version = "~> 0.1"

Uploading modules using the CLI

Modules can be published to the registry with the upload command. The command expects a directory as argument, which is then walked recursively in search of boring-registry.hcl files.

The boring-registry.hcl file should be placed in the root directory of the module and should contain a metadata block like the following:

metadata {
  namespace = "acme"
  name      = "tls-private-key"
  provider  = "aws"
  version   = "0.1.0"

When running the upload command, the module is then packaged up and published to the registry.

Recursive vs. non-recursive upload

Walking the directory recursively is the default behavior of the upload command. This way all modules underneath the current directory will be checked for boring-registry.hcl files and modules will be packaged and uploaded if they not already exist However, this can be unwanted in certain situations e.g. if a .terraform directory is present containing other modules that have a configuration file. The --recursive=false flag will omit this behavior.

Fail early if module version already exists

By default the upload command will silently ignore already uploaded versions of a module and return exit code 0. For tagging mono-repositories this can become a problem as it is not clear if the module version is new or already uploaded. The --ignore-existing=false parameter will force the upload command to return exit code 1 in such a case. In combination with --recursive=false the exit code can be used to tag the Git repository only if a new version was uploaded.

for i in $(ls -d */); do
  printf "Operating on module \"${i%%/}\"\n"
  # upload the given directory
  ./boring-registry upload --type gcs -gcs-bucket=my-boring-registry-upload-bucket --recursive=false --ignore-existing=false ${i%%/}
  # tag the repo with a tag composed out of the boring-registry.hcl if not already exist
  if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
    # git tag the repository with the version from boring-registry.hcl
    # hint: use mattolenik/hclq to parse the hcl file

Module version constraints

The --version-constraints-semver flag lets you specify a range of acceptable semver versions for modules. It expects a specially formatted string containing one or more conditions, which are separated by commas. The syntax is similar to the Terraform Version Constraint Syntax.

In order to exclude all SemVer pre-releases, you can e.g. use --version-constraints-semver=">=v0", which will instruct the boring-registry cli to only upload non-pre-releases to the registry. This would for example be useful to restrict CI to only publish releases from the main branch.

The --version-constraints-regex flag lets you specify a regex that module versions have to match. In order to only match pre-releases, you can e.g. use --version-constraints-regex="^[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+-|\d*[a-zA-Z-][0-9a-zA-Z-]*$". This would for example be useful to prevent publishing releases from non-main branches, while allowing pre-releases to test out pull requests for example.

Publishing Providers

For general information on how to build and publish providers for Terraform see the official documentation.

GPG Public Keys

The boring-registry expects a file named signing-keys.json to be placed under the <namespace> level in the storage backend. More information about the purpose of this file can be found in the Provider Registry Protocol.

The file should have the following format:

  "gpg_public_keys": [
      "key_id": "51852D87348FFC4C",
      "ascii_armor": "-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----\nVersion: GnuPG v1\n..."

Multiple public keys are supported by extending the gpg_public_keys array.

The v0.10.0 and previous releases of the boring-registry only supported a single signing key in the following format:

  "key_id": "51852D87348FFC4C",
  "ascii_armor": "-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----\nVersion: GnuPG v1\n..."

Publishing providers with the CLI

  1. Manually prepare the provider release artifacts according to the documentation from hashicorp
  2. Publish the artifacts with the following (minimal) command:
    boring-registry upload provider \
    --storage-s3-bucket <bucket_name> \
    --namespace <namespace> \
    --filename-sha256sums /absolute/path/to/terraform-provider-<name>_<version>_SHA256SUMS

Referencing providers in Terraform

Example Terraform configuration using a provider referenced from the registry:

terraform {
  required_providers {
    dummy = {
      source  = ""
      version = "0.1.0"

Provider Network Mirror

[!NOTE] The Provider Network Mirror feature is available starting from v0.12.0. The Network Mirror is enabled by default, but can be disabled with --network-mirror=false.

The boring-registry implements the Provider Network Mirror Protocol to provide an alternative installation source for providers.

Check the Terraform CLI documentation to learn how to configure Terraform to use the provider network mirror. In the following is an example for a .terraformrc:

provider_installation {
  network_mirror {
    url = ""

To populate the mirror, the provider release artifacts need to be uploaded to the storage backend. Refer to the Internal Storage Layout section for an overview of the required structure. The terraform providers mirror command is a good starting point for collecting the necessary files.

Pull-through mirror

As part of the Provider Network Mirror, a pull-through mirror can optionally be activated with --network-mirror-pull-through=true.

The pull-through functionality makes it possible that the providers do not have to be uploaded upfront to the storage backend. Instead, boring-registry serves the providers of the origin registry and mirrors them automatically to the storage backend on the first download. On the subsequent download request, boring-registry serves the providers directly from the storage backend. This can significantly speed up the terraform init phase and in some cases save additional traffic costs.

Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "Boring Registry" Project. README Source: boring-registry/boring-registry
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