Bluescarni Piranha Versions Save

The Piranha computer algebra system.


6 years ago

An emergency bug-fix release to deal with a compilation error with GCC 8.1, seemingly caused by a compiler bug. This release is based on 0.10 and it does not contain any of the new code being worked on in the master branch.


7 years ago

Release of version 0.10.


7 years ago

Release of version 0.8.

This release is an incremental release over 0.7. It includes no new features and a few bugfixes, involving mostly the Windows and OSX platforms. @isuruf did a great job with the implementation of the OSX CI support and including piranha/pyranha in conda-forge.

This release also reduces the dependency on compiled Boost libraries, by switching to the header-only variant of the unit-test library and dropping the dependency on the Boost timers.


7 years ago

Release of version 0.7.

This new version concerns mostly pyranha. In addition to important bugfixes for Windows, two breaking changes are introduced:

  • the square brackets [] are now used in the type generator template syntax,
  • the type short has been replaced by int16.

In particular, the first bit means that code such as

>>> from pyranha.types import polynomial, rational, monomial, int16
>>> pt = polynomial(rational,monomial(int16))()

needs to be rewritten as

>>> from pyranha.types import polynomial, rational, monomial, int16
>>> pt = polynomial[rational,monomial[int16]]()

The intent is to have a better visual distinction between type generators and type generator templates, and in some sense to mimic more closely the corresponding C++ syntax (i.e., polynomial<rational,monomial<std::int16_t>>).


7 years ago

This release introduces a new serialization API which is incompatible with earlier versions of piranha.

Data saved with earlier piranha versions can be ported to the new API as follows:

pt = polynomial(rational,monomial(rational))()
foo = pt.load('myfile.bz2',pyranha.file_compression.bzip2)

This will save the foo polynomial, loaded via the old API, to the file newfile.mpackp.bz2 using the compressed msgpack portable format.


7 years ago

This release fixes compilation with AppleClang on certain setups.


7 years ago

A small bugfix release. Most notably, trying to build from a source tarball (rather than from a git checkout) should now work :)


7 years ago

This release contains a critical fix for upcoming GMP versions.


8 years ago

This is the initial alpha release of the Piranha computer algebra system.