Binaryprefs Versions Save

Rapidly fast and lightweight re-implementation of SharedPreferences which stores each preference in files separately, performs disk operations via NIO with memory mapped byte buffers and works IPC (between processes). Written from scratch.


6 years ago
  1. Changed base64 file name algorithm to custom file-safe name encoding with only lower cased chars and numbers table (a-z-0-9). Sorry guys if you use XorKeyEncryptionImpl implementation as file name encryption just rename your preferences directory after updating up to 1.0.0-beta2.

  2. Improved performance for cache initialization (especially for Set<String> and getAll method).

  3. Few cosmetic changes and some javadoc updates for several api.


6 years ago
  1. Added fetch strategies as public api. Now you can choose what kind of initialization to perform. This allows you to define what of two initial fetching variants to use: MemoryCacheMode.EAGER - fills in-memory cache immediately, sometimes it take a long time MemoryCacheMode.LAZY - fills in-memory cache on demand, initial fetching is only store meta

  2. Added byte array serializer as public api. Now you can store your binary data right in storage fast and securly as possible.

  3. getAll method now deprecated. Please, use keys mehtod for getting all preferences keys because getAll always creates overhead for in-mem utilization.

  4. Implemented twice or more transaction running check. Now if you trying to call apply or commit twice or more for one instance of PreferencesEditor - TransactionInvalidatedException will be thrown.

  5. Internal api changes (global locks refactoring, structural changes, reduced references creation for transactions).

  6. Final small bug fixes.