BeWelcome Rox Save

:earth_africa: BeWelcome lets you share a place to stay, connect with travellers, meet up and find accommodation on your journey. It is and will always be a free, open source, non for profit, democratic community.

Project README

Rox the software running :earth_asia:

GitHub CI

A community-driven hospitality exchange network

Image of BeWelcome Startpage

Why this is incredible :heart_eyes:

  • :sleeping_bed: Member profiles with focus on finding a place to stay
  • :mag_right: Search members by map, location, username
  • :two_men_holding_hands: Comment system to increase trust between each other
  • :pencil: Forum and groups for discussions
  • :rowboat::bicyclist: Activities, galleries to show who you are
  • :wrench: Volunteer tools (safety, moderation, spam, rights member welcome tools and more)
  • :rainbow: On page translation for 305 languages
  • :raising_hand::muscle: BeWelcome is people and volunteers Learn more

Join the team :girl::boy::woman::man:

You like the idea? Development is only one way to contribute! Find out how to get active, including as designer, tester, translator, moderator, helping others and much more! :heart_eyes:

Get your Rox development enviroment :computer:

  1. :balloon: Set up you local development enviroment and fork the repository on Github.
  2. :mag: Pick a good starter issue
  3. :sparkles: Create a pull request and @mention the people from the issue to review
  4. :sun_with_face: Fix the remaining things during review
  5. :tada: Wait for it being merged!

You probably want to get started by checking out the code in src/.

build/ is deprecated and the code needs to be rewritten in src/.

To make changes in Javascript bear in mind that the Webpack needs to process each change before it reflects on the site. It is a good idea to run yarn encore dev --watch which will keep updating files as you keep saving them.


Documentation is in the doc tree and can be compiled using mkdocs:

$ mkdocs build

The result can then be accessed via doc/html/ in your cloned repository.


If you see an updated composer.json or composer.lock make sure to run

composer install --prefer-dist --no-progress --no-interaction --no-scripts

Also run

yarn install --frozen-lock

everytime you see a change in either package.json or yarn.lock.

If any .scss file or a file in assets/ changed a make build is necessary.

Coding standards

To ensure coding standards are followed run make everytime before you commit. Fixing coding standard issues can be achieved with

make phpcsfix

twice in a row.

Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "BeWelcome Rox" Project. README Source: BeWelcome/rox

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