Bettertext.css Save

Improved default typography for naked HTML or Markdown-generated content.

Project README


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Improved typography styles for naked HTML (without any classnames) and Markdown-generated content. Demo page


npm install bettertext.css --save-dev

bower install bettertext.css --save

or use compiled version from CDN


Usage in HTML

Insert bettertext.css after normalize.css and after your @font-face declaration.

Or include bettertext.less into your project styles.

Default values

Component has global mixin with settings named .bettertext-settings(); and global variable bettertext which contains all the code.

Default settings:

.bettertext-settings() {

    @fz: 16px;                         // default font-size in px
    @rythm: 24px;                      // vertical rythm = line-height in pixels
    @fz-small: 12px;                   // smaller font-size (px)
    @linel: 50rem;                     // max-width for text (any css value)
    @font-body: sans-serif;            // body
    @font-headers: sans-serif;         // headers
    @font-code: monospace, monospace;  // code (duplication is intentional)
    @scale1: 1.125;                    // header size multiplier for small screens
    @scale2: 1.250;                    // header size multiplier for large screens

    // margin for body, articles and sections (any css value)
    @structure-margin: ~"calc(24px + 3vw)" 5vw;

    // breakpoint to switch from 'mobile' to 'desktop'
    @bettertext-breakpoint: ~"(min-width: 768px)";

    // ...

Usage in LESS

Running with default parameters:

@import (less) "node_modules/bettertext.css/bettertext.less";

Setting up basic parameters:

@import (less) "node_modules/bettertext.css/bettertext.less";

.bettertext-settings() {

    @fz: 16px;                          // default font-size
    @font-body: 'Arial', sans-serif;    // body
    @font-headers: 'Georgia', serif;    // headers

    @bettertext-breakpoint: ~"(min-width: 50em)"; // large screens starts from that value


Deep customization: you able to redefine any formula in calculation section inside bettertext-settings mixin.

@import (less) "node_modules/bettertext.css/bettertext.less";

.bettertext-settings() {

    @fz: 16px;                          // default font-size
    @font-body: 'Arial', sans-serif;    // body
    @font-headers: 'Georgia', serif;    // headers

    @bettertext-breakpoint: ~"(min-width: 50em)"; // large screens starts from that value

    //redefining header margin-top
    @h1-mt: 3em;
    @h2-mt: 2.5em;
    @h3-mt: 2em;
    @h4-mt: 1.5em;
    @h5-mt: unit((2 * @lh * @fz / @h5-fz), em);
    @h6-mt: unit((2 * @lh * @fz / @h6-fz), em);

Customizing without LESS

If you are not using LESS on your project you can fork and customize bettertext.css on codepen: adjust settings with your parameters, test with your HTML or Markdown, press "View Compiled" and grab compiled CSS.


FOSSA Status

Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "Bettertext.css" Project. README Source: paulradzkov/bettertext.css
Open Issues
Last Commit
4 years ago

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