Bellman Devs Bellman Versions Save

Model-based reinforcement learning in TensorFlow


3 years ago

First release, 0.1.0

(well, a pre-release actually :)

What is Bellman?

Bellman is a package for model-based reinforcement learning (MBRL) in Python, using TensorFlow 2.4+ and building on top of model-free reinforcement learning package TensorFlow Agents.

Main features

  • A framework for flexible composition of model-based reinforcement learning algorithms.
  • It offers modular components for composing two major classes of algorithms:
    1. decision time planning
    2. background planning
  • Keras neural networks for modeling transition dynamics
  • Rewards, termination and initial state distributions are assumed to be known for now
  • Implementations of several state-of-the-art model-based algorithms (PETS, MBPO and METRPO) and one model-free algorithm (TRPO)