Barotrauma Versions Save

A 2D online multiplayer game taking place in a submarine travelling through the icy depths of Jupiter's moon Europa.


2 years ago


Changes and additions:

  • Overhauled colonies: completely new modules, improved layouts, new structures and items, new events.
  • Split outposts stores into several different vendors who sell different types of items.
  • New store (and sub editor) categories: weapon, medical, diving, and fuel. Reorganized the items into categories.
  • Adjusted the amount of colonies in Cold Caverns.
  • Added personal wallets. Everyone in the crew now has their personal wallet that they can use to purchase whatever they wish in outposts. The host (or people with campaign management permissions) can distribute a portion of the mission rewards to the crew or transfer money from the shared funds to the players.
  • Reworked campaign permissions: removed BuyItems and CampaignStore permissions (no longer needed, since everyone can buy), added ManageMap and ManageHires permissions, ManageCampaign allows gives you all the other campaign-related permissions.
  • Items can be purchased from outpost vending machines using the personal wallet.
  • Reworked the power distribution logic. Should fix unstability and inconsistencies in power grids involving relays and batteries.
  • Adjustments to reactors and supercapacitors to prevent the increased supercapacitor loads from crippling the subs on default recharge rates: slightly increased Humpback reactor output and decreased the default recharge rate of the capacitors, reduced recharge rates in the 3 new subs and set the supercapacitor efficiency to match the rest of the subs.
  • Ballast flora improvements: improved damage visuals, branches die when cut from the root, the flora regenerates health at a rate relative to it's size.
  • Made text displays and terminals craftable/attachable/detachable.
  • Made Concat component's separator field editable mid-round.
  • Made Deadeye Carbine fire in bursts.
  • Animation adjustment: The head now rotates towards the mouse cursor while aiming or swimming.
  • Swim animation adjustment: The body now rotates towards the aim target also when the character is moving, and not only while staying still. Moving while not facing the movement direction results in reduced movement speed.
  • Set the bottom hole probability to 0 in Cold Caverns, which reduces the size and the frequency of holes in the level bottom.
  • Characters spawn at a spawnpoint appopriate for their job when using the console command "spawn [job] inside".
  • Added "low_oxygen" output to oxygen detectors.
  • Beacon missions can spawn other types of monsters than just crawlers.
  • Made supercapacitors take some damage when they're being charged faster than 70%.
  • Increased Orca 2's reactor output.
  • Adjustments to mission distribution: only easy missions at the beginning of the campaign, moved some of the more difficult missions later into the campaign.
  • Made Not Component's ContinuousOutput property editable in-game.
  • Show warnings when saving a sub in the sub editor if any of the entity counts (walls, items, lights, etc) are very high, don't allow saving if the light counts are above the upper limits.
  • Added "power_value_out" and "load_value_out" connections to relays, batteries and supercapacitors.
  • Boosted the structure damage from the small crawler eggs from 150 to 200.
  • Adjusted structure and item damage for coilgun ammunition: piercing 50% less damage, exploding 100% more damage (from explosions), physicorium 50% more damage.
  • Don't populate the abyss in difficulty levels 0 to 10 in single mission mode.
  • Modified Selkie emergency hatch: can only use it if the shuttle is flooded.
  • Reduce the probability for the coilgun to dismember limbs (or break armor).
  • Removed submarine download confirmation prompt. All subs that are required to play in a server will be downloaded automatically, which shouldn't be a problem since they're only stored temporarily.
  • Buffed ethanol's and tobacco's effects.
  • Renamed "details" to "manage" and "permissions" to "rank" in the client management context menu to make them a little more clear.
  • Changes to character aiming behavior.
  • Water no longer dirties up walls.
  • Disabled store category buttons for categories that contain no items.


  • An extensive rewrite of how the game handles content packages and loading content. Addresses a ton of issues, inconsistencies and usability issues regarding modding.
  • The Mods folder has been replaced by folders called "WorkshopMods" and "LocalMods". "WorkshopMods" is used to store mods installed from the Workshop, and any mods stored in it should never need to be modified manually. "LocalMods" is used for developing mods: installing/updating mods never modifies the contents of this folder to prevent any work from being lost.
  • Submarines are no longer saved in the Submarines folder, because it made it easy to get vanilla and custom subs mixed up. The sub editor now automatically creates a new local mod for each saved submarine.
  • Remade the Workshop menu and made it a tab of the settings menu.
  • More robust handling of mod load order, overrides and variants.
  • Clients now download the mods a server is using directly from the server, fixing content mismatches when for example trying to join a server that uses outdated mods.
  • Mods now have version numbers to make it easier to determine which of the players are out of date.
  • The Workshop preview images are no longer saved into the game folder, fixing the folder gradually growing in size as you use browse mods in the Workshop menu.
  • Switching languages no longer requires restarting the game.
  • Music can be overridden by identifiers.
  • Reimplemented ServerExecutable to be usable in non-core packages. Now, players must select a server executable from a dropdown in the "Host server" menu if multiple are available.
  • Character gender and ethnicity are no longer hard-coded: modders can use any kind of arbitrary tags to categorize character sprites.- Option to set the condition of an item spawned with status effects.
  • Added new "accessiblebyowner" property to inventories. Allows making a character able to access their inventory even when "accessiblewhenalive" is false.
  • Fixed clients not gaining control of the final stage of a husk affliction when "controlhusk" is enabled.
  • When using a mod that doesn't set the InitialCount of any job, choose the first 3 jobs as the starting crew. Otherwise the crew customization menu will be empty and starting the campaign will lead to an immediate game over.
  • Made it possible for attack StatusEffects to target the character doing the attack instead of the limb by using "Parent" as the target type.
  • Using RemoveCharacter on a limb removes the character that limb belongs to.
  • Fixed editing human character in the character editor sometimes making the inventory inaccessible.
  • Fixed character editor crashing when trying to copy a character (unstable only).
  • ItemContainers apply the OnContaining effects even when the item is broken. Doesn't affect any vanilla items.
  • Ropes attached to limbs now automatically snap when another attack is chosen.
  • Ropes can now be set to break from the end instead of always breaking from the middle (see the new abyss monster for an example).
  • Ropes can be set to break if they are in too steep angle to the target.
  • Projectiles always stick permanently unless a stick duration is defined.
  • Characters (with deformable sprites) can be set to be drawn after (on top of) other characters. Normally characters are drawn in the order of spawning.
  • AI Triggers can now be permanent.
  • Added a generic damage threshold that currently defines how much damage the character needs to take from a single hit to hit the avoiding and releasing captured targets.
  • Added a support for multiple identifiers and types in the limb health definitions.
  • Added a support for min range for ranged attacks.
  • Fixed monsters not being able to shoot faster than every ~1.5 second if they change the attacking limb.
  • Added new after attack behaviors: Reverse and ReverseUntilCanAttack.
  • Fixed "targetcontaineditem" still not working correctly.
  • Fixed crashing when trying to remove fog of war at the very edges of the campaign map. Doesn't affect the vanilla game because there's enough padding at the edges of the map.
  • Made DockingPort.ApplyEffectsOnDocking editable in the sub editor.
  • Option to make missions force a ruin in the level if there isn't one.
  • Character editor: don't check the validity of the texture path when copying humans (because the path is not valid and will be parsed later). Allows creating custom human characters by copying the vanilla human (even though they are not fully supported).
  • Level editor no longer attempts to save the vanilla content.


  • Added Latcher, a new abyss monster.
  • Added a difficulty hierarchy for the abyss monsters. Easier monsters should spawn more frequently on an easier difficulty level, the harder should spawn more frequently on higher difficulty levels. Currently the new abyss monster is defined as the easiest, and Endworm the hardest. Charybdis is in between.
  • Revisited endworm: the armor now breaks less easily, reduced the change of cutting the worm towards the head, adjusted the bleeding speed.
  • Adjusted abyss resource spawning: less resources per level, the number of resources is relative to the difficulty, the spawned resources aren't guaranteed to always be the 5 least common alien materials.
  • Made molochs, abyss monsters and fractal guardians immune to poisons.
  • Fixed monsters sometimes trying to follow targets after losing the track of them even when they should be falling back from them (according to the after attack behavior).
  • Fixed monsters sometimes using the after attack behavior of the current attack even when the cooldown of that attack is not active.
  • Fixed monsters sometimes being unable to target the submarine, because their attack was incorrectly considered invalid.
  • Fixed fractal guardians fleeing to a shelter immediatedly after taking some damage when they have targeted the guardian pod once and have not changed the target yet (e.g. if you shoot a guardian that is returning from the pod and if it has not yet spotted you).
  • Adjusted the probabilities for spawning the Thalamus in the wrecks.
  • Rebalanced mudraptors: slightly more health, less damage at head.
  • Crawler: adjusted the vitality multipliers of hands and tail from 50% to 75%.
  • Fixed Giant Spineling targeting doors after being attacked, which it shouldn't do by design. Might affect other creatures too.
  • Fixed calyxanide not damaging the "naturally spawning" husks.
  • Giant Spineling doesn't flee anymore when being shot with coilgun, chaingun, or small arms.
  • Adjusted the kill hammerhead missions.


  • Increased the price of calyxanide to make it more in line with the price of husk eggs.
  • Fixed wrecked supply cabinets being treated as normal supply cabinets. Reduces the amount of loot spawned in them.
  • Adjust the medical item spawns in wreck and abandoned med cabinets: less powerful medicines. Basic ingredients and consumables are more common, but come in low quantities.
  • Increased the amount of scrap in wrecks.
  • Increased Gene Splicer's price from 200 to 500.
  • Increase the commonness of Esperite and Galena, which are sources of lead.


  • Fixed bots accidentally shooting with a weapon if they have it equipped when they try to use the underwater scooter.
  • Fixed bots still sometimes getting stuck when trying to get something from or put something to secure lockers.
  • Fixed bots acting weird while trying to use underwater scooters inside.
  • Fixed bots failing to heal characters in a docked sub/shuttle.
  • Adjusted bot behavior around ballast flora: priority of some objectives now drops to 0 when the target's been claimed by ballast flora, items claimed by ballast flora aren't valid targets for some objectives anymore.
  • Made bot healing dialog reflect if CPR was performed or not.
  • Fixed security from the player's own crew attacking the player in multiplayer when the player attacks someone in an outpost.
  • Fix bots not ignoring items marked to be "Hidden In Game".
  • Bots prefer not to take diving suits off in rooms marged with the "IsWetRoom" flag.
  • Docking ports are now automatically considered as "wet rooms".
  • Fixed bots trying to target through doors and walls even though there's no line of sight between the end node and the target.
  • Added some dialogue to bots when they get infected with the husk infection.
  • Fixed bots sometimes getting stuck to doors when they are trying to fix a hull behind it. Happened because the goto objective was completed before the bot could open the door.
  • Attempt to fix a crash in AIObjectiveExtinguishFire.
  • Fixed bots not being able to repair leaks between rooms (leaks that are not in the outer walls).
  • Waypoint fixes on abandoned outpost modules, some regular outpost modules, and Winterhalter.
  • Fixed bots occasionally getting stuck while climbing ladders connecting outpost modules.
  • Fixes to waypoint generator, mainly on stairs.
  • Fixed a null reference exception when a bot is dismissed while being told to follow the player and still in the combat state.
  • Fixed items flagged as "HiddenInGame" being considered interactable and therefore e.g. valid repair targets.
  • Fixed outpost guards not arresting the offender when it's very far from them.
  • Fixed bots sometimes failing to navigate back to the sub (when they are on the other side of the sub than where the hatch is).


  • Fix to yet another issue that sometimes prevented unlocking additional talents after unlocking "All-seeing Eye".
  • Fixed "Curiosity" talent not giving experience to allies.
  • Removing or changing order priority doesn't trigger the "Commander" talent buff.
  • Fixed "Mass Production" talent allowing you to power devices by tinkering.
  • Fixed "Pyromaniac" giving 39.9% damage resistance instead of 40%.
  • Fixed ability to tinker indefinitely by interrupting the tinkering by switching to repairing the item.
  • Fixed "Trusted Captain" and "Esteemed Captain" giving medals even when no missions have been completed.
  • Fixed disconnected players preventing talents that require everyone to survive from working (e.g. "Field Medic", "Bootcamp").
  • Fixed "Deep Sea Slayer" always giving you a 50% buff to harpoons regardless if you're inside or not.
  • Fixed "Deep Sea Slayer" talent not affecting explosive harpoons.


  • Fixed monsters being able to attack with practically no cooldown when they're taking constant damage from a player.
  • Fixed crawler eggs not being displayed on the sonar.
  • Fixed aiming being slightly off when crouching and not moving.
  • Fixed item interfaces getting misaligned when there's several linked item UIs visible at the same time.
  • Fixed inability to interact with doors/hatches through docking ports.
  • Fixed escort missions failing if the escorted characters are in a shuttle docked to the main sub.
  • Fixed pumps rounding the pumping rate value to -39 instead of -40.
  • Fixed shell shields dropping from moloch's inventories when they spawn (because they could only be placed in hand slots which the molochs don't have).
  • Fixed linked subs not being taken into account in the cargo capacity displayed in the sub's info panel.
  • Fixed ID card descriptions disappearing between rounds.
  • Fixed ID card description not being added if the ID card tags are empty.
  • Fixed "error" text in the medical clinic UI when trying to heal a character who's disconnected.
  • Fixed texts overlapping on health scanner hud when using a text scale above 100%.
  • Fixed "snap to grid" not working on structures.
  • Update items' hulls after creating the hulls between docking ports. Fixes e.g. water detectors between docking ports still thinking they're outside after the ports lock and the area between them drains.
  • Fixed decorative sprites rotating incorrectly on vertically mirrored items.
  • Disable collisions between subs when "locking" the docking ports between them. Fixes the ports leaving a gap between them if some structures of the sub prevent them from aligning exactly.
  • Fixed wifi components ignoring signals to the "signal_in" connection if the signal originated from another wifi component that can't transmit to this one (i.e. if a wifi component passes a signal through a wire to another wifi component that uses a different channel).
  • Fixed dropped signal components being drawn behind devices (now they're only drawn behind devices when attached to a wall).
  • Fixed SMGs autofilled into the subs sometimes spawning without magazines.
  • Fixed misaligned "Label Number 6" decal.
  • Attempt to fix occasional performance drops in the store interface.
  • Fixed clients seeing a blank server lobby if they join when a round is running with respawning disabled.
  • Fixed arithmetic and trigonometric components not passing the sender of the signal forwards, preventing e.g. helm skill from boosting engines if the signal goes through a component.
  • Fixed occasional crashes when transitioning between levels with showperf enabled in multiplayer campaign.
  • Fixed wearables not affecting movement speed when godmode is on.
  • Fixes periscopes not focusing on turrets if there's certain components (e.g. arithmetic components) between them.
  • Fixed crashing when trying to use the "dumpeventtexts" command with no arguments or a disallowed path.
  • Made smoke detectors a little more sensitive (should fix small fires sometimes not being detected even if they're in the same room).
  • Fixed reactor sometimes not catching fire again if you start overheating it again immediately after a fire.
  • Fixed recycling a non-empty SMG magazine dropping the bullet inside it on the floor.
  • Fixed EntitySpawnerComponent's SpawnAreaOffset.Y being inverted.
  • Fixed gaps generating incorrectly on "Shell A 70 Degrees".
  • Fixed items powered by battery cells not working correctly (certain devices like handheld sonar beacons never powering up, and items staying powered indefinitely when you put in a battery and take it out). Unstable only.
  • Fixed turret lights starting in an incorrect rotation in the sub editor.
  • Fixed "commander" talent still not correctly giving the buff (giving orders that a character already had didn't move the buff). Unstable only.
  • Fixed nav terminals sometimes determining which docking port the docking button controls incorrectly (specifically, when the correct docking port is also connected to other ports).
  • Fixed an exploit in the depleted fuel SMG magazine recipe.
  • Fixed reactor gauges' background sticking out from the gauges when selecting a reactor in the editor.
  • Fixed fractal guardians fleeing to the shelter immediatedly after taking some damage when they have targeted the guardian pod once and have not changed the target yet (e.g. if you shoot a guardian that is returning from the pod and if it has not yet spotted you).
  • Fixed Crawler Broodmother regenerating really fast while eating. Broodmother no longer eats her own eggs.
  • Fixed spinelings accidentally killing each other with their spikes.
  • Fixed burn being ignored in the damagemodifier of Charybdis' head. The jaw worked correctly. Affects pulse laser damage for example.
  • Fixed lights that are drawn behind subs counting as shadow-casting in the sub editor.
  • Fixed server host creating 2 disconnect message boxes if the server crashes.
  • Fixed text scale not being taken into account on scrolling text displays.
  • Re-filled Typhon 2 oxygen tank shelves.
  • Fixed spawnpoint editing panel being too small on large resolutions.
  • Fixed inability to equip one-handed items when there's a suitable container in the other hand (e.g. flashlight when there's a storage container in the other hand).
  • Cargo missions don't require the cargo to be inside a hull: being in the sub is enough. Fixes inability to complete cargo missions with unconventional subs where the cargo is stored outside hulls.
  • Fixed non-equipped items that can't be put into a duffel bag disappearing when a character despawns.
  • Fixed incorrect animation parameters being used for swimming while wearing a regular diving suit.
  • Fixed projectiles sometimes staying attached to the target even when they are far from it.
  • Fixed multiplayer campaign saves with semicolons or pipes in their name causing "path to a save file was empty" errors in the server lobby.
  • Fixed performance drops in multiplayer when someone attacks the outpost NPCs and causes the reputation to drop.
  • Moved the showperf view to the right to prevent it from overlapping with the crew list.
  • Fixed status monitor's electrical view and item finder not showing items in docked subs.
  • The sound of crowbaring a door open can't be heard from other subs.
  • Fixed "a gaze into the abyss" achievement working unreliably. The achievement didn't unlock until you returned to 50% of the crush depth, which isn't possible in some levels (e.g. if the level starts at 3500 m and crush depth at 5000 m). Now it's unlocked if you get to 500 m above the crush depth or to the end of the level.
  • Fixed certain achievements (last man standing, lone sailor, finishing a round with a specific job) not unlocking if you're in a docked sub instead of the main sub at the end of the round.
  • Readjusted all sitting animations so that they characters shouldn't twitch anymore while sitting.
  • Doubled the rate limit for medical clinic which should reduce "No response from server" errors.
  • Fixed swimming characters sometimes being unable to stand up on stairs/platforms even if the water is shallow enough.
  • Fixed guitar and harmonica being rendered on top of the water effect.
  • Fixed guitar, harmonica, accordion and captains pipe having neutral buoyancy.
  • Fixed mid-round joining clients not seeing subs purchased during that round.
  • Fixed research station being repairable by clicking on it instead of pressing E.
  • Fixed medical curtains disappearing before they're off-screen.
  • Fixed karma preset being forced to default when starting a new server.
  • Fixed Herja's rear motion detector being connected to an incorrect display, and the bottom turret display having an incorrect text.
  • Fixed crash caused by selection not being cleared when autocompleting or running a console command.
  • Fixed occasional performance dips when spineling spikes get stuck to the sub's exterior walls.
  • Fixed item assemblies getting misaligned with the grid after saving.
  • Fixed "Shell A 18" not aligning with the other shell pieces.
  • Fixed welding tool's, plasma cutter's and watering can's particle effects getting "clamped" to the edges of the hull they're inside.
  • Fixed permission icon in the client list not updating mid-round.
  • Fixed "lock default wires" server setting not affecting docked subs.
  • Fixed Dugong's small pumps working without power.
  • Fixed buttons in structure editing menu using a different style than other types of entities in the sub editor.


2 years ago


  • Fixed excessive loading times when playing in Chinese, Japanese or Korean.
  • Fixed certain logic components (and/or/xor with an empty output and non-empty false output) stopping to work altogether when they stop sending a signal.
  • Fixes to crashes when trying to interact with certain elements in the server lobby while getting disconnected.


2 years ago


Changes and additions:

  • Added a medical clinic to outposts that allows you to heal your crew for a price.
  • Added three new sub: Barsuk, Herja and Winterhalter.
  • Improvements and polish to the human sprites.
  • Improvements and polish to clothing and headgear sprites.
  • Added the Submarine tab to the multiplayer campaign store to allow selling items on the submarine.
  • Prevented selling items from submarine containers tagged with "donttakeitems", e.g. constructors, deconstructors.
  • Added new campaign store related client permissions: use campaign store, buy items, sell inventory items, and sell submarine items.
  • Entities can be grouped together and the groups selectively hidden in the submarine editor.
  • Balanced mission rewards, commonness and difficulties.
  • Added some new decorative items and structures.
  • Adjusted medical items' effects on bleeding and burns. Bandages, plastiseal and antibiotic glue are now much more effective at treating them, and morphine & fentanyl only heal them by a negligible amount.
  • Heavily increased supercapacitor's power consumption and made the recharge speed increase exponentially when the recharge rate is increased.
  • Optimizations to signal logic, status effects and property conditionals.
  • Item update optimizations.
  • Optimizations to gap logic.
  • Optimized multiplayer store interface.
  • Added "separator" property to Concat Component.
  • Added "power_value_out" and "load_value_out" connections to junction boxes.
  • Added "set_output" connection to Greater Than Component, Equals Component and Regex Component.
  • Made alien materials spawn in abyss islands.
  • Exposed wall healths in the sub editor.
  • Modified Orca 2 and R-29 reactor values so they're more in line with other subs.
  • Made ballast flora toxins more visible and made them emit a sound.
  • Made impacts toss items around less effectively, especially when the item is heavy.
  • "Allow rewiring" server setting doesn't affect wrecks, pirate subs or ruins.
  • Added an option to disable all in-game hints to the hint message box.
  • Option to make sonar displays center on the connected sonar transducer.
  • Made the sizes of signal components consistent (32x32px, they also align to the grid now).
  • Don't allow fabricators to take items from linked containers the user doesn't have access to.
  • Connected diving suit lockers to oxygen in vanilla subs.
  • Pulse laser ammo can be bought from outposts and cities.
  • Chaingun tweaks: doubled turning speed when firing, reduced charging up time, reduced ammo consumption and made the ammo boxes more expensive.
  • Simplified Remora drone docking system.
  • Show notifications about reputation changes mid-round.
  • Escorted NPCs drop the items they took from the sub (like suits) at the end of the round.
  • Added warnings when the game fails to run the physics at the desired 60 updates per second (which would cause rubberbanding in multiplayer). The warnings are shown below the FPS when the client is running slowly, and in the debug console of the host/moderators/admins when the server is.
  • Made turret icons on the minimap gray instead of red when not manned (easy to think there's something wrong with the turret when it's red).
  • Abandoned outpost's oxygen generators now consume power.
  • Made characters crouch a little lower (enough to make it possible to shoot while standing behind a crouching character).
  • Added a "sendchatmessage" console command with an option to configure the color of the message.
  • Added button to align selected items and wire nodes to grid to the sub editor.
  • Allow using cheats in editors.
  • Don't show "hidden in-game" docking ports on the sonar, option to disable the docking port's particle and sound effects.
  • The prompt about forbidden words in the server's name is only shown when trying to start a public server.
  • Show prices in the submarine specs window (previously there was no way to see a sub's price in the server lobby).
  • Allow wiring non-interactable items and accessing non-interactable containers in the sub editor.
  • Chaingun projectiles and canister shells cause lacerations instead of gunshot wounds.
  • Added recycle recipe to SMG magazines.
  • Significantly reduced the speed at which welding tools fix walls.
  • Changed the small arms max stack sizes to either 6 or 12 when the clip size is 6. Makes it less tedious to use the extra ammunition.
  • Added damage sounds to doors when they take 10 or more damage.
  • Made outpost containers' sprite depths more consistent with other containers.
  • Added tags to outpost medical compartments and made them linkable.
  • Mission completion and failure icons are now displayed mid-round in the tab menu.


  • Added 3 new monster variants: Giant Spineling, Crawler Broodmother and Veteran Mudraptor.
  • An overall balance and behavior fix pass on all monsters. Feedback is welcome.
  • Monster mission reward and difficulty level adjustments.
  • Adjustments to the random monster spawn events.
  • Adjusted the loot dropped by Crawler Broodmother, Giant Spineling, and Bonethresher.
  • Moloch Pupa and Hammerhead Matriarch now also drop some loot.
  • Crawler Eggs now deconstruct into suplhuric acid (and adrenaline gland, if they are not the smallest variants).
  • Fixed mudraptors being unable to hit the targets that are very near.
  • Fixed monsters sometimes getting stuck near the Humpback's bottom railgun.
  • Fixed monsters getting stuck on trying to reach open gaps that are on the other side of the sub.
  • Fixed aggressive boarders not being aggressive enough inside the player sub, because they couldn't target things that were blocked by a wall.
  • Fixed Molochs not doing anything when there's babies around.
  • Fixed Mudraptors not staying together in swarms.
  • Fixed monsters continuing to eat a characters who've been revived with console commands (leading to weird results, such as the character being able to run around after being dismembered)..
  • Fixed some monsters, like crawlers, trying to target walls with lots of gaps even though there are better targets closer to them.
  • Fixed monsters being unable to target inner walls when they are technically outside of the sub (= when there's no hull where they are). Such places, between the outer and the inner walls, can be found e.g. in Humpback.
  • Tigerthreshers can now target doors.
  • Monsters that try to get inside the sub, should now notice and priorize doors more overall. Affects e.g. Mudraptors, and to lesser extent Crawlers (and Tigerthreshers).
  • Monsters' burns don't heal by themselves.
  • Fixed hammerhead matriarchs sometimes spawning in low-difficulty levels.
  • Fixed endworm not having a burn damage modifier in the right tooth.
  • Changed Golden Hammerhead's behavior towards stronger monsters.


  • The order of the crew list is saved between rounds in single player.
  • Indicate when a bot is following someone else than you on the crew list's order icons.
  • When quick-assigning orders, prioritize the characters with the same Operate order only when they are targeting the same item.
  • When quick-assigning orders, don't prioritize characters with the same Maintenance order. Otherwise, Maintenance orders will always be quick-assigned to characters who already have the samer order. This will prevent giving out multiple Maintenance orders of the same type to multiple characters using the quick-assignment logic.
  • Allow quick-assigning the same kind of Operate order to multiple characters. Previously, it would always be given to the character that already had the same kind of order.
  • Added a new "Assault Enemy" order: bots with the order will seek out and attack any hostile characters in any connected submarines or outposts.
  • Made the order quick-assigning logic prefer characters who don't have the order yet (among the characters with the appropriate job).
  • Made it possible to use the order quick-assignment to give the Fix Leaks order to all character (although mechanics, engineers, and assistants are still preferred).
  • Fixed bots sometimes getting stuck while trying to fix a leak that's not in the same sub (e.g. bot in Remora and the leak in the drone).
  • Reduced the range where the bots can spot enemies outside of the sub.
  • Improved bots' ability to return back to the submarine from caves.
  • Fixed oxygen shards from old saves still being used as oxygen sources by bots.
  • Fixed bots getting stuck in certain spots with ladders (e.g. Berilia's reactor room).
  • Fixed contextual "clean up" order not being visible for weapons.
  • Defined preferred containers for some items and added "locker" as the secondary preferred container for most items. Helps bots clean up things even when they can't find the primary container for the items.
  • Fixed bots sometimes halting briefly next to a door when they shouldn't.
  • "Fight intruders" order doesn't make the bots enter abandoned outposts to fight the enemies there.
  • Disable aggressive behavior towards the player for the friendly crew members in single player (= accidental friendly fire never turns the security hostile in single player).
  • Fixed bots saying they can't find items to load when someone takes an item they were targeting.
  • Fixed bots saying they can't reach a leak when someone else fixes it before them.
  • Fixed bots sometimes trying to adjust auto-controlled pumps when doing the autonomous Pump Water objective.
  • Arrested pirate captains don't try to give orders to their crew.
  • Change how captains (and theoretically other bots with an autonomous fight intruders order) behave: instead of idling around, they'll flee to the safety. And if there's no security officers around, they should fight the enemy aggressively.
  • Fixed bots filling target containers with items that can't be refilled/recharged when given the Load Items order (e.g. putting welding fuel tanks in oxygen tank shelves).
  • Made bots prefer the same fuel rods or ammo as already loaded when they're operating a reactor or a turret and need to find new ones.
  • Bots that follow a character who's going inside/outside stick closer to the character they're following. Helps the bots to get back inside with you.
  • Fixed pets becoming hostile towards the crew and other pets if a human attacks the character they're protecting.
  • Fixed pirates not operating turrets when they have no power.
  • Fixed bots not unequipping diving suits when they have an order but not actively following it (i.e. they are on idle).
  • Fixed Operate orders not being dismissed automatically when another character is ordered to operate the same device.
  • Fixed the dialogue reserved for rearranging character orders not being used in multiplayer.
  • Fixed bots sometimes getting stuck on ladders while swimming.
  • Fixed bots returning to the sub even when they have an active wait order. Happened when the order was given inside and then when e.g. the character is controlled by the player, and then when the player changes the character, the bot falls to the "find safety objective", because it's not allowed to stay outside.
  • Bots can find buttons connected to a door using links made in the sub editor. Allows working around complex circuits that prevent the bots from figuring out which button controls a door.
  • Fixed bots taking battery cells from portable pumps without considering their condition when acting on the Recharge Battery Cells order.
  • Fixed bots not always reacting to monsters when they should be able to see them, while swimming outside.
  • Fixed bots accidentally damaging friendly characters while trying to hit Swarmfeeders latched on to them.
  • Fixed bots not using melee weapons when there's Swarmfeeders latched on to them.
  • Fixed bots being able to shoot without any delay if they already have a weapon equipped.
  • Fixed bots dropping the syringe inside PUCS when replacing the oxygen tank.
  • Fixed bots sometimes failing to find a path to a docked shuttle or drone.
  • Fixed NPCs reacting to combat between other characters when they shouldn't (e.g. when they don't witness it).
  • Fixed bots not re-equipping body armor/ballistic helmet/something else when they drop the diving gear.
  • Fixed bots having issues with some stairs. Note: these changes might require alterations on stair waypoints. Currently the generator doesn't do perfect job there. Look for the examples on how to fix them manually in the vanilla subs.
  • Fixed bots sometimes trying to put items they're cleaning up into containers inside fabricators/deconstructors (e.g. an oxygen tank into a diving suit in a fabricator).
  • Fixed bots equipping gene splicers when cleaning them up, causing the genetic material to get destroyed when the bot puts the splicer in a container.


  • Removed the special stat boosts from "Olympian" (now it only increases the skill cap to 200).
  • Halved the amount of damage "Still Kicking" heals (100 -> 50)
  • Reduced gunshot wounds inflicted by handcannon.
  • "True Potential" only has a chance of instakilling things smaller than a moloch.
  • Halved damage buff from "Quickdraw" (80% -> 40%).
  • Reduced skill gain from "Field Medic" (7 -> 3).
  • Nerfed "Warlord" (20% chance of doubling the damage -> 5% chance).
  • Reduced damage buff from "Expert Commando" (40% -> 20%).
  • Health scanner doesn't show buffs from talents.
  • Fixed "unused talent points" indicator staying visible after all talents have been unlocked if the character's gained extra talent points from other talents.
  • Fixed incorrect talents sometimes unlocking server-side when unlocking "All-Seeing Eye". Happened because the server checked how many talents the client can unlock before applying All-Seeing Eye, which meant that the 3 extra talents would not be available, and the server would leave the last 3 talents unlocked.
  • Fixed "Inspired to Act" talent only giving a skill bonus of 9.98 instead of 10.
  • Fixed "Atmos Machine" talent not spawning psychosis artifacts or alien pistols.
  • Fixed "Hazardous Materials" considering any reactor outside the main sub (e.g. beacon station) a wreck reactor.
  • Fixed ranged weapons (including turrets) triggering "Electrochemist" talent's stun.


  • Fixes character resetting in MP campaign if you join mid-round and don't get to spawn in before the next round in a campaign you've previously played in.
  • Fixed equipping two of the same genetic material and then unequipping one of them removing all the genetic effects.
  • Fixed "novice seafarer", "experienced seafarer" and "naval architect" achievements being possible to unlock even if cheats are enabled.
  • Fixed kills in multiplayer sessions not progressing the "xenocide" and "genocide" achievements, and kills being reported to Steam unreliably.
  • Fixed clients not spawning the respawn shuttle if they join after the server had disabled the shuttle mid-round, leading to an "entity not found" kick.
  • Fixed medical effects being different when the medical item is fired with a syringe gun.
  • Fixed wall healths being half of what they should be on vanilla subs, increased structure damages to compensate.
  • Fixed fabricator sometimes desyncing in MP when some of the ingredients are in the user's inventory.
  • Fixed clients trying to reconnect to SteamP2P indefinitely if establishing the initial connection fails, eventually leading to a crash.
  • Fixed "allow linking wifi to chat" server setting causing syncing problems with headsets. The setting wasn't synced with clients who don't have settings management permissions, which would cause them to get some of the wifi components' properties mixed up and sometimes prevent them from communicating using the headsets.
  • Fixed motion detector requiring the target's velocity to be higher than the specified minimum velocity, instead of higher than or equal. As a result, a minimum velocity of 0 would not sometimes detect targets in range.
  • Fixed an exploit that allowed combining genetic materials in deconstructors.
  • Fixed "fixitems" command setting genetic materials' condition to 100.
  • Fixed "reset to prefab" not resetting wall healths.
  • Fixed certain logic components not passing forwards the character who sent the signal, preventing e.g. the character who undocked a drone from being logged or the character who killed something from being determined if the signal activates a weapon.
  • Orca 2: Fixed missing power wires to a couple small pumps, neutral ballast level, gunnery marked as wet room. Added a duct block between upper and lower deck. Some minor visual fixes.
  • Fixed voronoi sites sometimes getting placed outside the level's bounds, leading to messed up level geometry.
  • Fixed turrets always starting at rotation 0 at the beginning of the round (instead of halfway between the min/max angles like in the editor).
  • Fixed changing a delay component's delay using the editing hud not having an effect in-game when the component is receiving a continuous signal.
  • Take structures/items with a collider into account when calculating a sub's dimensions (as opposed to just hulls). Fixes dimensions being incorrect in the submarine's info if the sub includes structures that extend far outside the hulls.
  • Fixed crashing when swimming up from hull to another in a specific kind of hull configuration (two hulls side-by-side, with a gap leading up to another one).
  • Fixed oxygen shards from old saves still being used as oxygen sources by bots.
  • Fixed changes not being applied to all selected items when multi-editing a string field in the sub editor and deselecting the items without applying the changes by pressing enter.
  • The game doesn't try to save a campaign if an exception occurs at any point during the saving process (should fix rare occurrences of campaign saves getting corrupted).
  • Don't allow signals to deactivate ItemContainers. Fixes portable pumps' "toggle" input not working.
  • Fixed removed items staying visible on the status monitor's electrical tab.
  • Fixed plants still using the old values in old saves (i.e. dying too fast when not watered).
  • Outposts can't request the "psychosisartifact_event" item (an event-specific special artifact that looks identical to the normal ones).
  • Fixed size of a door's gap relative to the door changing when rescaling the door in the sub editor.
  • Fixed fabricator consuming all the suitable ingredients when the ingredient is configured using a tag instead of an identifier (e.g. fabricating a stun gun dart would consume all the wires in the input slots).
  • Fixed motion detector's detect offset getting mirrored when copying a mirrored detector.
  • Fixed status monitor's submarine blueprint refreshing when initiating docking with a shuttle, instead of when the docking ports lock (sometimes causing the shuttle to appear slightly off from the docking port on the monito).
  • Fixed fabricator failing to stack oxygenite tanks.
  • Fixed items in the player's inventory not getting highlighted as valid ingredients when using a fabricator.
  • Attempt to fix a rare crash caused by ScalableFont.DrawStringWithColors.
  • Fixed freezing when trying to enable GameAnalytics from the settings menu on Mac.
  • Fixed locked connection panel and non-interactable lights in R-29.
  • Fixed Delay Component failing to parse set_delay inputs on systems that use comma as the decimal separator.
  • Fixed charge rate not being displayed correctly on batteries in Chinese.
  • Fixed junction box load not being displayed on status monitors in Russian.
  • Fixed oxygen tanks being misaligned in oxygen generators.
  • Fixed motion sensor not being able to detect subs in the sub editor test mode.
  • Fixed recycled volatile fulgurium rods incorrectly using mechanical instead of electrical skill.
  • Consider the character who severed a limb as the character who inflicted the afflictions caused by severing the limb. + Consider the character who caused bleeding as the character who caused the resulting bloodloss. Fixes achievements not unlocking and talents not triggering if you kill a target by cutting its limbs off or by making it bleed to death.
  • Fixed characters sometimes becoming momentarily unresponsive when swimming out from a hull.
  • Fixed speed penalty caused by the vegetation in caves sometimes not disappearing after passing through the vegetation.
  • Fixed links from a docking port to a linked sub not being considered valid in the sub editor (only a link from linked sub to a docking port). Now the order of the link doesn't matter.
  • Fixed repair window showing up if you use a periscope wired to a broken device.
  • Fixed sonar getting misaligned when switching to the docking mode (the amount of misalignment being relative to the distance of the docking port from the sub's center).
  • Fixed light textures not rotating with the lamps in the sub editor.
  • Fixed elements in CustomInterface getting misaligned if the signal_out connections aren't used in sequential order (e.g. if you only connect a wire to outputs 2 and 3).
  • Fixed server including lines multiple times in the saved server logs (e.g. the 2nd saved log file would include some lines that were already saved to the 1st log file).
  • Fixed initial husk infection message being displayed immediately after getting infected, not after the infection advances.
  • Fixed equip slots being misplaced if you open the health interface when the equip slots have been hidden.
  • Fixed wrecks sometimes not spawning in levels despite a wreck mission being selected.
  • Fixed characters moving slowly downwards when aiming underwater.
  • Fixed moloch shell shields not protecting the user from non-hitscan weapons or melee weapons.
  • Fixed messed up mining crane sprite.
  • Fixed crashing when pirates try to operate the sub using a nav terminal that doesn't control any sub (doesn't affect vanilla subs because they don't contain that kind of nav terminals).
  • Fixed fabricator showing the info of the selected item wrong when selecting the fabricator with another character (e.g. fabrication time still calculated based on the previous user's skills).
  • Fixed characters reading skillbooks upside-down.
  • Fixed personality traits changing after every round in mp campaign.
  • Fixed monsters always eating the character they're grabbing, even when the monster is configured as not being able to eat (in practice only happened when a player controlled something like a fractal guardian and grabbed another character).
  • Fixed characters sometimes using the "priorities have changed" dialogue when giving a new order.
  • Fixed pumps' auto-controlled status not being updated correctly.
  • Added some extra logging to diagnose the "did not receive STARTGAMEFINALIZE message from the server" errors.
  • Misc localization fixes and improvements.
  • Fixed tab menu's character tab not refreshing when switching to another character.
  • Fixed ballast flora still being present when you replace an infested lost shuttle in an outpost.
  • Fixed occasional crashes and entity ID errors when entering a new level with a ballast flora infested sub.
  • Fixed inability to swap SMG magazines (or other items that go inside the held item) by double-clicking.
  • Fixed "failed to parse the string to Vector2" when loading bot orders that have been saved on a system that uses comma as a decimal separator.
  • Fixed rounding error in RespawnManager that caused it to require 1 extra dead player to trigger a respawn (e.g. 9 players and a minimum of 30% players to respawn required 3 players, but the client-side texts showed 2).
  • Fixed "stairs left" appearing mirrored in the status monitor's sub blueprint and in the sub editor's entity selection menu.
  • Fixed Wifi Component's "set_channel" input not working when sending signals to it via chat in multiplayer.
  • Fixed autoshotgun not taking stacks into account in the ammo indicator below the inventory slot (= displaying it as being full when there's one shell in each slot, even though more could be stacked on the slots).
  • Fixed hitscan turrets sometimes hitting targets inside your own sub when there's linked subs present.
  • Fixed faraday and nasonov artifacts' periodic explosions stopping if the round is ended during their 0.5s "reset" period.
  • Fixed oxygenite shards not exploding in depth charge shells.
  • Fixed killer sometimes being determined incorrectly when a character gets killed by something else than another character: e.g. if a character got crushed by pressure, the character who last did damage to them was considered to be the killer, which could for example lead to achievements being unlocked in inappropriate situations.
  • Fixed pumps not taking the volumes/shapes of the linked hulls into account when using "set_targetlevel", causing the neural level to be off in irregularly shaped multi-hull ballasts.
  • Fixed artifacts sometimes spawning outside the level when there's no artifact holder to place them in (e.g. when having 2 artifact missions active at the same time).
  • The electrical grid in beacon stations is turned indestructible after activating it. Should fix beacon missions sometimes failing for no apparent reason (if something happened to damage the beacon's walls during the round and flood it).
  • Attempt to fix a null reference exception in Map.RemoveFogOfWar (suspecting it was caused by a mod that didn't configure the campaign map's sprite for some biome).
  • Fixed nav terminal's docking button staying visible if the terminal is disconnected from the docking port by deactivating a relay between them.
  • Fixed cursor position jittering when the sub is moving fast.
  • Fixed discharge coils in Berilia and Orca 2 being connected to junction boxes instead of supercapacitors.
  • Fixed wall colliders generating twice on abyss islands without caves, and the 1st generated wall not getting mirrored along with the level, leading to "invisible walls" in some areas of the abyss in mirrored levels.
  • Pirates that are outside or unconscious count as being dead in the pirate missions. Fixes pirate missions failing if e.g. one of the pirates gets stranded outside their sub.
  • Fixed some turrets being possible to power with batteries, even though the maximum power output of the batteries shouldn't be high enough.
  • Fixed the drug dealer in the "heart of gold" event fleeing from the other bandits.
  • Fixed decapitating not working as it should.
  • Fixed being able to grab hostile NPCs.
  • Fixed sound effects not playing when a monster hits the sub's inner wall.
  • Fixed correct sprite not being used in the great sea on the campaign map.
  • Fixed "settings" text overlapping in the settings menu when using a very large text size.
  • EventManager doesn't consider monsters in a docked non-player sub (e.g. abandoned outpost) to be "inside the sub". Fixes intensity always being at 100% in monster-infested outposts.
  • Fixed outpost cabinet's sprite having empty space above it.
  • Fixed inability to put syringe guns, toy hammers, welding tools, plasma cutters and sprayers in weapon holders.
  • Fixed escort missions giving huge rewards in higher difficulty levels.
  • Fixed a nullref exception in CharacterHUD.Draw when an icon can't be found for a campaign interaction.


  • Added "HealCostMultiplier" attribute to AfflictionPrefabs that adjusts the heal cost in medical clinic.
  • EntitySpawnerComponent treats positive y offset as up to make it more consistent with other components.
  • Added an option to define a hard limit for how many entities EntitySpawnerComponent can spawn.
  • Fixed "targetself" attack conditionals checking both the attacker and the target.
  • Added "delaybetweenspawns" property to MonsterEvents (determines the delay between spawning the individual monsters of a given monster event).
  • Don't allow setting an item's or limb's density to 0 (leads to "attempted to apply invalid force/torque" errors).
  • Fixed shields blocking projectiles from the user's weapon. Didn't affect any vanilla items, because all the shields are 2-hand items that prevent using a weapon at the same time.
  • Fixed ButtonTerminals without an ItemContainer component causing crashes.
  • If a mod makes a vanilla item movable/detachable and sets it as being attached by default, attach it to a wall when loading a sub that already had those items placed. I.e. making static devices movable doesn't cause them to deattach in existing subs.
  • Fixed monster AI's targeting priorities doing nothing if the threshold is 0 and the target hasn't done any damage.
  • Fixed custom ID card tags not working in wrecks.
  • Fixed Rope component not attaching to the limb it's fired from in multiplayer (doesn't affect any vanilla content).
  • Fixed crashing in multiplayer when there are spectators in the server and someone reaches the final stage of a modded husk affliction that allows remaining in control of the final form.
  • Fixed wearables that are equipped into multiple slots (e.g. InnerClothes+OuterClothes) not being visible when worn.


2 years ago


  • Fixed an exploit that allowed modified servers to send malicious campaign save files to clients.

Note: this vulnerability was discovered and disclosed privately to us a few days ago; we have no reason to believe that there were any servers actively exploiting it.


2 years ago



  • If multiple turrets have been linked to the same loader, the turrets can't be swapped individually (both need to be swapped at the same time to prevent turrets from getting linked to an incorrect type of loader).
  • Emergency lights don't cast shadows by default (they have such a short range that disabling the shadows usually doesn't make a difference visually, but improves the performance of the subs).
  • Allow closing the submarine previews with esc.
  • Made ballast pumps in Kastrull's drone indestructible (because they're impossible to access without breaking the walls/floors).
  • Made exploding coilgun ammo more expensive and increased the capacity of the ammo boxes a bit.
  • Made pirate subs immune to ballast flora.
  • Security's stun guns spawn fully loaded.
  • Reduced escort missions' base commonness. Doesn't have an effect in the campaign because the commonness is defined in the mission events, but fixes escort missions being much more common than other mission types in mission mode.
  • Destroying a reactor with explosives depletes the fuel rods.
  • Hide the equipment slots and character portait in wiring mode.
  • Added platforms behind Remora Drone's hatches.


  • Fixed enemies sometimes not spawning at all during a mission. Happened when the game selected the "stowaway" event to occur during the mission.
  • Fixed pirate and escort missions not being available from late-game outposts.
  • Fixed occasional "unauthorized multithreaded access to RandSync.Server" errors when starting a pirate mission in multiplayer.
  • Fixed crashing with a "E_INVALIDARG" SharpDXException if an ice spire happens to generate on a very short level wall edge.
  • Fixed crashing when trying to spawn inventory items for a character who left before respawning during the previous round.
  • Fixed batteries always recharging at "full speed" when not full, regardless of how much power is being drawn from the battery. E.g. a battery that's only connected to a lamp drawing 5 kW of power would always recharge at the full 500 kWmin.
  • Fixed traitor items sometimes spawning in non-interactable or hidden containers.
  • Fixed turret rotation limit widgets working unreliably in the sub editor.
  • Fixed barrels being misaligned on scaled turrets in the sub preview.
  • Stores don't offer/request sealed supply crates as daily specials.
  • Fixed campaign settings (radiation enabled, max missions) resetting when reopening the campaign settings menu.
  • Fixed hitscan projectiles not hitting structures outside hulls when the turret itself is inside a hull.
  • Fixed inability to swap items between the character's inventory and a container in some situations in multiplayer (when the container was right at the edge of the character's interaction range).
  • Fixed bots being unable to repair the pump in Typhon's bottom airlock.
  • Fixed crashing when repairing or fabricating something as a husk (or some other character with no CharacterInfo).
  • Fixed crashing when reviving someone using CPR as a character with no CharacterInfo (e.g. husk).
  • Fixed upgrades using the original value from a previous item when swapping to a new one (e.g. swapping a railgun to a coilgun sets the power consumption to the railgun's power consumption). More specifically, this happened when the campaign was saved and reloaded after purchasing the upgrade, and the item was swapped after that.
  • Fixed wrecks sometimes being positioned right side of the exit position.
  • Fixed characters not getting knocked down at the last stage of husk infection if they have the Vigor buff.
  • Fixed discharge coil triggering when trying to rewire it.
  • Fixed some ActionTypes having the same value (e.g. OnFire == OnDamaged). Caused wrong type of status effects triggering in some cases, for example OnDamage effects when an indestructible thalamus organ is on fire.
  • Fixed items that are set to be hidden in-game being visible in the sub preview.
  • Fixed bots being unable to weld leaks that are too high above them, even if they're actually in reach. Happened because the distance to the leak was calculated relative to the character's position, even though the range of the welding tool is relative to the character's shoulder.
  • Fixed cargo mission rewards being displayed incorrectly when there's multiple cargo missions selected and not enough capacity for all the cargo.
  • Fixed caret getting misplaced when clicking on a textbox with padding.
  • Fixed headset only being able to send signals to each wifi component once.
  • Fixed bots sometimes ignoring broken devices. Happened when another bot had selected the device as their repair target, even if the bot was currently repairing something else.
  • Fixed nav terminal labels sometimes being draw under linked status monitor HUDs.
  • Fixed bots sometimes not fixing airlock doors/hatches. More specifically, doors whose center point was outside a hull.
  • Fixed medic bots grabbing the target and never letting go when there's no suitable treatments available anywhere in the sub, or when they're in an outpost and not carrying any suitable treatments.
  • Fixed bots suffocating when they run out of oxygen tanks if ordered to wait wearing a suit.
  • Fixed ability to select other items when operating periscopes. Didn't cause problems in vanilla subs, but in custom subs where the turret was placed close to the periscope and other interactable items, it was possible to accidentally select something else when trying to fire.
  • Made nav terminal's "velocity_in" input change the target velocity, not just the steering input, making it possible to adjust the velocity with signals when using autopilot.
  • Fixed text fields in a component's editing menu not refreshing until you've interacted with another component.
  • Fixed ruins sometimes overlapping with level walls (when they happen to spawn next to a very large cell).
  • Fixed ability to "partially open" the health interface in the sub editor, causing the inventory layout to get messed up when clicking on the character portrait even though the health interface isn't drawn.
  • Fixed ability to keep dragging an item from a stunned/ragdolled character's inventory after they get back up.
  • Fixed nuclear weapons not damaging ballast flora.
  • Fixed normal uniforms deflecting projectiles even though they shouldn't.
  • Fixed clients who've opted to spawn with reaper's tax getting a new character if the round ends before the client respawns.
  • Fixed occasional crash with the error message "collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute" when loading mods on startup.
  • Fixed ability to keep dragging the previously equipped wire in the sub editor after you equip another wire with the wire hotkeys.
  • Fixed characters' sprite depth changing during the "autowalk" towards a bed or chair.
  • Require the sub to move a bit faster to crush characters between the sub and a wall. Previously essentially any non-zero velocity was enough to crush a character, even if the sub didn't appear to move.
  • Fixed nests sometimes getting placed outside caves. Happened when the game tried to position the nest above an opening at the bottom of the cave.
  • Fixed inability to use the health interface on the escorted characters.
  • Fixed 1st client (usually the host) always spawning at the same spawnpoint in multiplayer even if there's multiple suitable ones available.
  • Fixed stacked partially used items (e.g. stacked explosives that have been damaged) dropping from character inventories at the start of a round.
  • Fixed occasional freezing when replacing lost shuttles after purchasing submarine upgrades.
  • Adjusted Endworm's colliders so that you can't hit the tail between the armor segments before first breaking the armor (making it less easy to cut the worm in half).
  • Fixed hull properties not carrying over when copying hulls in the sub editor.
  • Fixed occasional "collection was modified" exception in CargoMission.DetermineCargo. Happened if the client received an updated campaign save while trying to load the sub between rounds.
  • Fixed a broken waypoint in Berilia's cargo bay.
  • Fixed seeds sometimes vanishing when trying to plant them in MP.
  • Fixed planter boxes displaying the "uproot" message when empty.
  • Fixed depth charges going through doors and hatches.
  • Fixed ability to dock docking hatches to ports and vice versa.
  • Fixed camera being able to focus on a turret when a periscope's "position_out" connection is wired to a turret's "power_in" connection.
  • Fixed water detectors not detecting very small (water depth < 1px) amounts of water in hulls.
  • Fixed duffel bags not spawning at the end of a round if the character hasn't despawned/respawned yet (i.e. if the character's corpse is still present in the sub).
  • Fixed wrecked Dugong's distress signal being impossible to receive due to "allow cross-team communication" being set to false on the wifi component sending the signal.
  • Fixed fabricator being unable to stack empty items in the output slots, preventing empty tanks from being fabricated when the output slots are occupied even if additional tanks could be stacked on them.
  • Fixed messed up "Shuttle Shell A Glass A" sprite.
  • Fixed delay components not working if the delay is set to 0.
  • Fixed loaders getting slightly misaligned when swapping an empty hardpoint with some weapon.
  • Fixed pumps placed in the sub editor being off by default.
  • Fixed weapon skill increases not being capped according to the max vitality of the target. Resulted in enormous weapon skill gains when doing massive amounts of damage (more than the target's max vitality), e.g. by shooting a hammerhead matriarch in the egg sack with a nuke.
  • Fixed ability to delete vanilla beacon stations and pirate subs in the sub editor.
  • Fixed pirate subs sometimes spawning in side paths that are too narrow for the sub to pass through.
  • Fixed an exploit that allowed creating game-crashing infinite signal loops using wifi components.
  • Fixed a typo in the abyss diving suit description (100,000 m -> 10,000 m).
  • Fixed several vanilla sub docking hatches requiring a welding tool instead of a wrench to repair them.
  • Fixed "Operate Weapons" order being available when interacting with a turret directly, leading to a crash when trying to do so.
  • Fixed missions disappearing from abandoned outposts after finishing the campaign.
  • Fixed canister shells refilling automatically between rounds.
  • Fixed turrets working with incorrect loader types (e.g. coilgun being able to fire laser bolts when linked to a pulse laser loader).
  • Fixed "exterior pressure exceeds diving suit capabilities" hint popping up when carrying a diving suit.
  • Fixed biome noise loops still playing after the round ends.
  • Fixed detonator rapidly draining condition from flash powder and incendium instead of exploding them immediately (potentially resulting in partially used items).
  • Fixed exploit in plastiseal crafting recipe (plastiseal deconstructing to 1 bandage even though 1 bandage can be used to craft 2 plastiseal).
  • Fixed RepairTools applying their effects multiple times to items whose bodies consist of multiple fixtures. Caused minerals to get deattached 3 times faster than they should.
  • Fixed AFK kicks when staying in any of the campaign UIs (store, etc) or other input-blocking menus for too long.
  • Fixed monsters sometimes targeting owners of targeted items although the owner is ignored.
  • Fixed some items held in the left hand rendering in front of the character's thigh.
  • Fixed characters being focusable through UI elements (e.g. item interfaces), causing accidental interactions when the NPC interaction key is bind to LMB.


  • Added support for "additive" event sets which get added on top of another normal event set, allowing mods to spawn additional types of monsters without having to touch the vanilla event sets. See the "transitevents" event set in OutpostEvents.xml for an usage example.
  • Fixed subs appearing to disappear after being published in the Workshop, because the content package the sub gets moved to wasn't automatically selected.
  • Fixed MaxTargetsToHit not working on hitscan projectiles.
  • Fixed offsets not being taken into account when positioning contained items, causing status effects to happen at the position of the container instead of the position of the contained item. Didn't have a noticeable effect in the vanilla game because most contained items are positioned close to the container's origin.
  • Fixed spawnpoint's job restrictions being ignored when spawning pirates and escortees.
  • It's now possible to use multiple equipped WifiComponents at the same time: instead of finding the first equipped item and seeing if it can receive/transmit, the game now goes through the items until it finds one that can.
  • Fixed crashing when trying to pick an item that can't be put in any type of inventory slot from a container. Doesn't happen in the vanilla game because there are no such items in any container.
  • Fixed crashing during wreck generation if there's any thalamus organs outside hulls.
  • Fixed crashing if a wall whose max health is set to 0 in the sub editor takes damage.
  • Fixed crashing if a reactor's maximum output is set to 0 and it's set to be on by default.
  • Fixed a crashing due to a null reference exception if a status effect uses "target" instead of "targets" or "targettypes" in the definition.
  • Fixed shuttles docked to a wreck undocking during level generation.


3 years ago



  • Adjusted autopilot logic to make it better at keeping the sub afloat when there's extra water on board. The maximum velocity of the autopilot is limited, which previously prevented it from emptying the ballast fully. Now it's only limited if the submarine is heading in the correct direction with enough speed, so if the sub starts sinking due to extra water, the autopilot can compensate and fully empty the ballast.
  • Made large monsters immune to sufforin.


  • Fixes to issues that prevented mods installed from the Workshop from getting automatically updated and caused errors when trying to join modded servers.
  • Fixed an issue in the voice chat that caused audio crackling when multiple people were speaking at the same time.
  • Fixed inability to drag players who've ragdolled themselves with space bar.
  • Fixed "failed to send message to remote peer" error spam when a client's internet connection goes down.
  • Fixed certain submarines spawning with a non-neutral ballast level (Kastrull seems to have been the only affected vanilla submarine). Happened because the game would determine the neutral ballast level from the first nav terminal it finds in the sub, without checking whether that terminal controls a shuttle or the sub itself.
  • Fixed explosions using wall damage value instead of level wall damage when the explosion happens outside a level wall.
  • Fixed inability to place oxygenite tanks in oxygen tank shelves.
  • Fixed crashing when a bot tries to find a diving suit inside ruins.
  • Fixed minor wall draw order issue in Orca's top deck.
  • Fixed bots trying to treat nausea even though the only cure for it is to wait it out.
  • Fixed status monitor being messed up on mirrored subs that contain shuttles.
  • Fixed railgun payloads not exploding.
  • Fixed server sometimes assigning players who haven't set any job preferences as the captain, even if someone else wants to be the captain.
  • Fixed ancient weapon propelling the character in an incorrect direction when using it underwater.
  • Fixed sonar beacons not appearing on the sonar in the sub editor's test mode.
  • Fixed "easterbunny" traitor mission failing after the mudraptor hatches.
  • Fixed "changes to your character will be applied after the round ends" texts getting drawn behind the tab menu elements.
  • Fixed "IsToggle" setting not working on periscopes.
  • Fixed "Praise the Honkmother" mission being impossible to complete because it required more items to be delivered than the crate contains.
  • Fixed humanhusk's inventory not being visible while controlling one.
  • Fixed sub editor's entity list getting cleared when changing the entity category while a container/cabinet is selected.
  • Fixed items that have been edited in the sub editor (e.g. recolored clothing) reverting back to default when starting a new campaign round while the item is in a character's inventory.
  • Fixed clicking on command interface nodes crashing the game if the key is rebound to primary mouse button.
  • Fixed tiling issues in some of the legacy background wall sprites.
  • Fixed Spinelings attacking Leucocytes. Spinelings should avoid Leucocytes if they get close.
  • Fixed bots being unable to stand on the platform below Humpback's docking hatch, preventing them from repairing the hatch.
  • Fixed "beacon station" text and "generating preview..." in the submarine preview window not being translated when playing in a language other than English.


  • Fixed console errors when a character with no gender tries to wear clothing that only has separate male and female sprites.
  • Fixed crashing if the current style doesn't define a saving indicator.
  • Fixed inability to load ragdoll/animation definitions from mods that override a character.
  • Fixed ClearTagAction not properly clearing all the tags assigned by a scripted event.
  • Fixed crashing if a mod's version number is incorrectly formatted in filelist.xml.


3 years ago


Campaign changes:

  • Replaced "Lair" locations with "hunting grounds" in the connections between levels. Inhabited locations next to hunting grounds have a chance of getting abandoned and habitation can't spread through those levels to adjacent locations. The hunting grounds can be cleared by killing a boss monster in the level.
  • Beacon stations are shown on the campaign map.
  • Visual changes to the map to make it a bit more intuitive.
  • When you enter a level with a beacon station, you always get an optional side objective to restore it even if you haven't selected a beacon mission.
  • Added radiation on the campaign map: the intensity of the radiation around Jupiter is slowly increasing, which is forcing Europans to delve deeper under the ice. In practice, the radiation gradually destroys the outposts starting from the left side of the map, making it more dangerous and costly to stay in these areas. The intention behind this is to prevent players from farming resources indefinitely in the low-difficulty areas of the game before proceeding further.
  • Gating progress between biomes: you need a certain amount of money or reputation before you can enter the next biome.
  • Reworked exit points at uninhabited locations: there's a hole/tunnel above the start/end of the level the sub needs to enter to leave.


  • Reintroduced Endworm and Charybdis.
  • Added floating islands that contain caves and rare minerals to the Abyss.

New player experience:

  • Added in-game hints, designed to help with new player onboarding. Can be disabled in the settings.
  • Added text highlighting to mission descriptions.
  • Player-controlled characters get automatically assigned an appropriate order when the game starts to guide the player on what they should do and to make it easier to find the relevant device(s).
  • Changed the camera animation at the start of the campaign to show the entire outpost.
  • Display mission difficulty in the available missions list, the info tab, and the round summary.
  • Show an indicator when the campaign is saved.

Changes and additions:

  • Added abandoned outposts.
  • New mission types for abandoned outposts: destroying the outpost, clearing a nest, hostage rescue and assassination.
  • Added entity subcategories to the submarine editor.
  • Added interactive submarine previews to the server lobby and "New Game" screen.
  • Added respawning mid-round in the multiplayer campaign mode. Respawning gives you an affliction that can be healed for a cost at outposts. You can also choose not to respawn mid-round, and instead wait for the next round to spawn normally without the affliction, just like before.
  • Reworked the impacts to the sub when it's hit by monsters. Increased the screen shake and stunning. There's now a 30 second cooldown for getting knocked down. Fixed the impact not triggering if the colliding limb is not big enough.
  • Reworked attacks and effects for the following creatures: Moloch, Black Moloch, Hammerhead, Hammerhead Matriarch, and Golden Hammerhead. They now have a bigger impact on the sub when they hit it. Black Moloch's emp damage is halved.
  • Added Abyss Diving Suits which slows down your movement speed but offers more protection against pressure and consumes oxygen more slowly than the normal suits.
  • Added Combat Diving Suits which slow you down less than normal suits and offer more protection against damage.
  • Added black moloch mission variants.
  • Moloch's shell now always breaks when shot with a railgun.
  • Increased the audio ranges for Watcher and Hammerhead Matriarch.
  • Overhauled tab menu: improved layout, added submarine and reputation tabs, current funds are displayed in the campaign mode.
  • Recreated waypoints for the vanilla subs.
  • Bots can now be renamed through the outpost crew management interface.
  • Certain large monsters' (endworm, charybdis, boss variants of molochs and hammerheads) health bars become visible at the top of the screen when you damage them.
  • Added EMP effect to nuclear shells. Increased the damage a bit.
  • Added a right click context menu option to copy debug console errors to clipboard.
  • Railgun shells now explode instead of piercing armor. Physicorium shells still go through armor. Make all railgun ammunition slightly more likely to break limb joints.
  • Added multiple current orders: you can assign up to three simultaneous orders for characters and drag the icons to change their priority.
  • NPCs (non-bots) speak report related lines less than they used to.
  • The bleeding particles are now emitted from the last matching limb instead of the first. Readjusted particle emit frequency and scale.
  • Reduced Moloch's bleeding reductions.
  • Trying to pick up a diving suit when you're already wearing one swaps the suits.
  • Made monster eggs glow to make them easier to spot in caves and abandoned outposts.
  • Exploding oxygen/fuel tanks don't make other tanks explode.
  • Added a delay to oxygen/fuel tank explosions.
  • Disconnect wires from beacon stations instead of deleting the wires completely.
  • The probability of disconnected wires in beacon stations is relative to the level's difficulty, and no wires are removed if the difficulty is less than 20.
  • Improved server filters: instead of only being able to search for servers that have a certain setting enabled/disabled, the filter can be set to "Any" (thanks someone972!).
  • Show whether a server is player-hosted or dedicated in the server list.
  • Show whether a server is public or private in the server lobby.
  • Added a server setting for locking all default wiring in subs.
  • Added favorite button to the server lobby.
  • Banning a player who's using Steam Family Sharing will now also ban the owner's account, solving ban evasion using this method.
  • Disabled NPC conversations in sub editor test mode.
  • Beacon stations' reactors don't deteriorate or consume fuel to prevent the station from going back down when the player is travelling out from the level.
  • The output length of all signal components is now restricted to 200 characters by default to prevent performance and networking issues if the output is set to an excessively long value (such as the entire dialog of the Bee Movie). The limit can be increased in the sub editor.
  • Stunning still works on friendly characters even if friendly fire has been disabled on a server.
  • Made radiation sickness's icon appear before it starts causing burns (instead of working the other way around).
  • Made radiation sickness cause nausea.
  • Added a screen distortion effect for radiation sickness.
  • Added a checkbox to color component that toggles between RGBA and HSV input.
  • Fabricators now display remaining time when fabricating.
  • Revisited husk animations, movement speeds, and general balance. Husks regenerate a lot and are a bit tougher than they used to be. Human husks can and will easily rise again, unless properly killed.
  • Adjustments and fixes on the thresher attacks.
  • Revisit mudraptors' attacks. Fixes unarmored mudraptors and mudraptor hatchlings acting weird when attacking characters in water.
  • Lower the overall damage of all the hatchlings.
  • Added a link to the wiki to the main menu.
  • Drop empty/used oxygen tank from diving suit when trying to swap in a new one when the inventory is full.
  • When using an equipped item from a stack (e.g. a medical item), another item from the same stack is automatically equipped.
  • The mid-round mission messages (e.g. "the monster is dead, navigate out...") are shown in the tab menu's mission tab.
  • Make characters grabbable and the inventories accessible after a half a second delay. Fixes abusing the toy hammer to access NPC inventories.
  • Allow fabricating fresh fuel rods, welding fuel and coilgun ammunition using depleted ones.
  • Restrict the length of the text that can be entered as a sonar beacon's sonar label.


  • Major improvements to the voice chat: higher audio quality, less intrusive radio effect, fixed clicks/distortion.
  • Attempt to fix crashes with the error message "failed to generate OpenAL/stream buffer" on Mac.
  • Fixed crashing on startup with the error message "unable to load shared library 'freetype6' or one of its dependencies" on some Linux systems.
  • Removed outdated file from the dedicated server (no longer needed because it's automatically installed by Steamworks). Should fix inability to host dedicated servers on Linux.
  • Fixed clients' job preferences not being respected in all cases where they should, resulting in some clients getting a job that should be give to another client.
  • Items can't be stacked in the equip slots (e.g. you can't hold and throw a stack of grenades).
  • Trying to pick up a stack of items with a full inventory doesn't pick up the item in both hand slots.
  • Fixes/improvements to item position syncing. When trying to pick up an item whose position has gotten desynced, the server should correct the item's position immediately.
  • Fixed turrets getting cropped by the "wikiimage" console command.
  • Fixed items with nothing but a holdable component (e.g. medical items) being hidden when hiding wires in the sub editor.
  • Fixed ban list not displaying ban reasons or the duration of the ban.
  • Fixed items appearing misplaced when switching to the sub editor mid-round with console commands.
  • Fixed shuttles spawning undocked in certain custom subs (e.g. DOMA Prototype Mk 8).
  • Fixed "tried to add a dead character to CrewManager" console error when reviving a character who died of high pressure.
  • Fixed skill levels not getting updated in the "my character" tab mid-round.
  • Fixed clients not calculating eventmanager intensity, preventing any high-intensity tracks from playing in multiplayer.
  • Fixed campaign map being closed with RMB even if the user has inverted their mouse buttons.
  • Fixed damage sometimes desyncing when the sub hits walls/spires: happened because damage was also applied client-side, which sometimes caused the clients to damage walls that weren't actually hit server-side.
  • Fixed physics bodies between docking ports not getting mirrored in mirrored subs, sometimes causing impassable areas in spots where the docking port used to be.
  • Fixed status monitor in a docked shuttle sometimes not displaying the main sub.
  • Fixed campaign stores sometimes displaying prices for a previous location.
  • Fixed various scaling issues on higher resolutions.
  • Fixed monsters fluttering while pursuing other creatures. Only happened while swimming and was not notable on all monsters).
  • Fixed mouse cursor being switched to hand even when the spritesheet is not shown in the character editor.
  • Fixed monsters with low head/torso torques moving backwards when they try to turn around 180 degrees.
  • Fixed regular Moloch not bleeding correctly.
  • Fixed Workshop mod download prompt looping and freezing when there's a hash mismatch after a mod has already been installed.
  • Fixed ability to walk through the heavy doors in mining outposts.
  • Fixed nav terminal ignoring velocity_in signals when the terminal hasn't been operated by anyone during the round.
  • Fixed one of the engineer variants having too many items in the toolbelt.
  • Fixed "hide incompatible" checkbox in the server browser.
  • Fixed characters getting impact damage from collisions with sensors. Caused characters to get stunned when they're thrown around by a monster while touching a level trigger (for instance, the branches in forest caves).
  • Fixed bioluminescent cave's hallucination effect never going fully away and made it treatable with haloperidol.
  • Fixed bots treating radiation sickness too eagerly (leading to wasted antirad).
  • Added missing platforms to abandoned outpost modules.
  • Fixed non-interactable items being counted as owned in the store interface.
  • Fixed husk's mouth tentacles rendering on top of the left hand. Also fixed a minor texture bleeding on the waist.
  • Fixed possible desync when multiple players use the crew management interface simultaneously.
  • Fixed a crash when no valid limb was found for an affliction. Probably only happened with characters that already had some limbs severed.
  • Fixed non-multiplied damage to limbs effectively always being clamped to 100, which means that no attack could do more than 100 damage per hit unless there's some damage modifier defined on the target limb.
  • Monsters now stop targeting characters that are far enough behind level geometry. Fixes them getting stuck while trying to reach targets that are not easily reachable.
  • Fixed players getting prompted to download subs when the server has disabled file transfers.
  • Fixed command-spawned characters not getting the "job" tag on their id cards.
  • Fixed coilguns consuming ammo faster than they should when linked to multiple loaders.
  • Fixed wiring interface labels overlapping when using a high text scale.
  • Allow engine propellers to do damage inside the sub.
  • Fixed new lights being displayed as off in the sub editor until you toggle the lighting.
  • Fixed non-ruin artifacts sometimes spawning on top of the sub.
  • Fixed terminal's welcome message getting cleared when using the test mode in the sub editor.
  • Fixed fabricator displaying the "not enough room in the input inventory" error even if the items fit in the input inventory by stacking.
  • Fixed signal check components being unable to output whitespace.
  • Fixed inability to edit smoke detector's parameters in-game.
  • Fixed smoke detectors outputting empty signals.
  • Fixed "engineers are special" outpost event not giving a price discount.
  • Fixed clients being unable to vote for subs they don't have.
  • Fixed a bunch of non-suitable items (such as devices that can't be deattached) being displayed in the "extra cargo" menu in the server lobby.
  • Fixed crashing if you try to press the server log button in the lobby when connection to the server has been lost.
  • Fixed item disappearing from the character's hand when you combine it with an item in a container in a way that doesn't fully deplete/remove it.
  • Fixed gaps in the "backwall pipes" sprite.
  • Fixed dedicated servers restricting player count to 1 less than the MaxPlayer setting.
  • Fixed Kastrull's drone airlock not flooding correctly.
  • Replaced legacy small pumps with the new ones in Orca.
  • Fixed monsters sometimes spawning very close (or even inside) the respawn shuttle.
  • Fixed "attempted to set SoundRange to NaN" error when a reactor's maximum power output is 0.
  • Fixed wall damage particles sometimes spawning at an incorrect position.
  • Fixed black moloch doing only 62.5% of the structure damage compared to the regular moloch.
  • Fixes to R-29: fixed top docking port's control circuit, adjustments to pre-placed supplies, adjusted discharge coil power consumption, minor visual fixes.
  • Reduced the amount of clown gear in the "Praise the Honkmother" mission to fit everything in the crate.
  • Fixed non-repeatable outpost events starting to repeat once all of them have been triggered.
  • Fixed inconsistency in the way vertical velocity in/out signals are handled by the nav terminals. Previously "velocity_in" would interpret positive y as upwards, even though "velocity_y_out" outputs a negative value when going up. Now positive is always down (= corresponds with the "descent velocity" value displayed on the terminal).
  • Fixed Hammerhead Spawns not targeting decoys.
  • Fixed the abyss monsters not targeting "provocative" items, like flares, glowsticks, scooters etc.
  • Fixed Hammerhead Matriarch constantly fleeing from divers. It's intentional that the matriarch avoids the divers, but not as much. Now they should flee briefly only when shot by the player, making it possible for the divers to reach it (#5449).
  • Fixed camera shaking/vibrating when moving at high speed.
  • Fixed monsters being able to attack through ruin walls.
  • Fixed overlapping vending machine and light switch in CrewModule_02.
  • Fixed respawn shuttle maintaining an incorrect position after getting dispatched.
  • Fixed inventory tooltip not changing when the cursor is hovered on the slot and the condition of the item changes.
  • Fixed waypoints not being able to find hulls that have been added since the sub was last saved in the sub editor, causing them to appear blue.
  • Fixed resizable outpost hallway modules not having waypoints and thus causing navigation issues.
  • Fixed water particle effects not showing up when water flows between certain rooms in Remora.
  • Addressed the lag spikes occasionally caused by Spineling's spikes when they hit/get stuck to something.
  • Fixed logbooks being empty in the wreck salvage missions.


  • Bots now warn when you are running low / out of oxygen or welding fuel tanks, turret ammunition, or reactor fuel.
  • Bots no longer report dead monsters on the sonar.
  • Disabled the dialogue lines about not finding any targets for the given order, since they don't really improve the feedback. Instead they can give a wrong impression that the bot is not following the order when they actually are.
  • Bots no longer speak about not being able to reach the diving suit when they fail to get it because it was taken by someone else. They will target another suit like they used to.
  • Bots don't extinguish fires when there's ballast flora in the hull.
  • Bots only speak about getting attacked when attacked by players. Fixes security bots throwing ultimatums on other bots that accidentally damage them (e.g. while welding).
  • Bots that operate an item (reactor/turret) now drop the empty items on the floor instead of placing them back to a container. This saves time and the empty items should be taken care of by the idle bots.
  • Fixed bots not seeking more oxygen before the remaining oxygen level drops to zero when they already have diving gear equipped and when they are staying stationary, leading to suffocation when the bot is repairing/operating while already wearing the diving gear and running out of oxygen tanks.
  • Fixed bots trying to swap the oxygen tank too early when they are outside of the sub, which in some cases might lead to bugs where they try to get back inside the submarine.
  • Improved the feedback by adding dialogues for swapping the oxygen and for not being able to find more oxygen.
  • Fixed bots trying to return the diving suit when it's not a reasonable thing to do, but when they actually don't need it.
  • Fixed bots failing to swap an oxygen tank from a diving mask to a diving suit when both items are equipped.
  • Fixed bots getting confused when they have a mask without a valid oxygen tank inside it and when there's not enough oxygen in the room to be without the mask.
  • Bots now react faster in general to all enemies.
  • Bots now automatically attack enemies outside of the main sub, if they have a weapon. While docked to an enemy outpost or submarine, the "fight intruders" order now acts as an offensive order to attack the enemies on the connected submarine/outpost.
  • Fixed bots following the player when the player is controlling a monster.
  • You can now escape from NPCs by going far enough from them while they are pursuing you.
  • Fixed bots reacting to attackers that are outside of the submarine.
  • Fixed the "reportrange" parameter not working when the character is attacked. In practice only has effect on NPCs.
  • Fixed report icons being shown also for other teams instead of just one's own team.
  • Bots now target the closest limb instead of the main collider when they aim with the turret. With small creatures, this should now make any difference. With long creatures, it allows the bots to target the extremities of the body instead of always shooting at the main body.
  • Fixed non-security bots fleeing the enemy (in defensive combat state) even when they are ordered to fight intruders.
  • Bots no longer automatically unequip weapons after combat if they are outside of a friendly submarine.
  • Fixed bots having difficulties in leaving the ruins via gaps.
  • Allow bots to use gaps also to exit the sub, but only when following a player character.
  • Fixed bots always trying to reach the closest item even when it's unreachable.
  • Make bots find items faster.
  • Fixed bots sometimes continuing their movement (e.g. walking towards a wall) when they fail to find the diving gear they need to continue with the go to objective (e.g. follow).
  • Fixed security officers standing idle next to the stunned target and doing nothing when they don't have handcuffs. Only happened while trying to arrest the target.
  • Fixed multiple bots occasionally trying to operate the reactor at the same time.
  • Fixed bots "stealing" stuff while cleaning up. Happened when the objective changed (= they decided or were ordered to do something else while cleaning up). Idle bots are no longer allowed to take items from purchased containers.
  • Fixed bots running headlessly around while trying to find the container for items while following the clean up order. Now they should walk around instead and only run when the target container is found.
  • Fixes and adjustments to security officer reactions for damage done by friendlies.
  • Fixed bots sometimes yelling that they can't enter an airlock when the sub is docked.
  • Fixed bots taking items from fabricators and deconstructors.
  • Fixed bots saying "Can't reach target [name]".


  • Fixed custom loading screen tips not showing up if the vanilla content package is enabled.
  • Fixed crashing when loading a save where a stack contains more items than the maximum stack size for the item/container.
  • The hit impact of a monster's attack can now be adjusted with the new "submarineimpactmultiplier" defined in the attack block. Note that this is a multiplier to the actual impact, hence also the force applied on the attacking monster affects the final impact.
  • Explosions now have three new parameters: ignorecover, onlyinside, and onlyoutside.
  • Fixed crashing/disconnects when preloading content at the start of a round if random events contain character variants. In practice, mods that used character variants in random events occasionally prevented rounds from starting.
  • Fixed crashing when attempting to play a music clip that isn't a valid ogg file or if the file is not found.
  • Fixed crashing when trying to spawn a character variant with custom inventory contents.
  • Renamed the ai parameter "Threshold" as "DamageThreshold".
  • Replaced "spawndeep" with "abyss" spawn type (defined in random events).
  • New parameters StayInAbyss and StayInsideLevel that define the area where the creature tries to keep inside while not attacking.
  • The creature disable distance, which totally disables the creature, is now exposed in the character parameters. The distance for triggering simple physics, which disables all the limbs and keeps only the main collider updated, is half of this distance. Increased the default from 22 000 to 25 000 (pixels).
  • New attack pattern: Circle (around the target). Used by the abyss creatures.
  • The aim speed and accuracy of NPC characters can now be adjusted in the npc (spawn) definition. The Aim speed also affects melee attack speed.
  • Fixed OnSevered status effects launching also on the limb that the severed limb was attached to.
  • Added "bleedingnonstop" affliction, which is just the same as normal bleeding but it never wears off.
  • Added and option to target the last matching limb instead of the first (StatusEffect.TargetType.Limb). Implemented targeting other limbs even when the status effect is triggered from the limb, which was previously only implemented for status effects that targeted character. See Endworm for an example.
  • Fixed hidden limbs not being ignored in many cases where they should, which potentially could cause issues with some custom monsters.
  • Added "bleedparticlemultiplier" parameter in character definition, which can be used to increase/decrease the general amount of bleeding for the character in question.
  • Added an option to always ignore an ai target if it's not inside the same sub as the character.
  • Attacks can now "blink" limbs when they attack (Endworm). Blinking is a generic way to rotate limbs so that they "animate" (see Watcher's eye).
  • Added AITrigger that can be used to trigger an ai state using the status effects (See Charybdis).
  • Turned IsTraitor into a property so it can be accessed by status effects.
  • Changed husk affliction's type to "alieninfection" because using "huskinfection" as both the identifier and type makes it impossible to add custom husk infections and reference just the custom one in conditionals or statuseffects.
  • Fixed affliction statuseffects targeting NearbyItems or NearbyCharacters causing a crash.
  • Corpses don't spawn in wrecks that contain no waypoints/spawnpoints.
  • Monster events don't spawn monsters in wrecks that don't contain enemy spawnpoints.
  • Fixed afflictions caused by status effects being multiplied by deltatime even when setvalue="true". The only vanilla statuseffect affected by this was incremental stun, which would stun the player for 1 frame instead of 1 second, but this may have affected some mods as well.
  • Fixed errors when trying to load a beacon station with no reactor.
  • Fixed level editor crashing when it tries to place a wreck that contains linked subs in the level.
  • Added "onlyplayertriggered" condition for status effects. Currently only implemented for OnDamaged.
  • Fixed crashing if you try to create a decal with incorrect casing.
  • Fixed affliction's periodic effects being unable to reference afflictions defined later in the affliction xml.
  • Fixed crashing if you save a campaign with a large map and try to load it with map generation parameters where the map is smaller.
  • Fixed explosions not damaging level walls if their structure damage is set to 0.
  • Fixed inability to load more than 5 wires per connection even if the connection is set to allow more.
  • Allow to define afflictions (types or identifiers) to trigger the OnDamaged status effects only from certain afflictions and not all that do the damage. If the afflictions property is not defined, no restrictions are used (works as it used to).


3 years ago


  • Fixed inability to permanently ban players who are currently in the server.
  • Fixed scrap items failing to load in saves done prior to v0.12.
  • Fixed bandage/plastiseal crafting exploit.
  • Fixed crashing if a bot tries to operate a turret that's linked to some other item than a loader.


3 years ago


  • Fixed console errors when hatchlings spawn.
  • Fixed beds causing injuries instead of healing them.
  • Fixed diving suit holder not filling up oxygen tanks.
  • Fixed messed up frozen seed display sprite.


  • Adjustments and balancing to monster spawns.
  • Modifed meds, buffs and poisons fabrication times.
  • Potential fix to occasional disconnects with an "index was outside the bounds of the array (ENTITY_POSITION)" error message. Happened when lots of items and characters were being created and removed in rapid succession, for example when using turrets against large numbers of enemies.
  • Fixed a rare crash caused by an "index out of range" exception in Hull.Update after loading or mirroring certain custom submarines.
  • Fixed submarine class not affecting the depth at which a submarine starts taking pressure damage.
  • Linked subs inherit the submarine class of the parent sub. Fixes drones/shuttles on deep diver subs getting crushed in the late game levels.
  • Fixed nav terminal displaying pressure warnings when the sub is past the crush depth of a non-upgraded sub.
  • Fixed character variants not having inventories.
  • Fixed monsters sometimes spawning inside floating ice chunks.
  • Logbooks now longer spawn in secure steel cabinets in wreck missions.
  • Crystal and rock caves can appear in cold caverns.
  • Show cave entrance markers on the sonar during mineral missions.
  • Allow using some the new client-side console commands without command permissions in multiplayer.
  • Fixed empty container indicators being animated on nearly all item.
  • Fixed incorrect contained state indicator on flashlights.
  • Display target item name in the tooltip for orders which have no options but have target item icons.
  • Decreased the amount of burn on first patient in medic tutorial.
  • Removed the deals groups from the store interface when there are no deals set for the current location.
  • Fixed wrecks sometimes blocking cave entrances.
  • Fixed Kastrull drone flooding when undocking using the button next to the hatch.
  • Fixed wire/component placement grid having a too high opacity.
  • Fixed bots being unable to shoot ice spires if the point on the spire that's closest to the turret is outside the turret's rotation limits.
  • Fixed ancient weapon being sometimes unable to damage ruin walls.


Cave improvements:

  • New cave types and improvements to cave sprites.
  • New cave hazards: exploding mushrooms, gas vents that drain oxygen and fuel tanks, sharp crystals that inflict bleeding and lacerations, hallucination-inducing plants.
  • Made the caves more narrow.
  • Position caves and ruins closer to the main path so the players won't have to swim hundreds of meters just to get to the entrance.
  • Completing a nest mission turns adjacent empty locations to "Explored".
  • Monster spawns are delayed up to a certain limit when most of the human players are exploring a ruin, wreck or a cave.
  • Show a sonar marker at the cave's entrance in nest missions.
  • Added some nest-specific level objects.

Additions and changes:

  • Implemented stacking small items.
  • Decreased toolbelt capacity to 6 slots.
  • Rebalanced level events to have a better difficulty curve.
  • Further improvements and balancing to the way locations change to other types of locations.
  • The owner of a duffel bag is shown when hovering the cursor over one.
  • Increased vanilla drones' range to 400 m.
  • Nerfed stunning. The effect is now incremental: for example, a few hits from a stun baton only slows the target down, but a full stun requires several hits.
  • Allow laying on beds.
  • Added mudraptor, thresher and crawler hatchlings.
  • Removed vision obstructing effects from diving mask and diving suit.
  • Added "quickstart" console command.
  • Added "setfreecamspeed" console command.
  • Zoom more slowly when holding Ctrl in freecam. The speed can be adjusted with the "camerasettings" command.
  • Added "CauseSpeechImpediment" attribute to afflictions that stops huskaffliction from causing a speech impediment when set to false.
  • Added "sendmessages" attribute to affliction prefabs. When set to false it prevents husk affliction from sending messages on the screen.
  • Increased the steps in the aim assist slider to make it possible to set it more precisely (there's a big difference between 0% and 10%).
  • Show a "waiting for the campaign to start" text for clients without campaign management permissions in the game mode panel when campaign is being set up.
  • Disable all the non-campaign-related elements in the server lobby when a campaign or campaign setup is active.
  • Added some diving suits to outpost modules.
  • Made engine's propeller damage indicator in the sub editor match the damage radius.
  • Invert nav terminal velocity_x output and applied engine force for flipped subs. This should make it so that the sub will go forward when the engine is in "forward" state, instead of going to the right which is the default forward direction.
  • Made cabinets waterproof.
  • Nav terminals display a warning then the autopilot detects an ice spire.
  • Modified oxygen tank, welding fuel tank, underwater scooter and duffel bag densities (they don't sink or ascend as quickly as they used to).
  • Reduced skill requirements for rewiring.
  • Restrict Concat Component's output length.
  • Welding tools can now be used to destroy ballast flora.
  • Made floating ice chunks easier to destroy.
  • Ballast flora can be damaged by explosions and tools even when it's submerged.
  • Select the items/structures in an assembly when placing one in the sub editor.
  • Fertilizer no longer increases water consumption on plants.
  • Replaced fuel rods for uranium in fertilizer recipes.
  • Allow adjusting sound volumes at 1% increments.
  • Allow opening Command Interface's manual assignment when using hotkeys or "clickless" mode. Can be done by holding Shift (same key used to open the contextual interface) when navigating to the assignment phase.
  • Added new editable property "NonPlayerTeamInteractable" for Items. Prevents players or the bots in their crew from interacting with the item, but still allows outpost NPCs to interact with it.
  • Made outpost reactors non-interactable for player team characters.
  • Monsters can spawn at both sides of the level during PvP missions, as opposed to always spawning near the sub on the left.
  • Disable trying to edit human heads in the character editor, because it would break.
  • Monsters can now use doors for fleeing and they should be able to break doors that are in the way to the escape target. However, if the target they are fleeing from is in the same room, they still "panic" and just try to run away from the target.
  • Previously the swimming speed of monsters was halved. Now it's clamped. This fixes slow monsters like husk swimming really slow inside the submarine, but it also affects the others.
  • Added a diving knife in one of the security item sets, so that the security officers always have a lethal weapon and won't have to keep bashing the creatures with a stun baton.
  • Added a medic crate for medical items that are bought from an outpost. Previously the medical items were spawned inside a chemical crate.
  • Changed the sounds heard in psychosis depending on whether the character is inside or outside of a submarine.
  • Husks can now operate doors and hatches. They can also climb ladders and break doors, which they can't open.
  • Added ability to set custom background images in sub editor.
  • Added a checkbox to skip localization to item labels.
  • Made changes to ignore icon visibility: they can now be seen from further and won't fade out when you move close to them.
  • Made item selling prices adjust based on the store balance: as the store balance decreases, the store will offer less for the items you are selling.
  • Added "wikiimage_character" command, which generates an isolated image of the currently controlled character.
  • Added "wikiimage_sub" command, which generates an isolated image of the currently loaded submarine.
  • Renamed memory component's "signal_store" input as "lock_state".
  • Added visual snap grid into submarine editor and "togglegrid" console command to toggle it.
  • Relay's toggle input ignores "0" signals.
  • Only allow attaching one wire to a reactor's power_out connection, because more leads to power issues.
  • Made motion sensor's IgnoreDead, Offset and Target properties editable in-game.
  • Entering the sub while docked to an outpost doesn't make the music switch from an outpost track to a normal one.
  • Restricted pet name tag to 32 characters.
  • Instead of a static starting wallet of 2500 marks, the players get 8500 minus the price of the starting sub.
  • Replaced existing skill progression feedback with skill increase popups.
  • Added new music track, "Extraterrestrial Broadcast".
  • Fruits now float on water.
  • Added a HSV color picker in sub editor that can be accessed by clicking the small color preview rectangle in the property editor.
  • Ctrl+V keybind in sub editor now pastes on the position of your cursor instead of at the center of the screen.
  • Holding Alt and dragging the mouse now brings up a measuring tape in sub editor.
  • Added "bindkey", "unbindkey" and "savebinds" console commands that can be used to assign console commands to keys.
  • Disabled hotbar slot keybinds when holding the Windows Key on Linux.
  • Allow banning players who've left the server by clicking on their name in the crew list or server log.
  • Husks now ignore incapacitated characters. They also know how to crouch to reach stunned/ragdolled characters lying on the floor.
  • Improved the waypoint generator.
  • Added store-specific Daily Specials and Requested Goods that change as the game progresses: Daily Specials are cheaper to buy and Requested Goods are more profitable to sell.
  • Added store-specific price variance: every store has its own small price factor that affects all item prices.
  • Hammerhead spawns are no longer afraid of being shot with sub's turrets. They also try to get in more aggressively.
  • Readjusted the flame particle positions on the welding tool and the plasma cutter.
  • Lowered the electrical skill required for wiring oxygen tank shelves and diving suit lockers.
  • Mission cargo items are now marked with the red hand item. Taking them is considered stealing.
  • Added glowsticks.
  • Added an option to change the text scale.


  • Bots report ballast flora when they see it.
  • Bots operating turrets now report what they see. They also call "firing" a bit less frequently.
  • Bots using a coilgun/railgun report which kind of enemies they see.
  • Fixed medics sometimes not letting go of the character they're treating after running out of medical items.
  • Fixed medics not ignoring targets that they can't heal, because they don't have the items for it, which caused the medics to be trapped in a looping behavior.
  • Outpost NPCs can arrest or kill players who try to cause leaks in the outpost.
  • Changes to how the bots operate repair tools, so that they won't fail so easily when the water forces kick in.
  • Bots (only the crew) now tolerate a bit more damage from repair tools before reacting.
  • Bots should now properly respect ignored targets also when they are already targeting the item when you tell them to ignore it.
  • Fixed bots not equipping diving gear when the oxygen level is low and there is no leaks/water in the hull, causing them to suffocate.
  • Fixed bots "forgetting" autonomous operate (operate reactor or steer) orders if the objectives happen to fail.
  • Fixed bots sometimes incorrectly abandoning a movement objective, when the path requires a diving gear.
  • Bots should now know how to get back inside through gaps in the hull.
  • Fixed NPCs not being able to repower the reactor if the player somehow manages to unpower it.
  • Bots now run when they are ordered to clean up things.
  • Bots now ignore mudraptor eggs (to not foil your evil plans by cleaning them up).
  • AI Pathing: Fixed a huge penalty given to stairs causing characters to choose weird paths to avoid stairs.
  • Fixed bots running towards a door when they can't find a path while following a target, which was not the intended behavior. The bots should now stop moving and wait in place instead.
  • Fixed docking port not always being properly connected to a door, causing a missing link between the waypoints and making it impossible for the bots to access the port on some subs. The accepted distance is now relative to the docking port's sprite's height so that all doors inside the sprite should be treated as close enough. Additionally you can manually link a door to a docking port in the sub editor.
  • Fixed bots thinking that they need a diving suit to access certain drones/airlocks on subs that the creator haven't manually removed the waypoints on the ladders outside the airlock door. There's no need to remove those waypoints anymore, although it shouldn't matter if you do.
  • Bots should now always heal players when ordered to. They still use a threshold for targeting other bots, but it's now slightly higher (90 instead of 85). This only applies when the bots are ordered, not when they act on their own.
  • Bots now speak about not having any targets after a 3 sec delay. Fixes bots sometimes complaining that there's no targets even when there are.
  • Fixed bots not properly ignoring non-interactable containers.
  • Fixed bots dropping off from ladders when they first try to go up using a ladder and then down using another ladder right next to the first ladder. Happened especially in Kastrull.
  • Fixed bots taking items from mission cargo containers (e.g. clean up or rescue).
  • Fixed bots not properly checking the line of sight while trying to extinguish fires.
  • Bots don't anymore drop empty oxygen tanks in the sea, if they have room in the inventory.
  • Bots should now take oxygen tanks with less than 80% either to an oxygen generator or an oxygen tank shelf. Secondary places for non-empty tanks are the diving and the supply cabinets.
  • Bots should now take battery cells with less than 80% to a battery or charging dock (added "batterycellrecharger" tag for these items).
  • Bots don't yell anymore that they need more oxygen when they are running out of oxygen and have a non-empty oxygen tank(s) in their inventory.
  • Fixed bots not respecting the Wait order inside ruins.
  • Bots now shoot ice spires when the sub is moving towards them or if they are very close to the turret.
  • Bots steering the sub now report ice spires they spot on the sonar.
  • Bots now switch batteries when operating scooters. They also unequip the scooter if they run out of batteries, instead of just swimming with it.
  • Bots now know how to switch batteries to the stun baton.
  • Bots don't drop empty welding tanks or ammunition in the sea anymore, if they have room in the inventory.
  • Fixed bots not shooting through turrets that block the line of sight.


  • Fixed mods not being sorted correctly until changing the order through the settings.
  • Fixed mod load order not being restored correctly when leaving a server.
  • Status effect definition attributes are now case insensitive.
  • TriggerEvent in StatusEffects now supports inline events and the event tags have been renamed to "statuseffecttarget" and "statuseffectentity".
  • Added support for defining a contextual name for an order (e.g. "Wait" and "Wait Here").
  • Added support for IntegerInput elements (with "min" and "max" attributes) for the CustomInterface component.
  • Option to define character variants that override some parts of another character. See the "Content/Characters/Variants" folder for some usage examples.
  • Fixed a number of crashes in custom repair tools, especially if they operate on their own without requiring a user.
  • Added "needsair" attribute to husk affliction, when set to true it disables low oxygen resistance granted by husk affliction.
  • Fixed crashing when a StatusEffect targets a removed limb.
  • Fixed conditional "And" comparisons not always working correctly when targeting items (the conditional needed to be true on the item and all it's components).
  • Added support for overriding textures on character variants. Only supports overriding the entire texture, not separate textures per limb.
  • Added support for overriding animations on character variants.
  • Added min and max conditions (in percentages) for preferred containers.
  • Added support for randomized deconstruction output: Deconstruct elements now support "chooserandom" and "amount" attributes, Item elements support "commonness" attribute.
  • Added ClearTagAction that removes the specified tag from the event.
  • Added CheckAfflictionAction that can be used to check if a character has an affliction.
  • Added "InWater" property to characters.
  • Planter component now triggers "OnPicked" status effects when interacted with.
  • Allow items with a kinematic physics body to have a connection panel component.
  • Fixed HasStatusTag conditionals only checking the first active status effect.
  • Fixed multiple characters spawning when a character infected with multiple different types of husk afflictions dies.


  • Fixed desync when entering a new level when there's a logbook with a very long message in the sub or in someone's inventory in the multiplayer campaign.
  • Fixed very large numbers of submarines in the "Submarines/Downloaded/" folder causing excessive loading times, freezes and high memory usage.
  • Delete submarines from Submarines/Downloaded when launching the game and hide downloaded subs from menus. The folder is now essentially a temporary folder for storing a server's submarines during a game session, not a place for persistent storage.
  • Fixed crashing when trying to "select matching items" when right-clicking a linked sub in the sub editor.
  • Fixed filename case issues and using backslashes instead of forward slashes in mod file paths causing errors on Linux and Mac.
  • Fixed crashing when trying to respawn a bot in the multiplayer campaign.
  • Fixed server list only showing up to 50 servers.
  • Fixed connections that have the same start and end location sometimes getting generated on the campaign map, leading to a crash when trying to load the campaign save.
  • Number input boxes don't clamp the value until the input box loses focus or enter is pressed. Fixes clamped values being very difficult to edit.
  • Fixed a crash in GetDisguisedSprites.
  • Mission events unlock the mission even if the conversation gets interrupted.
  • Fixed lights on turrets rotating around the origin of the item, not the origin of the barrel.
  • Fixed nav terminal's "velocity_in" input doing nothing.
  • Fixed newly placed coilguns and searchlights not rotating the light sprite in sub editor.
  • Fixed R-29 cargo lights not toggling on.
  • Fixed missing waypoints in Berilia.
  • Fixed docking ports' DockingDistance not being affected by the scale of the item.
  • Fixed KarmaManager's MaxStructureDamageKarmaDecreasePerSecond not working as intended, allowing karma to decrease more than it should when doing lots of structure damage in a short time (e.g. when using explosives).
  • Fixed engine's propeller hitbox not being moved or scaled when the engine is rescaled.
  • Fixed holes in walls becoming non-see-through when starting a new round in the campaign.
  • Fixed corrupted/invalid content packages whose xml file can't be loaded being added to the list of content packages, leading to a crash.
  • Fixed devices failing to receive power if connected directly to a docking port's power connection without a junction box or relay in between.
  • Fixed "disallowed upgrades" field not being taken into account in the upgrade UI when using prefab identifiers.
  • Fixed level generation sometimes failing to generate the complete path to the destination.
  • Fixes to docked subs being placed on the wrong side of the docking target in some cases (namely, when neither of the ports is connected to a door). Also added "ForceDockingDirection" setting to docking ports to enforce the direction if the automatic logic still fails due to some weird port setup.
  • Fixed "velocity invalid" error if a monster that's indoors eats a corpse that's outdoors or vice versa (e.g. if you drag a corpse through the airlock while a monster is eating it).
  • Fixed diving suit not giving any protection for radiation sickness.
  • Fixed conversation prompts not disappearing if the controlled character dies when executing subactions (for instance, when the clowns are approaching the players at the beginning of the "clown relations" event).
  • Fixed crashing when taking control of a black moloch with console commands.
  • Fixed character editor creating tiny limbs if the mouse cursor goes outside of the sprite sheet area when the user is drawing a new limb. Drawing new limbs is no longer restricted to the sprite sheet area (it still works in display screen space!).
  • Fixed husks and humanhusks targeting turrets when they are inside the submarine.
  • Fixed monsters sometimes choosing weird paths when the hulls are flooding.
  • Fixed assignment tooltip sometimes being displayed on command interface when it shouldn't be.
  • Fixed ability to open manual assignment for orders targeting all characters.
  • Fixed player characters' orders not being reset in between multiplayer rounds.
  • Fixed "unignore" icons being displayed in multiplayer.
  • Fixed crew list background blocking mouse input.
  • Fixed order icons being always displayed over container when the order target is contained.
  • Fixed CustomInterface component's UI text not reflecting the actual signal when changed by another player in multiplayer.
  • Fixed inconsistencies in meds when fired from a syringe gun.
  • Fixed thalamus spawning too many leucocytes in wrecks (particularly on higher difficulties).
  • Fixed ability to choose a campaign save filename that's illegal on Windows when hosting a server on Linux or Mac, preventing Windows players from joining the server.
  • Fixed workshop item download prompt not fitting on the screen when trying to join a server that has a large number of mods installed.
  • Fixed being able to hear ready check ticking when the popup wasn't visible.
  • Fixed an occasional lag following a crash when there's Spinelings present in the game (#4453).
  • Fixed autopilot trying to steer away from connected subs that aren't directly docked to the main sub (e.g. drone docked to a drone docked to the main sub).
  • Fixed a crash in the character editor when editing a limb's source with "adjust collider" enabled and if the source rect's size is zero or negative.
  • Fixed docking ports not locking client-side if hulls fail to generate between the ports (e.g. if the thing docking to the sub doesn't have hulls).
  • Fixed subs with a tall shuttle docked on top sometimes spawning partially inside the level's top wall.
  • Fixed melee weapons being able to hit through walls/doors as long as the origin of the item is on the same side of the wall/door as the user.
  • Fixed ballast flora jamming doors permanently if it dies while trying to drown a player in the ballast tank.
  • Fixed pets not spawning at the position of the owner.
  • Fixed rare "failed to generate a wall (not enough vertices)" error when generating a level.
  • Fixed ability to see inside secure steel crates without appropriate access by swapping them with a normal crate.
  • Fixed welded doors staying stuck and nav terminal not getting reset when redispatching a shuttle.
  • Fixed mudraptor shells spawning outside the mudraptor's inventory.
  • Fixed recovered shuttles disappearing if you quit during the round immediately after purchasing shuttle recovery in multiplayer campaign.
  • Fixed logbooks always spawning in the same cabinet in a given wreck.
  • Fixed items with a physics body disappearing when they are outside hulls during saving.
  • Fixed items attached to walls (e.g. signal components) deattaching when resetting them to prefab values in the sub editor.
  • Fixed characters that have been turned invisible by psychosis staying invisible when you switch to them.
  • Fixed crashing when selecting a client who's controlling a monster in the tab menu.
  • Fixed "where no man has gone before" achievement being impossible to unlock due to the depth being calculated incorrectly.
  • Fixed submarine switching deleting all upgrades in multiplayer.
  • Fixed Hammerhead Matriarch often not being able to break the sub's walls when hitting it.
  • Fixed Hammerhead Matriarch's head deforming incorrectly (this fix may affect any modded content using conditional sprites with deformations).
  • Fixed crash in sub editor when copying a linked submarine that you lacked the original file to.
  • Fixed turrets and searchlights having incorrect light rotation when minimum rotation limit was the same as maximum rotation limit.
  • Fixed popup messages preventing you from steering on the navigation terminal.
  • Fixed inability to start a server when there's a very large number of subs installed.
  • Fixed XP messages flying away when inside a moving sub.


3 years ago


  • Fixed monster missions causing a disconnect in multiplayer mission mode.
  • Fixed bots getting removed from the crew when starting a multiplayer campaign, returning to the lobby during the first round and then reloading the campaign.
  • Fixed crashing when entering a new level in the campaign when an inactive pump has been infected with ballast flora.
  • Fixed ballast flora branches respawning instantly if they're destroyed while they're growing towards a target.
  • Fixed crashing when attempting to place components outside of the submarine in test mode.
  • Fixed inability to rewire beacon stations when rewiring is disabled on the server.
  • Fixed repair tools that aren't held causing a crash upon use (only affects modded items).
  • Fixed raycast weapons (revolvers, shotguns, SMGs) sometimes not hitting monsters in specific areas outside the sub.
  • Fixed submarine's price field being difficult to edit in the sub editor due to the value getting clamped above the minimum price while typing in the box.
  • Potential fix to certain projectiles (e.g. harpoons, spineling's spikes) sometimes causing erratic physics behavior and errors (ragdolls going crazy, submarine getting launched off at a high velocity...) when they stick to the submarine or to characters.
  • Fixed occasional crashes when swapping to another character's ID card with a mask or diving suit on.