Banditcpp Bandit Versions Save

Human-friendly unit testing for C++11


8 years ago


  • no more using the deprecated auto_ptr.
  • new matchers inspired by Cedar. Check the included specs to see how to use them.
  • make bandit stop at first failure with --break-on-failure command line arg.
  • removal of a lot of compiler warnings


10 years ago

This release fixes warnings when compiling in mingw. (Issue #19)


10 years ago

On Windows: this release minimizes what's included from windows.h to avoid redefinition errors. (Issue #18)


10 years ago

This release fixes level 4 compiler warnings and memory leak warnings when building with Visual Studio.


10 years ago

fix: reducing risk of name collisions

  • Removed a 'using namespace std;' which caused the std namespace to leak to client code.
  • Moved all types except the functions making up the grammar of bandit to the 'bandit::detail' namespace to reduce the risk of collisions.

fix: bandit didn't compile on gcc < 4.7

Bandit have now been successfully built and tested on:

  • gcc v4.5 - v4.8
  • clang 3.2.0
  • Visual Studio 2012


10 years ago

Skipping Tests

It's now possible to skip tests.

From within code by using describe_skip() or it_skip().

From command line by using the --skip=<substring> option. This will skip all describe() or it() whose names contain <substring>

Running Subset of Tests

It's now possible to run a subset of the tests by using the --only=<substring> command line options. This will only run those describe() and it() whose names matches <substring>.

Spec Reporter

This progress reporter prints out all 'describe' and 'it' together with their execution status, resulting in a summary of all your specifications. The spec reporter can be selected by passing the --reporter=spec command line option to the bandit executable.

(fix) The executable returns an error code if no tests are registered.


10 years ago

This is the first public release of Bandit.


10 years ago

This is not ready for download yet. If you want to play around with bandit, do a git clone and follow the instructions in