Baileys Api Versions Save

Simple WhatsApp REST API with multiple device support


1 year ago

To make things more clean and easier to maintain, this project has been rewritten entirely into TypeScript. Thefore, all the previous release also has been deleted because of the inconsistency in the versioning

This project is now using a new, Prisma-powered data store, which is published as an independent library at @ookamiiixd/baileys-store. If you found any bug relevant to the data store, please open a new issue there

This release comes with a lot and more organized routes than the previous version. A more routes is expected to be added time by time depending on the use cases

Since this is the really first release of the rewritten version, issues are expected. If you found any, please feel free to open a new issue or submit a PR

Thank you!


2 years ago

Here's some summary for this release:

  • Added group metadata endpoint.
  • Added basic usage examples, check out the examples directory!
  • All send message endpoints is now accept a JSON body, this gives you the ability to send any kind of supported message.

As usual, got any other issues? feel free to open new issue.


2 years ago

This release comes with some small refactor and naming convention for the convenient. Make sure to check the new API Documentation as the endpoints is totally different than the previous one.

Also this release is using Baileys version 4.1.0, the latest Baileys stable release. All previous Baileys issues should be fixed now.

As usual, got any other issues? feel free to open new issue.


2 years ago

This project require NodeJS version 14.5.0 or higher.

This release use the edge version of baileys which doesn't guarantee for stability, but has latest fixes and features. If you got any baileys error, try downgrading your baileys into version 4.0.0 first before opening any issues.

If you have problem when deploying on cPanel or any similar hosting, try transpiling your code into CommonJS first. You can use tools like babel or something.

Got any other issues? feel free to open new issue.