Azure Notificationhubs Ios Versions Save

Azure Notification Hubs SDK for Apple


2 years ago

This release adds the following:

  • Fixing [UIApplication sharedApplication] usage

Fixing [UIApplication sharedApplication] usage

In newer versions of iOS and Xcode, [UIApplication sharedApplication] usage has been deprecated in favor of other approaches. This adds it back for one use case of registering for push notifications prior to iOS 10.


2 years ago

This release adds the following:

  • Support for Xcode 13

Support for Xcode 13

As the Swift language has added async/await to the codebase, there's a new warning flag in Xcode 13 called -Wcompletion-handler. Since we have all warnings as errors, we need to get around this by using the NS_SWIFT_DISABLE_ASYNC attribute. Since this attribute and flag are not supported before Xcode 13, we have our own define which wraps this as ANH_SWIFT_DISABLE_ASYNC until we require Xcode 13 and above to compile the SDK.


3 years ago

This release adds the following:

  • Initialization with UNAuthorizationOptions
  • Support for Swift Package Manager for Swift 5.3
  • Bug fixes #116 #112

Initializing the SDK with UNAuthorizationOptions

By default, the SDK will initialize with the UNAuthorizationOptions for alert, badge and sound, however, if you wish to change that, you can use the startWithConnectionString:hubName:options method specifying which options you wish to use, to allow for such things as provisional push notifications.


let connectionString = "<connection-string>"
let hubName = "<hub-name>"

// Create with alert, badge and sound
let hubOptions = MSNotificationHubOptions(withOptions: [.alert, .badge, .sound])

// Start SDK
MSNotificationHub.start(connectionString: connectionString!, hubName: hubName!, options: hubOptions!)


NSString *connectionString = @"<connection-string>";
NSString *hubName = @"<hub-name>";

// Create with alert, badge and sound
MSNotificationHubOptions *hubOptions = [[MSNotificationHubOptions alloc] initWithAuthorizationOptions:(UNAuthorizationOptions)(UNAuthorizationOptionAlert | UNAuthorizationOptionSound | UNAuthorizationOptionBadge)];

// Start SDK
[MSNotificationHub startWithConnectionString:connectionString hubName:hubName options:hubOptions];


3 years ago

This release includes support for Apple Silicon for macOS.


3 years ago

The Azure Notification Hubs SDK for Apple version 3.1.1 has been released with the following:

  • Update the x-ms-version header to 2020-06


3 years ago

This release adds the Push to User functionality to the Azure Notification Hubs SDK for Apple.

Push to User

The SDK supports the ability to associate a user with an installation. This allows you to be able to target all devices associated with a particular User ID. The user's identity set through the SDK can be whatever the developer wants it to be: the user's name, email address, phone number, or some other unique identifier. This is supported through the MSNotificationHub and the setUserId method.


let userId = "iosUser123"


NSString *userId = @"iosUser123";
[MSNotificationHub setUserId:userId];
To target a particular user on the backend, you can specify a tag such as $UserId:{VALUE} where VALUE is the user name you have specified, just as you can target an installation using the $InstallationId:{VALUE} tag.


3 years ago

Minor release which includes the following:

Bug Fixes:

  • #93


3 years ago

This is a minor release with the following fixes:

  • Add Jazzy SDK Documentation for iOS, tvOS and macOS
  • Ensure bitcode for release


3 years ago

The Azure Notification Hubs SDK for Apple has finally been released. This introduces a new API through the MSNotificationHub class, which utilizes the Installation API instead of the legacy Registration API. This new API includes support for iOS, tvOS, macOS and Mac Catalyst. Note, the existing SBNotificationHub class is considered legacy and not recommended for new application usage.


3 years ago

This is a minor patch release of the Azure Notification Hubs SDK for Apple containing some fixes which solve some bugs from symbol collisions when mixed with AppCenter frameworks.