Aws Health Aware Versions Save

AHA is an incident management & communication framework to provide real-time alert customers when there are active AWS event(s). For customers with AWS Organizations, customers can get aggregated active account level events of all the accounts in the Organization. Customers not using AWS Organizations still benefit alerting at the account level.


2 months ago

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog:


9 months ago

Boto3 SDK had a breaking change for the health api, version 3.11 has a newer boto3 version that includes the fix.


1 year ago

Release 2.2 introduces an updated schema for Health events delivered to an EventBridge bus. This allows simplified matching of events which you can then consume with other AWS services or SaaS solutions.


1 year ago

AHA 2.1 Beta Release with updated eventbridge schema and examples posted. This will allow customers to have EventBridge be the point for endpoint connection, filtering, etc.


2 years ago

AHA now support Multi-Region deployments


2 years ago

Fixed a bug where if you were only doing email as an endpoint AND were using the assumerole function, the Lambda would not have the required permissions in the IAM policy.


2 years ago

New features include:

  • Multi-region (in the multi-region beta folder)
  • Exclude accounts
  • Add account name to an account ID
  • If running in non-org mode, will send the account # and resource(s) if available
  • AssumeRole (moved out of beta, so not really new)
  • Support for the investigation event type
  • Ability to work with Slack Workflows now


3 years ago

As pointed out in if a user ONLY selects email as an endpoint, the IAM policy fails. This was due to the IAM policy condition for secrets. Chime, Slack, Eventbridge and Teams are all stored as secrets. If none of those endpoints are created, the resources for the policy are null and thus give the error: "Policy statement must contain resources".

Solution was to create another condition that verifies if any combination of secrets conditions were met and if true, add that particular permission to the overall policy.


3 years ago

Initial Deployment for AWS Health Aware (AHA)