Awesome Voice Apps Save

🕶 A curated list of awesome voice projects, tools, and resources for Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant, and more.

Project README

Awesome Voice Apps


A curated list of awesome voice projects, tools, and resources for Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant, and more.



  • Voice Dev Rocks: Tech-focused newsletter from the voice developer community.
  • Voicebot Weekly: Very up-to-date and thorough coverage of what's happening in voice.
  • Hearing Voices: Market-focused newsletter sharing interesting links and thoughts about the voice space.



  • Alexa Dev Chat The official Amazon Alexa Dev podcast (monthly)
  • VoiceFirstFM: Great formats, including "This Week in Voice" and a roundtable
  • Voicebot Podcasts Weekly podcast starring people involved in the voice space


Design & Prototyping

Design Tools

  • Sayspring: Service that allows for prototyping, designing, and sharing voice apps before development stage
  • Storyline: Create voice apps without coding by using a mind map interface
  • Botmock: Design prototypes for Amazon Alexa & Google Assistant with in-browser testing and team collaboration
  • Tortu: Design voice apps for any platform. Create visual flowcharts, store all phrase variants for each dialog step and create interactive prototypes.

Design Resources


Development Tools

Development Frameworks

  • Jovo: Build cross-platform voice applications for Amazon Alexa and Google Home
  • Voxa: Alexa Framework that uses state machines
  • Flask-Ask: Alexa Skills Kit for Python
  • Woice: Voice Browsing and Transcription Framework.

NLU Tools

  • Dialogflow: Previously known as API.AI, owned by Google
  • Rasa: Open source language understanding for conversational bots and assistants Install
  • [SNIPS] ( Snips provides Private-By-Design, Decentralized Voice Assistant Technology and Solutions.

Testing Tools

  • Reverb: Test Alexa on your phone or desktop
  • BST: Command Line Interface tool for testing while developing Alexa Skills and Google Actions
  • EchoSim: Test Alexa on your Amazon account from your browser
  • Jovo Debugger: Test Jovo voice apps in your browser

Analytics Tools

  • Dashbot: Chatbot analytics including usage metrics and live transcripts.
  • Bespoken Analytics: Dashboard including usage metrics, logging, and monitoring

Audio Tools

  • Audio Converter: Convert your MP3s into the right format for Alexa skills
  • Talestreamer: Add rich, multilayered sound effects and music to your speech output.

Other tools

  • Skillinator: Create an Alexa Skill node.js blueprint from an Interaction Model JSON
  • Slotinator: Easily create an Alexa JSON structure for custom slots


Tutorials & Courses


Templates & Examples





To the extent possible under law, Linked Experiences, Inc. has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.

Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "Awesome Voice Apps" Project. README Source: jovotech/awesome-voice-apps
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