Av365app App Versions Save

一個純淨的 AV 軟體。


10 months ago

首先,要和你說一聲對不起,av365 的伺服器遭受攻擊,影片資料全部丟失,經過奮力搶修,工程師大大們重新整理了資料庫,現在,av365 的片源更全了,不但涵蓋數萬你們喜愛的 JAV,還加入了華語視頻,例如,比較夯的麻豆系列、探花系列、素人自制。 希望,我們沒有離開你太久,向你保證,再也不會了。趕快更新刷起來叭~ 😘



2 years ago



3 years ago

更新日誌 🎉 新增「會員專享」高清片源;

Change Log 🎉 Added "Member Exclusive" HD video source;


3 years ago

更新日誌 · ✅ 優化影片下載體驗; · ✅ 修復搜索時可能遇到崩潰的 Bug;

Change Log · ✅ Optimize the video download experience; · ✅ Fix bugs that may crash when searching;

Official website/官方網站: https://av365.co


3 years ago

1. ✅ 優化了註冊時名字的長度限制; 2. ✅ 優化了支付體驗。

1. ✅ Optimized the length limit of the name during registration; 2. ✅ Optimize the payment experience.

Official website/官方網站: https://av365.co


3 years ago

Updates Log: 1. 📼 The database is updated: - 2,100+ videos are added; 2. 🧲 Add video download function: - Download button on the video playback page; - Download management at the top of the profile page; 3. 🎁 Add VIP mechanism for gifting friends: - Now, you can share your invite code to gift 3 days of VIP to your friend on your profile page. After your friend activates it, you will also receive the same rewards at the same time. 4. 🎟 New VIP payment system: - Now, you can purchase VIP membership on your profile page to unlock unlimited download function; 5. 🐞 Bug Fix; - Fix the problem that may cause the page to fail to load in some cases; 6. 📱 User interface optimization: - Update the profile page to show VIP expiration time; - Optimize the menu bar at the top of the favorite page; - Optimize the favorites button display, now easier to click; - Optimize the code display, and now it’s easier to read; - Optimize the layout of interactive buttons on the play page, and the layout is now neater. When you encounter a movie you like, don’t forget to leave one 👍~ - Optimize the list display, and now it looks more tidy; - Optimize the layout of actor profile page.

更新內容: 1. 📼 資料庫更新: - 新增影片 2100+ 部; 2. 🧲 新增影片下載功能: - 下載按鈕在影片播放頁; - 下載管理在個人頁頂部; 3. 🎁 新增贈送好友 VIP 機制: - 現在,你可以在個人頁,將自己的邀請碼贈送給好友,對方激活後,可領取3天 VIP 特權,同時,你也將獲得相同獎勵; 4. 🎟 新增會員付費體系: - 現在,你可以在個人頁面購買 VIP 會員來解鎖無限下載功能; 5. 🐞 Bug 修復; - 解決在某些情況下,可能導致頁面無法加載的問題; 6. 📱 用戶介面優化: - 個人頁更新,可顯示 VIP 到期時間; - 收藏頁面頂部菜單欄優化; - 全局 收藏按鈕 顯示優化,現在,更易於點擊; - 全局 番號 顯示優化,現在,更易於閱讀; - 播放頁互動按鈕佈局優化,現在排版佈局更整齊了,遇到喜歡的影片,別忘留下一個 👍 哦~ - 全局列表顯示優化,現在看起來更整齊了; - 演員個人資料頁佈局優化.


3 years ago

更新內容: 1. 新增中文字幕影片 2600+ ; - 現在,你可以在軟體中搜索「中文字幕」來瀏覽;

Update Log: 1. Added Chinese subtitled videos 2600+; - Now, you can search for "Chinese subtitles" in the software to browse;


3 years ago

一個純潔的 App 的一次純潔的更新。

更新內容: 1. 修復默認語言為中文的 Bug; - 現在,在非中文系統中軟體的默認語言為英文; 2. 資料庫更新: - 新增影片英文信息; - 新增演員英文名稱; - 新增 1900 部影片; 3. 搜索語言擴充: - 全局支持英文搜索;

Update Log: 1. Fix the bug that the default language is Chinese; - Now, the default language of the app in non-Chinese systems is English; 2. The database is updated: - English information of movies is added; - English names of actors are added; - 1,900 videos are added; 3. Search language expansion: - Global support for English search.


3 years ago

一個純潔的 App。