Ashvin27 React Datatable Versions Save

React-datatable is a component which provide ability to create multifunctional table using single component like jQuery Datatable. It's fully customizable and easy to integrate in any react component. Bootstrap compatible.


3 years ago

Bug Fixes:

  1. Print and export issue while searching #42
  2. Need Loader please #40
  3. React Javascript Warning #36
  4. Dealing The Big Data or paginate call #34
  5. Nested json Data #26


4 years ago


  1. Add option to specify a key column for each record displayed in the table


4 years ago


  1. Improvements in basic pagination
  2. Implement advanced pagination

Bug Fixes:

  1. CSV doesn't contain computed values #31
  2. Export to Excel functionality is broken - file cannot be opened #28