ArkScript Lang Ark Save

ArkScript is a small, fast, functional and scripting language for C++ projects

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ArkScript log by Mazz

Nota bene: the project is referred as "Ark" and as "ArkScript". The official public name is "ArkScript" since "Ark" is already being used by another language

Key features

ArkScript is

  • small: the core fit under 8000 lines of code ; also small in terms of keywords (only 10)
  • a scripting language: very easy to embed it in your projects. Registering your own functions in the language is made easy
  • portable: a unique bytecode which can be run everywhere the virtual machine is
  • a functional language: every parameter is passed by value, everything is immutable unless specified
  • powerful: provides closures and explicit capture
  • promoting functionalities before performances: expressiveness often brings more productivity, though performances aren't left behind
  • a Lisp inspired language, with fewer parentheses: [...] is expanded to (list ...) and {} to (begin ...)
  • extensible: supports C++ module to use it in the language, adding functionalities

Also it has:

  • macros: if/else, values, and functions
  • tail call optimization
  • a REPL with autocompletion and coloration
  • a growing standard library, composed of ArkScript code (under lib/std/) and C++ (under lib/ext/)
  • a lot of unit tests (but never enough), which are ran before every release to ensure everything works as expected
  • docker images:
    • stable, built after each release
    • nightly, built after each commit


Fibonacci suite

(let fibo (fun (n)
    (if (< n 2)
        (+ (fibo (- n 1)) (fibo (- n 2))))))

(print (fibo 28))  # display 317811

More or less game

(import "random.arkm")
(import "Math.ark")

(let number (mod (math:abs (random)) 10000))

(let game (fun () {
    (let impl (fun (tries) {
        (let guess (toNumber (input "Input a numeric value: ")))

        (if (< guess number)
                (print "It's more than " guess)
                (impl (+ tries 1))}
            (if (= guess number)
                    (print "You found it!")
                    tries }
                    (print "It's less than " guess)
                    (impl (+ tries 1))}))}))

    (let tries (impl 0))
    (print "You won in " tries " tries.")}))


More examples are available inside examples/.


You can either use docker:

docker pull arkscript/stable:latest

# or use the most updated repo
docker pull arkscript/nightly:latest

or build the project with CMake and install it with CMake:

cmake --install build


  • First, fork the repository
  • Then, clone your fork: git clone [email protected]:username/Ark.git
  • Install the pre-commit hooks: pre-commit install (you may need to install pre-commit first)
  • Create a branch for your feature: git checkout -b feat-my-awesome-idea
  • When you're done, push it to your fork and submit a pull request

Make sure you follow the contribution guidelines before submitting your pull request!

Don't know what to work on? No worries, we have a list of things to do :wink:

We have other projects tightly related to ArkScript, which aren't necessarily C++ oriented:

  • the standard library, written in ArkScript itself
  • the standard library modules, extending the capacities of the language, written in C++
  • ArkDoc, a documentation generator à la doxygen for ArkScript, written in Python 3
  • our website written in HTML, CSS and JavaScript

Our beloved contributors

Full list here.

Coding guidelines for contributing

See C++ Coding guidelines if you want to contribute to ArkScript compiler / runtime.

Also, see ArkScript Coding guidelines for other files, written in ArkScript.

For performance reasons, some functions might be written in C++, in include/Ark/Builtins/Builtins.hpp and src/Builtins/.

Code structure

ArkScript code structure



  • C++20
  • CMake >= 3.15
  • Visual Studio >= 11 (on Windows)
  • On macOS versions prior to 10.15, libc++ lacks filesystem in the standard library.
    • Install a newer compiler using Homebrew: brew install gcc && brew link gcc
    • Pass compiler path to cmake in the build step: -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=/usr/local/bin/g++-9 -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=/usr/local/bin/gcc-9

:warning: When passing a specific C++ compiler to CMake, add the corresponding C compiler as ArkScript relies on C code as well ; otherwise you'll cryptic get compilation/linking errors (using CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER and CMAKE_C_COMPILER).

All the external libraries we use are already included in thirdparties.

Through CMake

Different CMake switches are available to customize the build:

  • -DARK_BUILD_EXE to generate an executable, defaults to Off, building a shared library only
  • -DARK_ENABLE_SYSTEM to enable sys:exec (execute shell commands without restrictions), defaults to On
  • -DARK_PROFILER_MIPS to enable the MIPS counting, defaults to Off
  • -DARK_NO_STDLIB to avoid the installation of the ArkScript standard library
  • -DARK_BUILD_MODULES to trigger the modules build
  • -DARK_TESTS to build the unit tests (separate target named unittests)
# first, clone it
git clone --depth=50 --branch=dev
cd Ark
git submodule update --init --recursive
# building Ark
cmake . -Bbuild -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DARK_BUILD_EXE=On
cmake --build build --config Release
# installing Ark (might need administrative privileges)
cmake --install build --config Release

Desired output of arkscript --help:

        ArkScript programming language

        arkscript -h
        arkscript -v
        arkscript --dev-info
        arkscript -e <expression>
        arkscript -c <file> [-d]
        arkscript <file> [-d] [-L <lib_dir>]
        arkscript -f <file> [--dry-run]
        arkscript --ast <file> [-d] [-L <lib_dir>]
        arkscript -bcr <file> -on
        arkscript -bcr <file> -a [-s <start> <end>]
        arkscript -bcr <file> -st [-s <start> <end>]
        arkscript -bcr <file> -vt [-s <start> <end>]
        arkscript -bcr <file> [-cs] [-p <page>] [-s <start> <end>]

        -h, --help                  Display this message
        -v, --version               Display ArkScript version and exit
        --dev-info                  Display development information and exit
        -e, --eval                  Evaluate ArkScript expression

        -c, --compile               Compile the given program to bytecode, but do not run
        -d, --debug...              Increase debug level (default: 0)

        -L, --lib                   Set the location of the ArkScript standard library. Paths can be
                                    delimited by ';'

        -f, --format                Format the given source file in place
        --dry-run                   Do not modify the file, only print out the changes

        --ast                       Compile the given program and output its AST as JSON to stdout
        -d, --debug...              Increase debug level (default: 0)
        -L, --lib                   Set the location of the ArkScript standard library. Paths can be
                                    delimited by ';'

        -bcr, --bytecode-reader     Launch the bytecode reader
        -on, --only-names           Display only the bytecode segments names and sizes
        -a, --all                   Display all the bytecode segments (default)
        -st, --symbols              Display only the symbols table
        -vt, --values               Display only the values table
        -cs, --code                 Display only the code segments
        -p, --page                  Set the bytecode reader code segment to display
        -s, --slice                 Select a slice of instructions in the bytecode


        Mozilla Public License 2.0

In your own project

Please refer to the embedding ArkScript tutorial.




You can find a snake created in ArkScript in the folder examples/games/snake (run it from there, otherwise it won't find the font and the sprites ; you won't need to install the SFML).


Controls are the arrows (left, right, up and down), the game closes itself when you successfully collect the 3 apples.

The donors

Huge thanks to those people for their donations to support the project:


This project was inspired by gameprogramingpatterns and ofan lisp.cpp

Copyright (c) 2019-2024 Alexandre Plateau. All rights reserved.

This ArkScript distribution contains no GNU GPL code, which means it can be used in proprietary projects.

Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "ArkScript Lang Ark" Project. README Source: ArkScript-lang/Ark

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