Argc Save

Easily create feature-rich CLIs in bash.

Project README


CI Crates

Easily create feature-rich CLIs in bash.


Argc lets you define your CLI through comments and focus on your specific code, without worrying about command line argument parsing, usage text, error messages and other functions that are usually handled by a framework in any other programming language.


  • Argument parsing: Parsing user's command line, validating and extracting:
    • Optional or required positional arguments.
    • Optional or required option arguments.
    • Standard flags (like --help, --version, --verbose, -vvv).
    • Commands (and sub-commands).
  • Build bashscript: Build a single standalone bashscript without argc dependency.
  • Cross-shell autocompletion: Generate completion scripts for bash, zsh, fish, powershell, and more.
  • Man page: Generate manage page documentation for your script.
  • Task runner: An ideal task runner in Bash to automate the execution of predefined tasks with
  • Self documentation: Comments with tags are CLI definitions, documentation, usage text.
  • Cross platform: A single executable file that can run on macOS, Linux, Windows, and BSD systems.


With cargo

cargo install argc

Binaries on macOS, Linux, Windows

Download from Github Releases, unzip and add argc to your $PATH.

GitHub Actions

extractions/setup-crate can be used to install just in a GitHub Actions workflow.

- uses: extractions/setup-crate@v1
    owner: sigoden
    name: argc


To write a command-line program with argc, we only need to do two things:

  1. Describe options, flags, positional parameters and subcommands in comment tag.
  2. Insert eval "$(argc --argc-eval "$0" "$@")" into script to let argc to handle command line arguments.


# @flag -F --foo  Flag param
# @option --bar   Option param
# @option --baz*  Option param (multi-occur)
# @arg val*       Positional param

eval "$(argc --argc-eval "$0" "$@")"
echo foo: $argc_foo
echo bar: $argc_bar
echo baz: ${argc_baz[@]}
echo val: ${argc_val[@]}

Run ./ -F --bar=xyz --baz a --baz b v1 v2, you can see argc successfully parses arguments and generate variables with argc_ prefix.

foo: 1
bar: xyz
baz: a b
val: v1 v2

Run ./ --help, argc will print help information for you.

USAGE: example [OPTIONS] [VAL]...

  [VAL]...  Positional param

  -F, --foo           Flag param
      --bar <BAR>     Option param
      --baz [BAZ]...  Option param (multi-occur)
  -h, --help          Print help
  -V, --version       Print version

Comment Tag

Argc uses comments with a JsDoc inspired syntax to add functionality to the scripts at runtime. This syntax, known as a comment tag, is a normal Bash comment followed by an @ sign and a tag. It's how the argc parser identifies configuration.

Tag Description
@describe Set the description for the command.
@cmd Define a subcommand.
@alias Set aliases for the subcommand.
@arg Define a positional argument.
@option Define an option argument.
@flag Define a flag argument.
@env Define an environment variable.
@meta Add a metadata.

See specification for the grammar and usage of all the comment tags.


Build a single standalone bashscript without argc dependency.

argc --argc-build <SCRIPT> [OUTPATH]
argc --argc-build ./ build/

./build/ -h       # Run the script without argc dependency


Argc will automatically find and run unless the --argc-* options are used to change this behavior.

Argcfile is to argc what Makefile is to make.

What is the benefit?

  • Can enjoy convenient shell autocompletion.
  • Can be called in any subdirectory without locating the script file every time.
  • Serve as a centralized entrypoint/documentation for executing project bashscripts.

Argc is a task runner.

You can run argc --argc-create to quickly create a boilerplate argcscript.

argc --argc-create [TASKS]...



Argc provides shell completion for all argc-based scripts.

argc --argc-completions <SHELL> [CMDS]...
# bash (~/.bashrc)
source <(argc --argc-completions bash cmd1 cmd2)

# elvish (~/.config/elvish/rc.elv)
eval (argc --argc-completions elvish cmd1 cmd2 | slurp)

# fish (~/.config/fish/
argc --argc-completions fish cmd1 cmd2 | source

# nushell (~/.config/nushell/
argc --argc-completions nushell cmd1 cmd2 # update manually according to output

# powershell ($PROFILE)
Set-PSReadlineKeyHandler -Key Tab -Function MenuComplete
argc --argc-completions powershell cmd1 cmd2 | Out-String | Invoke-Expression

# xonsh (~/.config/xonsh/rc.xsh)
exec($(argc --argc-completions xonsh cmd1 cmd2))

# zsh (~/.zshrc)
source <(argc --argc-completions zsh cmd1 cmd2)

# tcsh (~/.tcshrc)
eval `argc --argc-completions tcsh cmd1 cmd2`

The core of all completion scripts is to call argc --argc-compgen to obtain completion candidates.

$ argc --argc-compgen bash ./ example --
--foo (Flag param)
--bar (Option param)
--baz (Option param (multi-occur))
--help (Print help)
--version (Print version)

Argc is a completion engine, see 1000+ examples in argc-completions.


Generate man pages for the CLI.

argc --argc-mangen <SCRIPT> [OUTDIR]
argc --argc-mangen ./ man/

man man/example.1


argc provides features for running commands/functions in parallel.

argc --argc-parallel "$0" cmd1 arg1 arg2 ::: cmd2

The above command will run cmd1 arg1 arg2 and cmd2 in parallel.

Compared with GNU parallel, the biggest advantage of argc parallel is that it preserves argc_* variables.


The only dependency of argc is bash. Developers who work on Windows OS usually have git (which includes git-bash) installed, so you can safely use argc and GNU tools (grep, sed, awk...) on windows OS.

Make .sh file executable

If you want to run a .sh script file directly like a .cmd or .exe file, execute the following code in PowerShell.

# Add .sh to PATHEXT
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("PATHEXT", [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("PATHEXT", "Machine") + ";.SH", "Machine")

# Associate the .sh file extension with Git Bash
New-Item -LiteralPath Registry::HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.sh -Force
New-ItemProperty -LiteralPath Registry::HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.sh -Name "(Default)" -Value "sh_auto_file" -PropertyType String -Force
New-ItemProperty -LiteralPath 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Classes\sh_auto_file\shell\open\command' `
  -Name '(default)' -Value '"C:\Program Files\Git\bin\bash.exe" "%1" %*' -PropertyType String -Force



Copyright (c) 2023-2024 argc developers.

argc is made available under the terms of either the MIT License or the Apache License 2.0, at your option.

See the LICENSE-APACHE and LICENSE-MIT files for license details.

Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "Argc" Project. README Source: sigoden/argc

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