Arangojs Versions Save

The official ArangoDB JavaScript driver.


2 weeks ago

This is a preview release which is not intended for use in production and has been published under the npm next tag.

To install the latest preview release, run npm install arangojs@next.

See the migration guide for detailed instructions for upgrading your code to arangojs v9.


  • Inlined x3-linkedlist dependency

    Inlining this dependency should help make arangojs more portable.


  • Added support for withHidden option in collection.indexes

    This option was introduced in ArangoDB 3.10.13 and 3.11.7 and allows fetching the progress information of indexes that are in the building phase.


1 month ago

This is a preview release which is not intended for use in production and has been published under the npm next tag.

To install the latest preview release, run npm install arangojs@next.

See the migration guide for detailed instructions for upgrading your code to arangojs v9.


  • Removed Node.js 14 and Node.js 16 support

    With Node.js 14 and 16 having reached their end of life, arangojs will no longer support these versions of Node.js going forward.

    For more information, see the Node.js release schedule.

  • Removed Params and Headers types

    These can mostly be replaced with the native URLSearchParams and Headers types but most public methods still accept the equivalent Record types for convenience.

  • Removed deprecated FulltextIndex and related types

    Fulltext indexes have been deprecated in ArangoDB 3.10 and should be replaced with ArangoSearch.

  • Removed browser build

    The browser build has been removed from the repository and will no longer be published to npm. The npm package can still be used in the browser by using common frontend tooling like webpack or rollup.


  • Replaced request logic with native fetch API (#788, DE-578, DE-758)

    The node-specific request logic using the http and https modules has been replaced with all-new logic using the web standard fetch API, which should work in Node.js, browsers and other conformant environments.

  • Unicode names are now no longer automatically NFC normalized (DE-65)

    This change affects all database, collection, graph, view and analyzer names using unicode characters. Starting with arangojs v7.7.0 these names were automatically NFC normalized. This behavior has now been reverted to match the behavior of other ArangoDB drivers and help detect normalization issues in user code.

  • Changed return type of aql and the AQL join helper function to AqlQuery

    Previously the internal GeneratedAqlQuery type was exposed as the return type of these functions, leading to complexity when handling generic type arguments.

  • Removed dependency on Node path module or its browserify equivalent

    This change should be backwards-compatible but may produce different results when using non-normalized paths and base-paths in custom routes. This should help support more environments and reduce the size of the browser bundle.


  • Added ESM support (DE-236)

    The driver now supports being imported as an ES module or CommonJS module and provides exports for both types of environments. This change should be backwards-compatible.


2 months ago


  • Added the versionAttribute option to the document operation options types (DE-783)


2 months ago


  • Renamed ZKD index type to MDI (DE-744)

    The ZKD index type was previously marked as experimental and has now been finalized and renamed to MDI in ArangoDB 3.12.

  • Added DocumentOperationMetadata and DocumentOperationFailure types (DE-693)

    The return types of document and edge operations on collections have been modified to correctly represent the return values of bulk operations and single document/edge operations using the overwriteMode option.


  • Deprecated active failover support (DE-746)

    Active failover is no longer be supported in ArangoDB 3.12 and later. This functionality will be removed from the driver in a future release.


  • Added support for multi_delimiter analyzer type (DE-753)

  • Added support for wildcard analyzer type (DE-750)


3 months ago


  • Made options argument in collection.edges, inEdges and outEdges optional (#802)


  • Deprecated db.getLogMessages

    This API was deprecated in ArangoDB 3.8 and should no longer be used. Use db.getLogEntries instead.


  • Fixed db.getLogEntries using the wrong API endpoint


7 months ago


  • Added db.createJob method to convert arbitrary requests into async jobs (DE-610)

    This method can be used to set the x-arango-async: store header on any request, which will cause the server to store the request in an async job:

    const collectionsJob = await db.createJob(() => db.collections());
    // once loaded, collectionsJob.result will be an array of Collection instances
    const numbersJob = await db.createJob(() =>
      db.query(aql`FOR i IN 1..1000 RETURN i`)
    // once loaded, numbersJob.result will be an ArrayCursor of numbers


7 months ago


  • Implemented hot backup API (DE-576)

  • Implemented logging API (DE-144, DE-145, DE-146, DE-147)

  • Implemented async jobs management (DE-339)

  • Added db.shutdown to initiate a clean shutdown of the server

  • Added db.time method to retrieve the server's system time


8 months ago


  • Fixed default return type of AQL queries being undefined instead of any (#797)


10 months ago


  • Fetching additional cursor results now uses POST instead of PUT (DE-605)

    The POST route was deprecated and the PUT route is supported in all actively maintained versions of ArangoDB.

  • User management methods now use database-relative URLs (DE-606)

    Previously these methods would make requests without a database prefix, implicitly using the _system database.

  • aql template strings now take a generic type argument

    This allows explictly setting the item type of the ArrayCursor returned by db.query when using aql template strings. Note that like when setting the type on db.query directly, arangojs can make no guarantees that the type matches the actual data returned by the query.

    const numbers = await db.query(aql<{ index: number; squared: number }>`
      FOR i IN 1..1000
      RETURN {
        index: i,
        squared: i * i
    const first = await; // { index: number; squared: number; }
    console.log(first.index, first.squared); // 1 1


  • Fixed listUsers behavior (#782)

  • Fixed graph.create not correctly handling isDisjoint option


  • Added missing attributes to QueryInfo and MultiExplainResult.stats types (DE-607)

  • Added cluster rebalancing methods to Database (DE-583)

  • Added db.withTransaction helper method for streaming transactions (#786)

    This method allows using streaming transactions without having to manually begin and commit or abort the transaction.

    const vertices = db.collection("vertices");
    const edges = db.collection("edges");
    const info = await db.withTransaction([vertices, edges], async (step) => {
      const start = await step(() => vertices.document("a"));
      const end = await step(() => vertices.document("b"));
      return await step(() =>{ _from: start._id, _to: end._id }));


10 months ago


  • Added note that Simple Queries traversals are removed in ArangoDB 3.12.