Appr Versions Save

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6 years ago

Appr 2.0 is here with a few major improvements! ?


  • exp is now a peer dependency. Instead of having to lock you into a single version of exp (or having the dependency duplicated by npm) you now need to install exp as a devDependency with npm i --dev exp or yarn add --dev exp.


  • Migrate from scoped project names to Expo release channels. Instead of publishing a new app for each branch, we now push to a new release channel within your existing app.
  • Publish non-PR branches. Appr now supports publishing directly from branches instead of PRs. You can for example set up a Appr publish for your master branch to push to a master channel, so you can test integrated feature sets as easily as individual features.


  • Improved documentation
  • Small bugfixes

Thank you @jpdriver and @xcarpentier for contributing to this release, and @teddyviking, @jayeszee and @motiz88 for submitting pull requests and contributing to design decisions in the issues.


6 years ago

Patch release with the following fixes and changes:

  • Adds support for latest exp version
  • Fix URL used to generate QR code

Thanks @xcarpentier for these contributions ?


6 years ago

Minor release with the following fixes and changes:


7 years ago
