Applied Machine Learning Course Save

This course covers the applied side of algorithmics in machine learning and deep learning, focusing on hands-on coding experience in Python.

Project README

Course: Applied Machine Learning

This course covers the applied/coding side of algorithmics in machine learning and deep learning, with a smidgen of evolutionary algorithms.

Syllabus: What is machine learning (ML), Python, applying ML, supervised learning, dimensionality reduction, unsupervised learning, deep networks, evolutionary algorithms

Expanded Syllabus

5-Min Reads

Lesson Plan

Cheat Sheets

Algorithm Pros and Cons

Resources: Evolutionary Algorithms, Machine Learning, Deep Learning

Expanded Syllabus

  • What is machine learning (ML)?
  • Basics of Python programming
  • Applying ML: evaluation, dataset splits, cross-validation, performance measures, bias/variance tradeoff, visualization, confusion matrix, choosing estimators, hyperparameter tuning, statistics
  • Supervised learning: models, features, objectives, model training, overfitting, regularization, classification, regression, gradient descent, k nearest neighbors, linear regression, logistic regression, decision tree, random forest, adaptive boosting, gradient boosting, support vector machine, naïve Bayes
  • Dimensionality reduction: principal component analysis
  • Unsupervised learning: hierarchical clustering, k-means, t-SNE
  • Deep networks: backpropagation, deep neural network, convolutional neural network
  • Evolutionary algorithms: genetic algorithm,genetic programming

5-Min Reads

Here you can find short reads on various topics related to this course: machine learning, deep learning, evolutionary algorithms, artificial intelligence, and more.

Lesson Plan

( marks my colab notebooks)

1: Python, AI+ML Intro

2: ML Intro, Simple Example, KNN, Cross-Validation

3: Scikit-learn, Models, Decision Trees

4: Random Forest, Linear Regression Logistic Regression

5: AdaBoost, Gradient Boosting

6: XGBoost, Comparing ML algos, Gradient Descent

7: Choosing Model, SVM, Bayes, Metrics

8: Metrics, PCA, t-SNE, Clustering

9: Hyperparameter Tuning, p-vals, t-test, Permutation Test

10+11: Neural Networks

12+13: Evolutionary Algorithms

Cheat Sheets

Algorithm Pros and Cons

  • KN Neighbors
    ✔ Simple, No training, No assumption about data, Easy to implement, New data can be added seamlessly, Only one hyperparameter
    ✖ Doesn't work well in high dimensions, Sensitive to noisy data, missing values and outliers, Doesn't work well with large data sets — cost of calculating distance is high, Needs feature scaling, Doesn't work well on imbalanced data, Doesn't deal well with missing values

  • Decision Tree
    ✔ Doesn't require standardization or normalization, Easy to implement, Can handle missing values, Automatic feature selection
    ✖ High variance, Higher training time, Can become complex, Can easily overfit

  • Random Forest
    ✔ Left-out data can be used for testing, High accuracy, Provides feature importance estimates, Can handle missing values, Doesn't require feature scaling, Good performance on imbalanced datasets, Can handle large dataset, Outliers have little impact, Less overfitting
    ✖ Less interpretable, More computational resources, Prediction time high

  • Linear Regression
    ✔ Simple, Interpretable, Easy to Implement
    ✖ Assumes linear relationship between features, Sensitive to outliers

  • Logistic Regression
    ✔ Doesn’t assume linear relationship between independent and dependent variables, Output can be interpreted as probability, Robust to noise
    ✖ Requires more data, Effective when linearly separable

  • Lasso Regression (L1)
    ✔ Prevents overfitting, Selects features by shrinking coefficients to zero
    ✖ Selected features will be biased, Prediction can be worse than Ridge

  • Ridge Regression (L2)
    ✔ Prevents overfitting
    ✖ Increases bias, Less interpretability

  • AdaBoost
    ✔ Fast, Reduced bias, Little need to tune
    ✖ Vulnerable to noise, Can overfit

  • Gradient Boosting
    ✔ Good performance
    ✖ Harder to tune hyperparameters

  • XGBoost
    ✔ Less feature engineering required, Outliers have little impact, Can output feature importance, Handles large datasets, Good model performance, Less prone to overfitting
    ✖ Difficult to interpret, Harder to tune as there are numerous hyperparameters

  • SVM
    ✔ Performs well in higher dimensions, Excellent when classes are separable, Outliers have less impact
    ✖ Slow, Poor performance with overlapping classes, Selecting appropriate kernel functions can be tricky

  • Naïve Bayes
    ✔ Fast, Simple, Requires less training data, Scalable, Insensitive to irrelevant features, Good performance with high-dimensional data
    ✖ Assumes independence of features

  • Deep Learning
    ✔ Superb performance with unstructured data (images, video, audio, text)
    ✖ (Very) long training time, Many hyperparameters, Prone to overfitting

Resources: Evolutionary Algorithms, Machine Learning, Deep Learning


Basic Reads

Advanced Reads

Books (🡇 means free to download)



Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "Applied Machine Learning Course" Project. README Source: moshesipper/Applied-Machine-Learning-Course