APPlayMIDI Versions Save

A simple MIDI file player for MacOS.


8 months ago

This release hopefully fixes a memory leak, and makes a few other internal adjustments. Usage should be the same, but perhaps with fewer quirks.


1 year ago

A Quick Look extension has been added, allowing MIDI files to be played directly from the Finder, and from file dialogs. This version requires macOS 12 (Monterey) or later. (The app is otherwise identical to v.1.05.)

Due to a skills shortage, it's a fairly minimal implementation. Note that you need to press the Play button to start the preview -- this is so that files don't immediately play when they are selected in the Finder.

The code works well: but there are a few interface issues that need tidying up. If there are any problems with Quick Look, you can delete the qlMIDI.appex bundle from inside the app's package > PlugIns folder.


2 years ago

This fixes an issue where the top of the slider button was cropped for some reason.

Universal Binary for Intel and ARM Macs.


2 years ago

V1.04 is a Universal Binary that will work on Intel and ARM Macs.

If you're running on an Intel Mac on an older OS than Big Sur, you may need to keep using v1.02.


4 years ago

Hopefully made the app easier to install, by getting it code-signed, so Gatekeeper won't kick up a fuss.


4 years ago

Fixed Window Cascading. Documents should now cascade.


4 years ago

Initial release.