Apollo Versions Save

Apollo is a reliable configuration management system suitable for microservice configuration management scenarios.


4 months ago


Support for H2 Database

Apollo now supports the H2 database, ideal for rapid deployment scenarios. For further details, refer to PR #4851.

Release Histories Retention

Users can now adjust how many release histories to keep for each namespace, reducing the risk of too many histories overloading the database. For more info, please see the documentation.

Log Directory Relocated to /opt/logs

The log files for Apollo ConfigService, AdminService, and Portal are now all in /opt/logs, instead of in separate folders like /opt/logs/10003171, /opt/logs/10003172, and /opt/logs/10003173.

Create Applications with OpenAPI

Open API consumer tokens now include a flag indicating permission to create applications. When set to 'yes', users are enabled to create applications using the consumer token through the Open API.


Grayscale Functionality for Non-Properties Namespaces

Grayscale release is now enabled for non-properties namespaces, such as YAML and JSON.

Audit Log for Administrators

Administrators now have access to detailed audit logs via the Audit Log feature located in the Admin Tools section.



What's Changed


Please refer to the Distributed Deployment Guide.

How to upgrade from v2.1.0 to v2.2.0

  1. Apply apolloconfigdb-v210-v220.sql to ApolloConfigDB
  2. Apply apolloportaldb-v210-v220.sql to ApolloPortalDB
  3. Deploy v2.2.0 executables with the following sequences:
    1. apollo-configservice
    2. apollo-adminservice
    3. apollo-portal

New Contributors


1 year ago


Admin Tools Enhancement

User management enhancement The user management page now has a list view of all users and administrators can easily find a specific user to edit. image

System configuration enhancement The system configuration page now has a list view of all configuration items of PortalDB as well as ConfigDB. Administrators can easily find a specific configuration item to edit.



Open platform authorization management enhancement The open platform authorization management page now has a list view of third-party apps and administrators can easily find a specific app to grant permission. image

Basic Types for Item

Users can now config the types of the item and apollo would do a basic type check based on the type. The types available now are String(default), Number, Boolean, and JSON. image

Non-properties Namespaces Comparison Feature

The comparison feature for non-properties namespaces is now available. image

Support Database as the Service Registry for apollo-configservice and apollo-adminservice

Apollo now supports the use of database as the service registry, without relying on a third-party service registry such as eureka. See database-discovery for more information.

What's Changed


Bug fixes


Breaking Changes

As was discussed in #4353, apollo drops the support for the flyway database migration tool.


Please refer to the Distributed Deployment Guide.

How to upgrade from v2.0.1 to v2.1.0

use ApolloPortalDB;
delete from `SPRING_SESSION`;

New Contributors


1 year ago

What's Changed

Bug fixes



Please refer Distributed Deployment Guide.

How to upgrade from v2.0.0 to v2.0.1

There is no schema change between v2.0.0 and v2.0.1 So simply deploy v2.0.1 executables with the following sequences:

  1. apollo-configservice
  2. apollo-adminservice
  3. apollo-portal


1 year ago


Java 17 Support

Apollo now supports Java Runtime Environment 8, 11, and 17 for both clients and servers.

Public Namespaces List View

A public namespaces list view is added to the apollo homepage, users could now view and search public namespaces.


Grayscale Label Support

Grayscale rules now support matching with labels for scenarios where IP is not fixed, e.g. Kubernetes. For more information on how to use this feature, please refer apollo user guide.


Enhanced Config Export/Import

The batch config export/import feature is enhanced.


The export/import feature is also enabled for each namespace.


Unique Constraint Index

Previously, Apollo doesn't have unique constraint indices due to the soft delete design. However, there might be problems in concurrent situations. With the new DeletedAt columns, unique indices are added for most of the tables. There are some manual steps for existing users to upgrade.

Breaking Changes

As was discussed in #3896, apollo-client drops java 1.7 support since the 2.0.0 release. The minimum Java runtime environment is 1.8(for both client and server).

What's Changed


Bug fixes



Please refer Distributed Deployment Guide.

How to upgrade from v1.9.x to v2.0.0

Important Note: 2.0.0 release adds unique indices for most of the tables by adding DeletedAt columns, so there are some manual steps to do:

  1. Check whether there are duplicate dirty data in your database(optional)
    1. Please refer the Scripts to check whether there is any duplicate data section in PR #3866
  2. Apply the first part of the schema changes to ApolloConfigDB and ApolloPortalDB
    1. Apply apolloconfigdb-v190-v200.sql to ApolloConfigDB and apolloportaldb-v190-v200.sql to ApolloPortalDB
    2. Flyway users could run the following maven commands instead
      1. mvn -N -Pconfigdb -Dflyway.target=2.0.0 flyway:migrate
      2. mvn -N -Pportaldb -Dflyway.target=2.0.0 flyway:migrate
  3. Upgrade apollo-configservice
  4. Upgrade apollo-adminservice
  5. Upgrade apollo-portal
  6. Add unique indices to ApolloConfigDB and ApolloPortalDB
    1. Apply apolloconfigdb-v190-v200-after.sql to ApolloConfigDB and apolloportaldb-v190-v200-after.sql to ApolloPortalDB
    2. Flyway users could run the following maven commands instead
      1. mvn -N -Pconfigdb flyway:migrate
      2. mvn -N -Pportaldb flyway:migrate
    3. In case you want to rollback the unique indices, you could refer the Scripts to rollback the unique indices section in PR #3866

New Contributors


2 years ago


Java 17 Support

Apollo now supports Java Runtime Environment 8, 11, and 17 for both clients and servers.

Public Namespaces List View

A public namespaces list view is added to the apollo homepage, users could now view and search public namespaces.


Grayscale Label Support

Grayscale rules now support matching with labels for scenarios where IP is not fixed, e.g. Kubernetes. For more information on how to use this feature, please refer apollo user guide.


Enhanced Config Export/Import

The batch config export/import feature is enhanced.


The export/import feature is also enabled for each namespace.


Unique Constraint Index

Previously, Apollo doesn't have unique constraint indices due to the soft delete design. However, there might be problems in concurrent situations. With the new DeletedAt columns, unique indices are added for most of the tables. There are some manual steps for existing users to upgrade.

Breaking Changes

As was discussed in #3896, apollo-client drops java 1.7 support since the 2.0.0 release. The minimum Java runtime environment is 1.8(for both client and server).

What's Changed


Bug fixes



Please refer Distributed Deployment Guide.

How to upgrade from v1.9.x to v2.0.0

Important Note: 2.0.0 release adds unique indices for most of the tables by adding DeletedAt columns, so there are some manual steps to do:

  1. Check whether there are duplicate dirty data in your database(optional)
    1. Please refer the Scripts to check whether there is any duplicate data section in PR #3866
  2. Apply the first part of the schema changes to ApolloConfigDB and ApolloPortalDB
    1. Apply apolloconfigdb-v190-v200.sql to ApolloConfigDB and apolloportaldb-v190-v200.sql to ApolloPortalDB
    2. Flyway users could run the following maven commands instead
      1. mvn -N -Pconfigdb -Dflyway.target=2.0.0 flyway:migrate
      2. mvn -N -Pportaldb -Dflyway.target=2.0.0 flyway:migrate
  3. Upgrade apollo-configservice
  4. Upgrade apollo-adminservice
  5. Upgrade apollo-portal
  6. Add unique indices to ApolloConfigDB and ApolloPortalDB
    1. Apply apolloconfigdb-v190-v200-after.sql to ApolloConfigDB and apolloportaldb-v190-v200-after.sql to ApolloPortalDB
    2. Flyway users could run the following maven commands instead
      1. mvn -N -Pconfigdb flyway:migrate
      2. mvn -N -Pportaldb flyway:migrate
    3. In case you want to rollback the unique indices, you could refer the Scripts to rollback the unique indices section in PR #3866

New Contributors


2 years ago


  • Update xstream version to 1.4.18 #4177

Bug fixes

  • Fix the issue that property placeholder doesn't work for dubbo reference beans #4161 #4169
  • Fix the NPE occurred when using EnableApolloConfig with Spring 3.1.1 #4179
  • Catch LinkageError for ClassLoaderUtil.isClassPresent in case class is present but is failed to load #4187


@lonre @nobodyiam


Please refer Distributed Deployment Guide

How to upgrade from v1.9.1 to v1.9.2

There is no schema change between v1.9.1 and v1.9.2 So simply deploy v1.9.2 executables with the following sequences:

  1. apollo-configservice
  2. apollo-adminservice
  3. apollo-portal


2 years ago

Bug fixes

  • Remove spring dependencies from internal code #3937
  • Fix issue: ingress syntax #3933


@klboke @lijiansgit


Please refer Distributed Deployment Guide

How to upgrade from v1.9.0 to v1.9.1

There is no schema change between v1.9.0 and v1.9.1 So simply deploy v1.9.1 executables with the following sequences:

  1. apollo-configservice
  2. apollo-adminservice
  3. apollo-portal


2 years ago


  • Extend DataChange_CreatedBy, DataChange_LastModifiedBy from 32 to 64. #3552
  • Add spring configuration metadata. #3553
  • Slim configservice/adminservice/portal docker image size. #3572
  • Add network strategy guideline to docker quick start. #3574
  • Support for consul service discovery. #3575
  • Replace http client implementation with interface in apollo client. #3594
  • Allow users to inject customized instance via ApolloInjectorCustomizer. #3602
  • Upgrade com.thoughtworks.xstream#xstream version to 1.4.17. #3611
  • Localize css to speed up the loading of google fonts. #3660
  • Solve ConfigService startup exception. #3679
  • Apollo-Client Remove redundant invoke of trySyncFromUpstream. #3699
  • Apollo-Client add method interestedChangedKeys to ConfigChangeEvent. #3666
  • Use queue#take instead of poll. #3765
  • Support Spring Boot config data loader. #3754
  • Add get authorized apps openapi. #3647
  • Use db/redis for share login session to support mutil portal instance. And make db mode for default. #3786 #3869
  • Add email for select user on apollo portal. #3797
  • Set default session store-type. #3812
  • Add the delegating password encoder for apollo-portal simple auth. #3804
  • Support release apollo-client-config-data in github workflow. #3822
  • Apollo-Client reduce bootstrap time in the situation with large properties by cache property source. #3816
  • Use official docker images for manual kubernetes deployment. #3840
  • Add history details for not key-value type of namespace. #3856
  • Apollo-Client lazy load ConfigUtil. #3864
  • Public namespace support different formats. #3836 #3871
  • Translate application into 应用 not 项目. #3877
  • Support search by item key for commit. #3878 #3894
  • Apollo-Client polish log. #3882

Bug fixes

  • Fix the issue that apollo portal won't start when ldap is enabled and optimize ldap samples.#3561
  • Fix load front resource 404 when auth disabled and configure cotext-path. #3609
  • Fix access key doesn't work if appid passed is in different case. #3627
  • Fix oidc logout with context-path. #3628
  • Fix and optimize unit test. #3667 #3668 #3669
  • Fix the problem that the loading log of Apollo cannot be output when the log system is not initialized. #3677
  • Fix oidc sql. #3720
  • Fix item comment valid size to 256. #3803
  • Fix possiable NPE. #3832
  • Fix release messages might be missed in certain scenarios. #3819
  • Fix size of create project button. #3849
  • Fix show-text-modal.html number display. #3851


@vdisk-group @nobodyiam @finchcn @klboke @Loading-Life @Anilople @Technoboy- @chengasd @lonre @wilsonwu @CalebZYC @lepdou @dake0805 @Accelerater


Please refer Distributed Deployment Guide

How to upgrade from v1.8.x to v1.9.0

  1. Apply apolloconfigdb-v180-v190.sql to ApolloConfigDB
  2. Apply apolloportaldb-v180-v190.sql to ApolloPortalDB
  3. Deploy v1.9.0 executables with the following sequences:
    1. apollo-configservice
    2. apollo-adminservice
    3. apollo-portal


2 years ago

This release includes the following fix.

  • update xstream to 1.4.17 #3692


Please refer Distributed Deployment Guide

How to upgrade from v1.8.1 to v1.8.2

There is no schema change between v1.8.1 and v1.8.2 So simply deploy v1.8.2 executables with the following sequences:

  1. apollo-configservice
  2. apollo-adminservice
  3. apollo-portal


3 years ago

This release includes the following fix.

  • Fix the issue that apollo portal won't start when ldap is enabled. #3561


Please refer Distributed Deployment Guide

How to upgrade from v1.8.0 to v1.8.1

There is no schema change between v1.8.0 and v1.8.1 So simply deploy v1.8.1 executables with the following sequences:

  1. apollo-configservice
  2. apollo-adminservice
  3. apollo-portal