Antlr4 C3 Versions Save

A grammar agnostic code completion engine for ANTLR4 based parsers


1 year ago


1 year ago
  • All the classes in the SymbolTable.ts file have been split into separate files.
  • The main Symbol class has been renamed to BaseSymbol to avoid confusion and trouble with the Javascript Symbol class.
  • The package works now with Typescript 5.0 and above.
  • The tests have been organized into a separate sub project, which is no longer built with the main project. Instead tests files are transpiled on-the-fly (using ts-jest) when running the tests. These transpiled files are never written to disk.
  • Symbol creation functions (like SymbolTable.addNewSymbolOfType) now allow Typescript to check the given parameters for the class type. You will now have to provide the correct parameter list for the symbol type you want to create. This is a breaking change, because the old version allowed you to pass any parameter list to any symbol creation function.


1 year ago

Some minor adjustments for use in Typescript 5 projects.


1 year ago
  • Some improvements in the symbol table implementation.
  • Updated dependencies.
  • PR #76 (fixes bug #23) Account for empty and fully-optional-body rules when collecting tokens, thanks to Aaron Braunstein.