Android Mvvm Unittest Save

to learn android MVVM and unit test

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To learn android MVVM based on Android Architecture Components and unit test.

  • Kotlin :heart:
  • Start with basic and simple.
  • Each example should has a unit test at least or more.

E01 - Simple Activity

Simple Data Binding, ViewModel, LiveData on an Activity.

Simple Unit Test with Espresso.

E01a - Simple Activity and Two-way binding

Base on E01

MediatorLiveData to merge events of two LiveData

E02 - Simple Fragment with some animations

Simple Data Binding, ViewModel, LiveData on a Fragment.

Some animations with lottie(resources by Eddy Gann).

Custom binding attribute onAnimationEnd using BindingAdapter.

For single Fragment android instrumented test, there is a dummy activity which only works on debug and test that implemented with debug Source set and @RestrictTo annotation.

For unit test, it needs to decouple the logic that getting boolean result from ViewModel. so ViewModelProvider.Factory is here.

E02a - Simple Fragment with some animations and DI library

Based on E02.

Dependency Injection with Kodein DI as a elegant way to decouple the logic.

E03 - RecyclerView

Simple Data Binding, ViewModel, LiveData on a RecyclerView.

Implementation of Add, Remove and Edit actions.

E04 - Request Permission

Request Permission on MVVM. to convert strings to a simple format.

MockK for unit test.

E05 - Interaction between 2 Fragments

Reuse E02.

A Fragment knows two ViewModel, so two views observe one ViewModel.

ListAdapter for RecyclerView.

E06 - Infinite RecyclerView

Paging library

E07 - Change Screen

Using Coordinator for ViewModel. By doing so, changing screen logic are in one place.

Transition Framework

Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "Android Mvvm Unittest" Project. README Source: cchcc/android-mvvm-unittest
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4 years ago

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