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Amexio is a rich set of Angular 7 (170+) components powered by HTML5 & CSS3 for Responsive Design and with 80+ Material Design Themes, UI Components, Charts, Gauges, Data Point Widgets, Dashboards. Amexio is completely Open Sourced and Free. It's based on Apache 2 License. You can use it in your production grade work today at no cost or no obligation.


4 years ago

v5.19 London preview release bring new directive and support to angular 7.2

Amexio Directives
Dynamic Text

Checkout our new API | SHOWCASE APP | EE DEMO site.


4 years ago

v5.19 London preview release bring new set of directives, components, bug fixes and enhancements

Amexio Directives
Full Screen
Routing Animation
Amexio Components
Date Range Picker
Task Bar
Dial Pad
Amexio Component Enhancement and bugs
Creative window: model attribute added
Window: model attribute added
Password: show/hide
Fieldset: expanded attributed added
Tab: height attribute added
Tab: onCloseClick event
Tab: enable-confirm-box attribute to get dialog box on close click

Checkout our new API | SHOWCASE APP | EE DEMO site.


4 years ago

v5.18 London preview release bring new set of directives, components, bug fixes and enhancements

Amexio Components
DataGrid And/Or functionality
Stackable Panel
Ce Window maximize issue
Round edge directive
Nav Bar with menu and sub menu scrollable
Creative window and window with minimize functionality
D3 Line chart with X-axis interval and slant x axis label
Resolved Issues /Bugs Description
#137 Amexio-d3-chart. Rotation for long label at x-Axis

Checkout our new API | SHOWCASE APP | EE DEMO site.


4 years ago

v5.15 London preview release bring new set of Creative components and bug fixes.

Amexio Components
Github Social Login
Speech Bubble
Flip Card
Zoomable Card
Draggable and Resizable Floating Panel
Geo Location
Calendar with more feature
Resolved Issues /Bugs Description
#125 amexio-layout-grid is broken in version 5.11.1
#127 Amexio Datagrid Filtering
#129 Clear Filter
#134 SA - Rado : Event fired twice

Checkout our new API | SHOWCASE APP | EE DEMO site.


4 years ago

With the addition of New Creative, Standard and Enterprise Components we provide you our newest version 5.14. Following is the detailed description.

Amexio Components
Amexio Mask Input
Virtual Scroll
Draggable and Resize window
Floating Panel.
Banner: close on scroll enhancement.

Checkout our new API site.


5 years ago

With the addition of New Creative, Standard and Enterprise Components we provide you our newest version 5.13. Following is the detailed description.

Amexio Components
Color Picker
Tree Tab
Theme Switcher
Card with 3D Ribbon
Sliding Panel
Card with Image Bg and Animated Overlay Effect
Navbar Promotional Banner
Carousel Parallax Effect
Component Enhancement
Label - word-wrap
Vertical Tab Enhancement.

Checkout our new API site.


5 years ago

With the addition of New Components and directive we provide you our newest version 5.12. Following is the detailed description.

Color Palette
Amexio Components
Carousel Animation
Box with gradient
Create menus for the home page
Polaroid Card style
Sliding Panel
Dark, Sepia and Custom color mode
Multi-date Time Picker
Component Enhancement
Grid Layout Splitter
Accordion: multi-open attribute
Loader to d3 charts
Enhanced search box with global filter
Resolved Issues /Bugs Description
#125 amexio-layout-grid is broken in version 5.11.1
#127 Amexio Datagrid Filtering

33 New theme Addition

Checkout our new API site. Checkout our Creative Application.


5 years ago

With the addition of New Components we provide you our newest version 5.11. Following is the detailed description.

Amexio Components
View Port - video Background
Creative Carousel
Day and Night component

Checkout our new API site.


5 years ago

With the addition of New Components and a lot of thought out enhancements we provide you our newest version 5.10. Following is the detailed description.

Amexio Components
View Port
Range Slider
Navbar with Submenus
Amexio Component: Bug fixes in following components
Nav bar positioning
Range slider: type (square, circle and rectangle)
Nav bar submenus position
Chip: emit data
Display field for chip
Box: transparent added
Grid with inner child
Slider icon

Checkout our new API site.


5 years ago

With the addition of Accessibility Features ARIA 1.1 support with tab navigation for few Amexio components and a lot of thought out enhancements we provide you our newest version 5.9. Following is the detailed description.

Amexio Components : Accessibility Feature
Tree Data Grid
Horizontal Tree
Filter Tree
Amexio Component:
Property Grid
Amexio Component: Bug fixes in following components
Side nav
Nav bar
Tool bar

Checkout our new API site.