Aliyun Spring Boot Versions Save

Spring Boot Starters for Aliyun services


4 years ago

⭐️ Features

Introducing Starters, Samples, and Documents

  • Alibaba Cloud OSS: An encrypted and secure cloud storage service that stores, processes, and accesses massive amounts of data from anywhere in the world.

  • Alibaba Cloud SMS: A messaging service that covers the globe, Alibaba SMS provides convenient, efficient, and intelligent communication capabilities that help businesses quickly contact their customers.

  • Alibaba Cloud SchedulerX: accurate, highly reliable, and highly available scheduled job scheduling services with a response time within seconds.

  • Alibaba Cloud Redis: A key-value database service that offers in-memory caching and high-speed access to applications hosted on the cloud.

  • Alibaba Cloud RDS MySQL: A fully hosted online database service that supports MySQL 5.5, 5.6, 5.7, and 8.0.