AlgoDaily Save Abandoned

just for fun

Project README


I guess doing algorithms every day is a long-term investment in my life


  • python, js, golang

Target topics

  • Binary Search
  • Binary Search Tree
  • Tree(Binary Tree, N-aray Tree, Trie, Binary Indexed Tree, Segment Tree, Huffman Coding)
  • Graph(Dijkstra, Bellman-Ford, Floyd Warshall, Union Find, Kruskal, Prim's, Minimum Spanning Tree, Topological Ordering, Tarjan...etc)
  • Stack
  • Queue
  • Array(Line Sweep, Partitionnig)
  • Sorting
  • Heap
  • Hash Table
  • Linked list
  • Bit Operation
  • Backtracking
  • Dynamic programming(Kadan, Knapsack, Binary Lifting, MinMax...etc)
  • Math (Reservoir Sampling, Rejection Sampling...etc)
  • and more...

Questions from


  • I have been doing this every day since September 1st, 2018
  • On Sep 17th, 2019, day 381, I joined eBay
  • On May 27th, 2021, day 1000
  • On June 1st, 2021, day 1004, I joined Facebook
const start = new Date("09/01/2018"); const now = new Date(); console.log(Math.ceil((now - start) / (1000 * 3600 * 24)));
Day Question Type From remarks
1701 Memoize JS leetcode 2623
1702 Snail Traversal array leetcode 2624
1703 Flatten Deeply Nested Array recursion leetcode 2625
1704 Array Reduce Transformation JS leetcode 2626
1705 Debounce JS leetcode 2627
1706 JSON Deep Equal recursion leetcode 2628
1707 Sum of all subarrays math glassdoor 📌
1708 Function Composition JS leetcode 2629 ✅ iterative, ⭐️ recursive
1709 Group By hashtable leetcode 2631
1710 Curry recursion leetcode 2632 ⭐️⭐️⭐️ very interesting
1711 Filter Elements from Array array leetcode 2634
1712 Apply Transform Over Each Element in Array array leetcode 2635
1713 Promise Time Limit JS leetcode 2637 ⭐️ JS promise
1714 Convert Object to JSON String recursion leetcode 2633 ⭐️ practical
1715 Check Sum of Two Fibonacci DP, 2 pointers glassdoor
1716 Code Length Calculator greedy glassdoor
1717 Is Chemical Reaction Balanced greedy glassdoor ⭐️
1718 Ways to Make Palindrome string , math, backtracking glassdoor
1719 Find the Width of Columns of a Grid array leetcode 2623
1720 Find the Score of All Prefixes of an Array prefix sum leetcode 2640
1721 Cousins in Binary Tree II tree leetcode 2641
1721 Design Graph With Shortest Path Calculator JS leetcode 2642
1722 Row With Maximum Ones array leetcode 2643
1723 Find the Maximum Divisibility Score math leetcode 2644
1724 Minimum Additions to Make Valid String greedy leetcode 2645
1725 Highly Profitable Months 2 pointers glassdoor
1726 Array Reduction heap glassdoor
1727 Checksum string glassdoor
1728 Generate Fibonacci Sequence JS leetcode 2648
1729 Nested Array Generator JS leetcode 2649
1730 Calculate Delayed Arrival Time math leetcode 2651
1731 Sum Multiples math leetcode 2652
1732 Maximum Sum With Exactly K Elements math leetcode 2656
1733 Find the Prefix Common Array of Two Arrays hashtable leetcode 2657 ⭐️ practical
1734 Maximum Number of Fish in a Grid graph leetcode 2658 ⭐️ practical
1735 Sliding Subarray Beauty sliding window leetcode 2653
1735 Find Can I Win recursion, hashtable, minmax leetcode 464 📌📌📌
1736 Find Maximal Uncovered Ranges sort leetcode 2655 ⭐️ practical
1737 Determine the Winner of a Bowling Game array leetcode 2660
1738 First Completely Painted Row or Column hashtable leetcode 2661
1739 Circle and Rectangle Overlapping math leetcode 1401 binary search
1740 The Knight’s Tour backtracking leetcode 2664 ⭐️ i like this
1741 Counter II JS leetcode 2665
1742 Allow One Function Call JS leetcode 2666
1743 Create Hello World Function JS leetcode 2667
1744 Find the Distinct Difference Array hashtable leetcode 2670 ⭐️ prefix sum, suffix sum, hashtable
1745 Frequency Tracker hashtable leetcode 2671 ⭐️ practical
1746 Make Costs of Paths Equal in a Binary Tree recursion leetcode 2673 ⭐️ hinted, interesting problem
1747 Number of Adjacent Elements With the Same Color math leetcode 2672 ⭐️ hinted
1748 Split a Circular Linked List linked list leetcode 2674 i hate linked list
1749 Number of Senior Citizens string leetcode 2678
1750 Sum in a Matrix sort leetcode 2679
1751 Throttle JS leetcode 2676 ⭐️ practical, 2 approaches
1752 Chunk Array JS leetcode 2677
1753 Find the Losers of the Circular Game array leetcode 2682
1754 Maximum Number of Moves in a Grid graph leetcode 2684
1755 Count the Number of Complete Components graph leetcode 2685
1756 Extract Kth Character From The Rope Tree tree leetcode 2689
1757 Infinite Method Object JS leetcode 2690 JS Proxy
1758 Event Emitter JS leetcode 2694 ⭐️ very practical
1759 Array Wrapper JS leetcode 2695
1760 Minimum String Length After Removing Substrings stack leetcode 2696
1761 Lexicographically Smallest Palindrome 2 pointers leetcode 2697
1762 Differences Between Two Objects JS leetcode 2700
1763 2 Keys Keyboard recursion leetcode 650 📌📌📌 easy to understand but hard to come up with the solution
1764 Find the Punishment Number of an Integer recursion leetcode 2698 ⭐️ interesting
1765 Return Length of Arguments Passed logic leetcode 2703
1766 To Be Or Not To Be JS leetcode 2704
1767 Compact Object JS leetcode 2705
1768 Buy Two Chocolates array leetcode 2706
1769 Maximum Strength of a Group recursion, greedy leetcode 2708 1st brute-force, 2nd 📌 learned from others
1770 Remove Trailing Zeros From a String array leetcode 2710
1771 Difference of Number of Distinct Values on Diagonals array leetcode 2711
1772 Car Fleet II stack, math leetcode 1776 📌📌📌
1773 Minimum Cost to Make All Characters Equal greedy leetcode 2712 📌📌📌
Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "AlgoDaily" Project. README Source: calvinchankf/AlgoDaily

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