Ajax Form Versions Save

HTML forms on performance-enhancing drugs


7 years ago

May happen in some instances since the ajax-form.js file lis loaded before the <template> is rendered. Ran across this while working on a Web Component integration library/loader for React.

Error I saw was:

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'content' of undefined
    at HTMLFormElement.value (ajax-form.js:476)
    at ajax-form.js:469
    at ajax-form.js:500

Fixed in 801d1901738a88dd9070ec200f617d7a61ec3ed4.


8 years ago

Thanks to @rajsite for discovering the issue and @flaiker for verifying the fix. See #73 and #78 for details.


8 years ago

This was accidentally removed from a previous version. See #75 for details.


8 years ago

You no longer have to pull in the full webcomponents.js polyfill for browsers that do not implement the web components spec. As of 2.1.0, ajax-form no longer utilizes Shadow DOM, making this possible.


9 years ago

See #66 for more details.


9 years ago

Please see #65 for details.

You can grab the latest ajax-form on npm.


9 years ago

This is a huge release with some substantial changes, though the breaking changes noticeable to users are likely very minimal.

  1. Ajax-form no longer has any hard dependencies, not even Polymer! Ajax-form 2.0 is a pure web component able to stand on its own, and Polymer is no longer a dependency. Note that you may still use Polymer and ajax-form in your project, if you wish. Also, Polymer's custom element form fields continue to be supported as well, provided they behave like native form fields (which they should)
  2. An attempt was made to make ajax-form a bit more element-like. For example, previously, if a method attribute was not included, an Error was thrown. 2.0 is taking a different approach to make ajax-form seem a bit more native. If you don't include a method attribute in your form, a default of "GET" will be used.
  3. A bug that prevented empty text fields from being sent with the submit request has been fixed.
  4. Ajax-form is now on npm! In fact, this is definitely the preferred way to download ajax-form going forward.
  5. You can now prevent a form from being submitted simply by preventing the default action of the "submitting" event.
  6. 2.0.0 brings support for "grouped" form fields. That is, multiple form fields that share the same name attribute will all be included in the submit request for all enctypes, even "application/json"!

To download ajax-form, simply npm install ajax-form.


9 years ago

PATCH is now a supported method. Thanks to @gmercey for the pull request (#53).


9 years ago

This release fixes an issue that prevents custom elements that extend from being parsed by ajax-form.

See #51 and #52 for more details.

As always, you can access the latest version via bower.


9 years ago

1.5.0 brought a regression that prevented custom headers, specified via the headers attribute, from being sent with the request. This is fixed here in 1.5.1. See #49 for more details.

As always, you can access the latest version via bower.