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JavaScript shims and shams for making IE8-9 behave reasonably


9 years ago

Tagging this release specifically because it's where the IE8-friendly D3 builds originated.


9 years ago

This release includes an IE8-friendly build of D3 and updates the tests to run exclusively in zuul with the mocha-qunit test runner. (The qunit runner was mysteriously passing tests that failed.)

There's also a PhantomJS test (npm run test:phantom) which can be used to run the tests headlessly, and without a Sauce Labs account.


9 years ago

This release includes a new aight command-line script that rewrites JavaScript to include IE8-friendly protections. There's only one of these right now, and it's intended to make the current release (3.3.9, as of this writing) of D3 work in IE8, as discussed in this pull request.


There's no --help argument for usage yet, but here's how it works. First off, install aight via npm:

npm install aight
# or, more specifically:
npm install [email protected]

aight reads JavaScript filenames synchronously (or script source from stdin) and prints to stdout:

# make d3.js IE8-friendly
aight d3.js > d3-ie8.js
# or
cat d3.js | aight > d3-ie8.js

You can see what it does by piping in a loop:

echo "var obj = {}; for (var key in obj) console.log(key, obj[key]);" | aight

this outputs (with whitespace for clarity):

var obj = {};
for (var key in obj) if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
  console.log(key, obj[key]);

In a future release I'll be adding usage instructions to the script, and possibly adding a build step that grabs the latest d3.js and transforms it for IE8.


9 years ago

Aight v2 alpha is an almost complete rebuild that brings in some much more mature (and complilant) shims and shams, including the awesome ie8 and dom4 by Andrea Giammarchi, and html5shiv by Alexander Farkas.

See the pull request for the history and discussion.


9 years ago

This release includes some fixes to the textContent shim, courtesy of @usmonster.


9 years ago

We've ditched CSSPie in this version because it's not being used anywhere, and it's easy enough to integrate separately from aight.


10 years ago

Updated to latest es5-shim (and PIE, even though it's not used) thanks to @usmonster.