Agorakit Versions Save

Organization tool for collectives


2 years ago

This new release :

  • adds reactions on comments and discussions (same system as github)
  • provide much more robust inbound email handling, paving the way for group mailboxes !
  • Laravel 8 upgrade
  • tons of smaller improvements :-)

Discover it here : Use it here :


3 years ago

This release adds a bunch of bug fixes and some new features!

  • emoji are now correctly shown
  • settings (welcome & help pages) are now translatable
  • summernote editor instead of ckeditor for a silmplier developper experience
  • file can be dropped directly in discussions text editors : they are uploaded and referenced in the discussion
  • you can now use folders to organize files
  • correct timezone in ical feeds
  • new permission to allow registration or not
  • simplier tag ui


3 years ago

This was a long due release.

  • new russian translation thanks to the contributor zalexstudios
  • fully revamped tag system
  • partial switch to tailwind css (this is a story on it's own)
  • new mobile nav
  • licence is now agpl

9f1d978 tag system revamp wip 3172503 get rid of mix 029201b nicer loader / error msg / translations / remove mix manifest 8a61635 app css cache busting 61679e9 hotfix, group creation doesn't work if not tag limit set 3f1e622 no more history check 4c57638 some additional n+1 squeezed 5b82e43 reducing n+1 "problem" ? 8751b99 small do enhancements 646cb3e closes #341 4f93192 more cases handled 6a2e529 wip tag limitator bfb494e wip f5cb6ef Switch to select2 js lib - wip e600f65 small size change on mai container 030e078 Merge branch 'master' of 34576a2 better handling of read unread stuff 39683ef corrected file show ui 1748794 nicer handling of unread comments visual hint 9bb146f hot fix 060cb2e simple pagination on group list b2ce661 small fixes 542ba53 correct agenda boudaries ef0352f remove uneeded popper js (already included by bootstrap it seems) 74c0cae small ui fixes 4f682d2 remove kkomelin/laravel-translatable-string-exporter, will use barryvdh/laravel-translation-manager instead (now it supports json as well) 25c1466 typos in ru translations, thank you zalexstudios 4173130 localization work 2b99199 invite mail with accept/deny signed routes 2a33f65 fontawesome locally hosted - probably faster :-) 5ea2378 hotfix a477cae tags on group overview and correct view preferences 5ad007a nicer tags (and some colors are back :-) ) 0fb0422 closes #330 5e306a9 nicer map markers (imho) 129646a some more small ui fixes 2db5013 small ui fixes on users imgs mostly d43ba69 use reply-to insteal of from in contactuser mailable closes #334 f94119f new tag limit feature wip 08dc296 trying to fix pagination number of links to no avail 501380d nicer info message for connected users 49edcbc correct css for previous commit d28d196 unpoly on create forms 24ec826 correct policy on group status 8e450c0 show group status on overview 7895de7 Correct map overview vs user preferences c68972b always handle user preferences changes (via middleware) a834cf5 ui small changes better dashboard views 58fa6f7 one more time 9db2e0c correct json action output for admins 14fa094 small ui fixes fe9b251 preferences 3 states (admin mode added) 93c9ac0 show all events for super admin 1b9713a don't purge boootrap cbe0f96 correct popover and tooltip - I hate purging and building 10e6c32 upgrade to full calendar 5 - no more build dd15be4 no cover page on docs 8d773aa better and simplier group action index views 07a2856 redoing most of the stuff with tailwind, gets better 69f38f6 nicer group pages and layout caf5099 I'm not sure I like tailwind so much 7408780 better group page still need work ffadc44 getting there 7c93260 less is more c979206 removed backup package due to be465cc add spatie/backup package 723894f add block quotes to content 9d98fe5 remove "new" from discussions comment count 31703aa re-add view option dropdown c692621 correct button radius f306246 Merge pull request #319 from agorakit/new-tailwind-ui ff3223e (refs/pull/origin/319) getting there 551a3fa a more balanced mix of bootstrap and tailwind for now 16585a2 back to normal 0e13f6e bring back some styles 0e4b922 will get there 56c671f wipwipwip 981c647 lining up stuff edda2aa hard wip a695fc9 lot of work ahead f676b58 new tailwind based ui 19d5023 logo d9cd939 Merge branch 'master' of 5e00113 add search e3f280c Create CNAME 4efb943 The return of the docs in the same repository as code a3f88c0 remove html from upcoming event emails 040349c better error handling for unppoly requests d4a37b6 another bug fix in ui f18cf95 small logic bug fix 0c4603e big refactor of user attending (or not) system f197f7f small bug fix 064241a Return of per group stats 81cab00 simplier comment add form - need styling 3cac9bb correct login logic, don't check password lenght at this stage a0e5711 Russian translations, thank you zalexstudios! 6fcf99e Merge pull request #318 from hubbubhum/patch-1 1e75d1f cosmetic changes on ui ae52d92 (refs/pull/origin/318) 20200922-update-fr.json abdc0b9 Merge pull request #317 from agorakit/leaflet c69e9c6 (origin/leaflet, refs/pull/origin/317, leaflet) remove the now unneeded mapbox token 42137b7 extract map to partials to reduce code duplication d1d1385 leaflet integration works on main map! 647c5c0 modals on discussion & action create 1df0f9f newer datatables version + better mobile ui on user list 2ea8ab5 small typo 0429a70 netwrok error warning in ui d2c77ce new ckeditor build 40e776d group select on action / discussion required (client-side) 3564f56 richtext seed 16b8af1 better db seed (tags, actions, other image provider) 4002096 the return of leaflet wip cc7e74e add sponsor link 44ea4e8 correct alerts z order d88fb52 search in all not secret groups 6f29b50 correct timezone on calendar click to create event (hackish but working) 2195ed8 cache not so long images a195d66 simplier service worker registration 51d64a3 Merge branch 'master' of 9cc2eaf link to map tab without unpoly - curently no compiler for maps 4546d25 English translation proofreading by native (#304) 7215f4e no more custom fonts, hahah! a5edd9f month by default on calendar ba33e74 remember current calendar view 2a51269 allow user to create events in calendar by just clicking / dragging, youpille ! 81edee4 all error messages shown, including $message, oupsie 6eb9634 laravel 7 default public files just in case ad52528 no smooth scroll to unread items f4cb1a0 rollback bold 742ed7d test unread comments visual clue 35aa2f5 smaller tags b3b3819 better email summary 76ad9e6 switch to AGPL e9f44aa limit image cache to 5 minutes 5508826 icon controller to handle all apps icon needs in the future (?) 842f89a a bit more explicit error messages 90293d6 translations 0353ae1 better errors, always shown 03e81d5 rework once more fonts b89c799 changing caching strategy once more 00d2f1c rollback purgecss (some classes were removed while still needed, tooltips and dropdown menu for instance) 2d56e65 smaller image embeds 2c6c1b0 better strategy in service worker. probably a hude speed increase! 6874392 attempt 2 c04d1ad add service worker 0826b0a pwa work in progress 9ed212a show all tags on tag page eca35bf added unpoly css, woopsie 6cbe528 nicer js and css libs using laravel mix for most of the stuff / no more cdn (almost) - for privacy c6ffbd5 corrected calendar? a090431 new typefaces (testing) c103c4c full calendar upgrade to 4.4 - add event from calendar will return soon c0b7e77 Merge branch 'master' of 926d7ad don't show pinned discussions first on dashboard + list 20 d4c9c6c New mobile nav (#302) 78fd656 correct password reset link e6dd2a8 custom footer css/code/wathever for admin a237f2e revert test nav 388ccb8 image max width 100% everywhere decd908 drop down on files show / tagger on discussion show


3 years ago

This release adds a lot of stuff, among them are :

75334bf better oembed 8e7ee2f new tagger UI 75a9fca PIN / Archive content & groups 8738b03 allow user to change password on edit profile form bbb210d enforce unique group slugs 700a6e6 notifications sent in user locale e63dbff csv and xls export back on datatables 51c198d higher quality thumbs, 404's if file not found in storage and caching hopefuly f28879e nice generated avatars for everyone 38925b6 smaller intro on homepage for connected users - priority on discussions 67a9db6 live comment reload f0479c7 instant gratification, "realtime" chat in discussions in 15 lines of code. Need optimization and slow down when a comment is far away in time 4ea0e6d nicer comment add form (ajax load in place)


4 years ago

This version solves a few problems in the just released 1.4

  • Check the new documentations if you use post by email, the config changed : now inbound email is configured in .env

  • run php artisan agorakit:enforceuniqueusernames

You are set!


4 years ago

This release is quite a huge update :

  • laravel 7
  • ckeditor 5
  • much better inbound email handling
  • better documentation
  • honeypot on user registration form
  • send reminders to participants before an event
  • "instant" notification interval
  • more unpoly goodness (faster UI with very little effort)


4 years ago

This releases fixes tons of small bugs and add some nice features :

  • youtube & similar video links are autoembeded
  • File and discussions embeds are now properly done with picture preview inside disucssions and comments
  • Private, per-user ical feeds
  • Public ical feeds per group and for the whole install (public groups only)
  • add a "my groups" menu entry
  • artisan command to purge soft deleted files from storage (admin function)
  • controlled tagging per group can be enabled : this allows a group admin to limit the usable tags, aka controlled vocabulary
  • custom permissions on groups, allows to disable posting and commenting for regular members. This paves the way for more permissions if needed (heavy use of laravel policies now)
  • upgrade to laravel 5.8
  • allow to add files directly from comments form
  • geocode using mapbox instead of google


4 years ago

This release mainly fixes the new bugs introduced in the previous iteration, mainly in the tag system. Some small ui tweaks were made. Enjoy!


4 years ago

This release puts emphasis on tags. Tags are now everywhere, on discussions, users, actions, files. You can get an overview of the tags and their relation to the content in your groups.

This paves the way of a powerful organization tool!


4 years ago

This release is symbolic of course, with the 1.0 tag. It's also a quite mature tool now, with no errors in production's logs for the latest week. This cried for a release :-)

  • Help page with admin defined text
  • Less queries on main pages
  • API key for google maps (required for geocoding)
  • https everywhere on prod
  • better translations
  • better error messages
  • update to latest bootstrap
  • update to latest unpoly
  • group search filter with instant feedback
  • simplier UI (small changes)