Acts As Favoritor Versions Save

Adds Favorite, Follow, Vote, etc. functionality to ActiveRecord models


7 months ago

What's Changed

Full Changelog:


2 years ago

Breaking Changes

Dropped support for Ruby 2.5 and Ruby 2.6.

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog:


2 years ago

27bbd01 Fix bugs in dedup logic (#231)


2 years ago

69b0361 Prevent cached double counting and dupes (#229) 6394641 Update ci.yml 054b2c7 Bump rails from 6.1.4 to (#228) 8d7ddfe Bump rspec-rails from 5.0.1 to 5.0.2 (#227) 9deb3be Bump addressable from 2.6.0 to 2.8.0 in /spec/support/rails_app (#224) 9e3e7e0 Bump rails from to 6.1.4 (#223) 9e6a028 Bump nokogiri from 1.11.1 to 1.11.4 in /spec/support/rails_app (#221) 09453eb Bump nokogiri from 1.11.3 to 1.11.4 (#222) 4c15456 Bump puma from 3.12.6 to 4.3.8 in /spec/support/rails_app (#220) ba22f35 Bump factory_bot from 6.1.0 to 6.2.0 (#219) 31b227d Bump rails from to (#218) 7c821e2 Bump rexml from 3.2.4 to 3.2.5 (#217) 7c7a735 Update 4999e28 Bump pry from 0.14.0 to 0.14.1 (#216) 33e0a34 Bump rails from 6.1.3 to (#215) 205484b Bump rspec-rails from 5.0.0 to 5.0.1 (#214) c62859d Update 43a7140 Bump rspec-rails from 4.1.0 to 5.0.0 (#213) fffcff1 Bump rspec-rails from 4.0.2 to 4.1.0 (#212) e057b3e [#209] Test on Ruby 3 (#211) a288309 Bump rails from to 6.1.3 (#210) b279037 Bump rails from 6.1.2 to (#208) 9677191 Bump actions/setup-ruby from v1.1.2 to v1.1.3 (#207) c5989f7 Bump rails from 6.1.1 to 6.1.2 (#206) 6839886 Bump pry from 0.13.1 to 0.14.0 (#205) 67556c0 Bump nokogiri from 1.10.5 to 1.11.1 in /spec/support/rails_app (#204) 5fd4041 Bump rails from 6.1.0 to 6.1.1 (#203) b2a4c08 Bump rspec-rails from 4.0.1 to 4.0.2 (#202) e5d226f Bump rails from to 6.1.0 (#201) 5c71eaf Bump rubocop-rspec from 1.43.1 to 1.44.1 (#199) 1e7f8fa Bump rubocop from 0.89.1 to 0.93.1 (#198) 4be3481 Bump puma from 3.12.2 to 3.12.6 in /spec/support/rails_app (#194) 3a35674 Bump rails from to (#197) a40680b Bump rack from 2.0.7 to 2.2.3 in /spec/support/rails_app (#196) 649b63f Bump websocket-extensions from 0.1.3 to 0.1.5 in /spec/support/rails_app (#195) 00b51e1 Update acts_as_favoritor.gemspec


3 years ago

86835ba [#179] Update readme (#191) ba14668 [#183] Add contributing guidelines (#190) efb57a3 [#181] Add pull request template (#189) 64e97e8 [#180] Add issue templates (#188) 773cc84 [#186] Stop publishing to GPR (#187) 328b746 [#182] Add security policy (#185) 6f09805 Bump actions/setup-ruby from v1.1.1 to v1.1.2 (#178) c33ba26 Bump actions/setup-ruby from v1 to v1.1.1 (#176) ca197c5 [#173] Remove auto merge (#175) 5b297c3 [#172] Setup dependabot (#174) dca161d Update rubocop-rspec: 1.42.0 → 1.43.1 (minor) (#171) 1050a9f Update rubocop: 0.88.0 → 0.89.1 (major) (#170) 65a3e04 Update rubocop-rspec to version 1.42.0 (#166) 00294cb Update rubocop: 0.83.0 → 0.88.0 (major) (#167) c6f79df Update factory_bot to version 6.1.0 (#165) df7382b Update factory_bot to version 6.0.2 (#160) 519a6fe Update all of rails to version (#159) 9bca97f Update rack to version 2.2.3 (#158) b8fbf1b Update websocket-extensions to version 0.1.5 (#155) dfc22c8 Update all of rails to version (#152) 0bfcc5c Update rspec-rails to version 4.0.1 (#151) 455172c Update rubocop to version 0.83.0 (#150) 97d7851 Update all of rails to version 6.0.3 (#149) ad31f91 Update rubocop-rspec to version 1.39.0 (#148) 9cdf762 Update factory_bot to version 5.2.0 (#147) e274353 Update rubocop to version 0.82.0 (#146) 2103888 Update pry to version 0.13.1 (#145) 290c3c8 Update rubocop to version 0.81.0 (#144) 23d5443 Update factory_bot to version 5.1.2 (#143) 2fac7b2 Update rspec-rails to version 4.0.0 (#142) 4d02557 Update pry to version 0.13.0 (#141) fd71aa3 Update all of rails to version (#140)


4 years ago

Breaking changes:

  • Passing an array containing a single scope to a method (e.g. user.favorited?(book, scopes: [:purchase])) now returns a hash as a result (e.g. { purchase: true }). Use user.favorited?(book, scope: :purchase) to receive the same result as in earlier versions.

4c52e71 [#136] Allow either a single scope or multiple scopes to be given (#137) af354c1 Update rspec-rails to version 3.9.1 (#134) cc02985 Update rubocop to version 0.80.1 (#132) 811f8b9 Update rubocop to version 0.80.0 (#131) 59ac112 Update rubocop-rspec to version 1.38.1 (#130) 56f1912 Update rubocop-rspec to version 1.38.0 (#129) 288a463 Update nokogiri to version 1.10.8 (#128) 137c981 Update rubocop to version 0.79.0 (#127) 1fe95d2 Update all of rails to version (#125) f6a0f33 Update rubocop-rspec to version 1.37.1 (#121) dc05526 Update sqlite3 to version 1.4.2 (#124) 683055a Update rack to version 2.0.8 (#122) b3d15bb Update rubocop: 0.77.0 → 0.78.0 (major) (#126) cdea494 Update all of rails to version 6.0.2 (#120) b02fc85 Update rubocop-rspec: 1.36.0 → 1.37.0 (minor) (#117) 1d400f4 Bump puma from 3.12.1 to 3.12.2 in /spec/support/rails_app (#119) 7e83a1d Update rubocop to version 0.77.0 (#118) 53c4c3c Update all of rails: 6.0.0 → 6.0.1 (patch) (#115) 5fb9b55 Bump loofah from 2.2.3 to 2.3.1 in /spec/support/rails_app (#116) cb8014a Update rubocop to version 0.76.0 (#114) 0149f09 Update loofah to version 2.3.1 (#113) 90854e1 Update rubocop to version 0.75.1 (#112)


4 years ago

2b5250a [#107] Release workflow (#109) 87fc798 [#106] CI workflow (#108) 234883d Update rspec-rails to version 3.9.0 (#105) 0740858 Update factory_bot to version 5.1.1 (#104) 0505216 Bump rubyzip from 1.2.2 to 1.3.0 in /spec/support/rails_app (#103) a30188b Update rubocop: 0.74.0 → 0.75.0 (major) (#102) 80ed33f Update rubocop-rspec to version 1.36.0 (#101) 505fd70 Update factory_bot to version 5.1.0 (#100) d3cdd59 Update all of rails: 5.2.3 → 6.0.0 (major) (#96) dc8d7aa Bump nokogiri from 1.10.3 to 1.10.4 in /spec/support/rails_app (#97) b5ad5d8 Update nokogiri to version 1.10.4 (#95) 862bb61 Update rubocop-rspec to version 1.35.0 (#94) 403c64f Update rubocop-rspec to version 1.34.1 (#93) 79514db Update rubocop-rspec to version 1.34.0 (#92) fb8366b Update rubocop to version 0.73.0 (#91) 8c02b60 Update rubocop to version 0.72.0 (#90) d41bcc7 Update rubocop to version 0.71.0 (#89) 8979bc8 Update rubocop to version 0.70.0 (#88) f55f9ba [#85] Fix auto merge (#86)


5 years ago

6542ff2 [#79] favorited_by_type and return type (#82) 9f9e817 [#80] Remove mention of :limit and :order parameters from readme (#81) 68d7edc Fix favorite/unfavorite when used with cache (#78) bdf84e1 Update rubocop-rspec to version 1.33.0 (#76) c96a4ca Update rubocop to version 0.69.0 (#75)


5 years ago

7706740 [#71] undefined local variable or method scope when cache is used (#72) d0ec13f [#69] Fix readme (#70)


5 years ago

Breaking changes:

  • changing how blocking/unblocking works
    • only favoritables can block favoritors now
    • renaming blocks to blocked for favoritables
    • renaming blocks to blocked_by and blocked? to blocked_by? for favoritors
  • renaming remove_favorite to unfavorite
  • removing descending and recent class methods
  • removing the special handling of the :all scope

d5f3538 [#63] Write unit tests (#66)