Active Orient Versions Save

Pure Ruby interface to OrientDB


3 years ago

Introducing concurrent database queries, multiple model-dirs are allowed, New Syntax for composing match-statements


5 years ago

The Changes noticed at are included. Additionally: Cleanup and adding some features, details in the ChangeLog -> wiki


7 years ago

In addition to a few bug-fixes the gem can be included in Rails 5 projects.


7 years ago

Many Improvements.

The Prealloaction-Mechanism reads all database-classes upon booting. Classes and given Properties are present from the start without further initialisation.

The behavior of Edges and Vertices is customized model-files. These are automatically loaded through the Preallocation-Mechanism.

Most Operations are done through ActiveOrient::Models. The Database-Layer is reserved for administration tasks.


8 years ago

Small bug-Fixes and minor additions

  • Date-Fields are recognized and transformed into DateTime ruby objects
  • subqueries with a limit-specification are submitted correctly
  • Queries can be of type :select or :traverse
  • Model-Objects are compared by their @rid only, which enhances the perfromance.


8 years ago

Many bugfixes. An adapted Query-Generator is build-in. It supports the extensive use of subqueries and precompiled Statements


8 years ago

This is the first Release which completely supports the gem-mechanisms of ruby.

The Gem can be included in »Gemfile« in order to introduce it into the Bundler-environment. After that, the gem is present simply by writing

require 'active-orient'

Then Ruby-objects which define a »to_orient«.method can be stored into the database. The object-orientated schemaless design of Orientdb is perfect for persistent applications with flexible, unstructured data which fit nicely to a given ruby-object-structure. This structure is natively maintained in the database. On the ruby-side, the active-model-philosophy of Rais offers an easy access to OrientDB.